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  1. T

    Server Upgrade

    Ah, the improvements are the result of my isp connection  ;D
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    Server Upgrade

    <Troll Bait> Why not switch to debian and follow the continues upgrade approach? <!Troll Bait> I hope the sysadmin here can take a joke / poke. So far I don't see any problems. I do see a very slight improvement in responsiveness. I am assume you are using Nagios monitoring. As a system admin...
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    Resisting the Opposition’s Urge to Abandon the Afghan People

    sorry Davionn That was not directed at you. It was directed at people implying things I did not say, nor believe. I agree Harper has handled the press poorly.  He promised to bring an end to corruption, so eyes were watching him from the beginning. Lots of people are more than a little...
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    Resisting the Opposition’s Urge to Abandon the Afghan People

    Please everyone stop trolling, this is a not Liberal or Conservative forum. I am trying to help you understand  the opposition's urge to leave Afghanistan. It is Harper's governing style which is the reason why some people believe he is going to make things worse. Everyone here has heard the...
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    Resisting the Opposition’s Urge to Abandon the Afghan People

    I am trying to help you understand why some Canadians are split. They realize we need to be in Afghanistan, but under Harper's leadership we will only make things worse so we need to get out. This is an opinion people have which is not based on the work in Afghanistan, because very few people...
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    Resisting the Opposition’s Urge to Abandon the Afghan People

    An outside view If we are going to resist the urge to abandon the Afghan people, we need to understand why so many Canadians want out. One reason why many people do not support Harper in Afghanistan, has nothing to do with Afghanistan and everything to do with Harper. People do not believe...
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    Canada's purchase of the Leopard 2 MBT

    Pearson Engineering has a vehicle integration system with hydraulic jettison and quick attach. http://www.pearson-eng.com/products/viewProduct.aspx?id=15&type=m I am aware of some research into steerable pushed implements designed for use with either tracked or wheeled vehicles. I will be...
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    The Rocket Scientists Amongst Us.

    It is important not to reward destructive behavior. For this reason he should be charged with failure to provide a breath sample just like anyone else would, even though he is pretty messed up and needs help. He needs to be kept under observation. The person I knew, later tried to poison himself...
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    The Rocket Scientists Amongst Us.

    Most people will regard this person as incredibly stupid and gross. His destructive behavior speaks of self loathing. Unfortunately I have witnessed this particular type of destructive behavior. It is not pretty to see someone bleeding out the mouth. I hope he finds some help and finds the...
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    The Promote / Demote thing

    I think we need to be careful that this does not turning into nothing more than a measure of political correctness within this social group. And a measure of how much someone is liked rather than a measure of the thoughtfulness of what they write. How about rating submissions as informative...
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    Capt Francis, Capt Dawe, M/Cpl Bason, Cpl Anderson, Cpl. Bartsch, Pte. Watkins

    Good fruit lost to weeds in the field. God bless them and use us who live on to honour them. We have left the garden. In the morning man toils the earth to plant crops and in the evening man toils.  Good men toil until their day is done, not knowing which will bear fruit.
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    My take on Harper....

    Agree, but the devil is in the details. In the days of Trudeau, judges was a patronage appointments. People elected Trudeau so I guess he had the right. ha ha, just kidding, it was not a good system. After Trudeau, a systems was setup that actually resembles the election scrutineer system...
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    Great Men foolish words

    I regret what I said, it was STUPID!!
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    Great Men foolish words

    I received this in a recent email. I know this is a popular point of view. But is it productive? In his words he does not condemn them, he just kills them. He says it is God's function to forgive them, implying they are innocent. From the mouth of this man, a great leader of men, comes...
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    Opium in Afghanistan: A bad trip

    I don't agree. I grew up as farmer, and there isn't much money in crowing corn, there is lot more in marijuana. We didn't grow corn because it had comparable economic returns, but because growing marijuana met the police and bank took your farm.
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    My take on Harper....

    Exactly we agree. Having a police and crime victims representative does NOT require Harper to take away the independence of the Judiciary by adding another member selected by the Federal Government. So why is Harper undermining the independence of the Judiciary? Further more the independence of...
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    My take on Harper....

    The other area where I cannot support Harper is his handling of the Judiciary Independence. Loss of the independence of the Judiciary is a serious matter. It is because the Canadian Judiciary is independent it was able to reject recent laws imposed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that went...
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    My take on Harper....

    Support Harper for his support of the Canadian Military and his dedication to following through in Afghanistan, but not for his handling of climate change or for his desire to remove the independence of the Judiciary.
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    My take on Harper....

    To me your first comment read like this. Religion: I don\'t need facts to back up my beliefs because I have faith. Around 1100AD in Islamic world there was a struggle between philosophy and theology. Theology won and the Islam world has not advanced much since than. I am a Christian, however I...
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    My take on Harper....

    Hunteroffortune, Flip You may not like it, but Global warming is undeniable. Addressing Global Warming is addressing reality. Denial is never healthy. Please feel free to support Harper, but your take on religion and global warming is deeply troubling.