's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Advertising


If you are interested in advertising on, the following information will help you get started. Advantages of advertising here are as follows:

  • Highly focused military/security audience
  • Roughly 85% of visitors are from Canada
  • Flexibility in purchasing ad impressions or clicks
  • Multiple ad formats
  • Volume pricing plans available
  • Ad rotation over the entire site means that more visitors will see your ad
  • High site usage (see below)


On average, gets over 20,000 unique visitors viewing 750,000 objects every day. This generally translates into over 150,000 ad views, 80,000 unique ad impressions and about 100 ad clicks every day.


Ads are displayed on the entire family of sites, including,, and of course


Ads can be purchased in 2 sizes:
  • Button (120x90) - smaller rectangle ads
  • Banner (468x60) - larger banner ads
There are two purchasing options available for advertisers:
  • Purchase ad impressions:
    • Button - $20 / 50,000 impressions (that's a CPM of just $0.40!)
    • Banner - $40 / 50,000 impressions
  • Purchase ad clicks:
    • Button - $20 / 50 clicks
    • Banner - $40 / 50 clicks
While add clicks are more expensive to purchase, you are buying only guaranteed visits to your web site with this method. Alternatively, if you purchase impressions, your brand is visible to users even if they don't visit your site. In either case, your ad will remain visible to site visitors until your purchased number of clicks or impressions have been expended. You will be notified via e-mail before your ad expires, allowing renewal in a timely manner.

Your initial purchase grants you 2 unique banners to use in your campaign, additional banners (which will draw from the existing pool of impressions/clicks) are $5 per banner.

If desired, your ad campaign can be designed so that your clicks or impressions will be expended gradually. For example, you may purchase 300 clicks and wish them to be spread over a 6 month period.

Discount pricing for bulk purchases or multiple ads is also available. Prices are subject to change without notice, though purchased blocks are "locked in" at the original cost.

Ad Delivery

The advertising system can be configured to show your ad at whatever rate you desire. For example, if you have purchased 15,000 impressions and want to show 300 a day, your purchase will last for 50 days. Alternatively, if you wanted more coverage, you could elect to show your ad 500 times a day for 30 days. Duration and "intensity" of the campaign are up to you.

Your ad will appear across the family of sites, including the forums, wiki, gallery, quotes, calendar, and general information pages.


Advertisers can elect to "sponsor" a particular portion of the site. In this case, your ads would appear in only the section you are sponsoring. For example, military authors may wish to sponsor the Literature board, while equipment retailers may wish to sponsor the Equipment boards.

The benefit of sponsorships is a much tigher, topical focus. Sponsopship campaigns can be run at an additional 20% of the list price noted above.

Ad Specifications

Currently, banner ads must be 120x90 (max 15Kb) or 468x60 (max 75kb) and should be GIF, JPEG or PNG format. Alternate sizes and formats may be negotiated.


Each advertiser on will receive a weekly e-mail report (optional) that will include the number of impressions (unique visitors) and clicks that your ads have attracted. All data is automatically tracked by the advertising system, with no work required on your part.


Only advertising of "appropriate" content will be accepted. Generally, military or related advertising is preferred, while other types of advertising (such as for adult sites) will not be considered.


An example of a 120x90 ad can be seen at the right hand side of this page and an example of a 468x60 ad can be seen near the bottom of this page.

Custom Ads

In many cases, advertisers supply their own ad images. However if you don't already have an ad, one can be created for you at a flat rate as follows:
  • Button - $50
  • Banner - $75
The quality of the ad would be comparable to the following samples:

Advertising in Subscriber Packages

Subscribers are sent a package with 'goodies' when they sign up. If you'd like to have a sticker/badge/insert from your organization included in that package, please contact us (see below) and we can work out the terms.


All prices are in Canadian dollars. Payment can be made via PayPal (Army [at], cheque, money order or e-mail transfer. Bartering for ads or services may also be considered.

Where your money goes

The funds raised by the advertising are all put back into the operation and development of this site. Some examples of this follow:
  • Software, such as that used for the forums
  • Hardware upgrades, such as extra disk space
  • Network access and hosting

Non-Profit and Good Causes

Is your organization non-profit, or working hard to support the troops? If so please contact me about the possibility of free advertising opportunities.

Ads We Don't Accept

We do not post "bespoke" ads, subsidized articles or paid content in the forums. Requests for these type of ads will not be acknowledged.

More Information

If you need more information, or are ready to purchase some advertising, please send an e-mail to Army[AT]
Military Word Of The Day
D Fin Ops
Directorate Financial Operations

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Today in Military History

February 7


Allied financial resources to be united

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