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  1. J

    US Senator on North American Union (Important)

    what substance outside of a Senater debate do you need? I can't tell you about everything going on however I am against a North American Union. How about you?
  2. J

    Anyone Like Star Trek/Sci-fi ?

    Here's a treat for you sci fi fans. It's a trailer but you can find the full version if you wish. Lets hope and pray it comes out eh. I love thinking outside the box. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYbIHvblUjg (Paul Hellyer) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eUy0lLHi-w I like what Col. Phillip...
  3. J

    US Senator on North American Union (Important)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ne1_Hf0Yqo My heart briefly stopped for this. This is nuts. We the people won't allow this will we? And this one I'm still half way through but it's very interesting. In court cases allover america people are able to get away without paying taxes because the...
  4. J

    Anyone Like Star Trek/Sci-fi ?

    I like how Battlestar Galatica merges both space war and ground war together. Brilliant show just could do with some more entertaining storylines. Drags on a bit.
  5. J

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Sounds like a case for Moab if Israel and the US have the guts. This war is going to be very scarey. I think it will change the world. War in the straits of Hormuz = Oil at at least 150-300 a barrel. This is all we need for a peak oil scenario.
  6. J

    Mossad Spy Ring in 2001

    http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7545.htm This is very weird. I don't understand how this can be allowed to happen and how theĀ  Mossad on the ground in the US didn't warn America while the Mossad in Israel did give out warnings. And the Able Danger programs warnings weren't taken...
  7. J

    CF Empty Hand Combat Time for Change?

    http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-1505869179648427725&q=hand+to+hand+combat Check out this Russian Spetsnaz video on hand to hand combat. interesting to see something from the otherside every once in a while.
  8. J

    What does it mean to be Canadian?

    What really makes me proud to be Canadian is that we are welcomed in most of the friendly parts of the world. It would be a shame to lose even just this aspect of our identity. Whereas Americans travelling abroad often use our flag as cover.
  9. J

    Ottawa area vets and families! Troops need our support against Sat 28th Protest

    Where? 11Am at the Elgin St. Justice and Equality Memorial. From there they are taking it all the way to the Peace Keeping Monument. I was thinking how grand it would be if we can put our heads together on this and show our support by the number. I might even talk some camera enthusiats from my...
  10. J

    A conspiracy like no other:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdEu7wFaaK0&search=JFK%20on%20Secret%20Societies I've been told recently to watch the JFK movie with Kevin Costner and pay close attention to the General X scenes. Anyone familiar?
  11. J

    Afghanistan conspiracy theory

    War is a Racket by Major Gen. Smedley Butler http://lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm
  12. J

    avg Canuck on A-stan

    Is it wrong to feel guilty for not being in A-stan? especially when fellow Canadians are dying. Just so you know where I'm coming from I'm a University student and thinking about the mil after I'm finished. Although to be honest with you I'd rather be an NCO rather than an officer. I have some...
  13. J

    Iltis Question

    Wow this is a pretty cool site. I was looking for info on iltis jeeps that the army doesn't use anymore. I heard that it's possible to get a deal on one but I'm still looking to find where. Anybody know anything about this?