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Search results

  1. J

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Hey Guys, I got in under the new Marine Tech trade!!! Got scheduled for basic starting July 22, and was wondering who else on here was going then? Cheers!
  2. J

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Hey everyone. Just wondering if anyone knows when the selection dates are for Navy E-Tech? I called the cfrc a few weeks back and got the results of my PLAR and they said all rgara left is to just wait for a phone call. I had asked if he new around when I would receive 1, and if he new when...
  3. J

    Interview date

    Finally got my interview and middle signed up!  Pretty nervous for the interview, been practicing and talking it over with my self. Has anyone recently have their interview? How was it for you guys (Not asking for teat questions,  I know your not allowed to discuss it) Cheers! Sent from my...
  4. J

    Posting Preference

    I'm trying to get in as e tech ncm. And I do apologise for posting already asked questions. Just that alot of the posted info I can find (I read this forum alot). Is fairly dated and I like fin ding more recent info! But Thanks again for the info!
  5. J

    Any FREE online aptitude tests???

    Look up cfat training on your phones market place. Helped me out alot
  6. J

    Posting Preference

    Thank you!
  7. J

    Posting Preference

    Hello, I had a quick question about being posted. I am currently in the process of getting into the navy,  and was wondering if the fores take into account where your family is located?  I am more than happy to go east or west coast but my whole family lives on the west on the island and It...
  8. J

    EGS Training

    Hey sorry for late reply. Sorry if you mis understood me.  I realize you don't need a red seal to Join. My questions is: I know hours as an Electrical Distribution tech can go towards the Canadian Red Seal program, I am just unsure if the hours as an Electrical Generating tech do or don't? I...
  9. J

    EGS Training

    Hey, Thanks. I read these responses and a guy told me to post on recruiting with questions about joining with related expierence.
  10. J

    EGS Training

    Hey guys I am looking into joining the forces as an Egs I am a 3rd year electrician and was thinking of goibg for my jman before joining up. On the forces ( site I see that quote (above) and am wondering how long it takes to be "fully trained" and how much experience I need to get a pay bump...
  11. J

    EGS Training

    Thanks! Just wondering how often you get those pay incremen's per rank?
  12. J

    EGS Training

    Thanks for the info! I have Googled exactly what you linked there many times and read alot of it!  Was looking first hand about rank ups and salaries per rank etc, and how often you need to relocate. Either way I'm super amped about joining  once I Jman tho!
  13. J

    EGS Training

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and apologise if this has been posted before, been trying to read a lot and haven't found what I was looking for. I am currently 26 and am looking to sign up to be an Egs tech or maybe an essential tech in a year and a half once my electrical appreciateship is...