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Additional Insurance Recommended?


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Hello all,

Question from a reservist here:

What kind of insurance coverage is there while on course during summer training? Is it recommended to get additional insurance for injury/dismemberment?
My concern is about what kind of coverage the CF provides as standard in the event than an injury prevents me from working my civie-side job.

I've asked my CoC and been informed there is no 'additional coverage' while on course.

Thanks for any info/insight you can provide,

Do you have short term or long term disability in your civie job? The forces wouldn't pay you benefits for lost work on the civie side should you get injured. Not sure what they would cover.

EI - would help you if your wages dropped below 40% of your current earnings. There's other stipulations, google EI Insurance sickness benefits.
There's a CBI that provides some coverage for reservists injured on duty, as well as another federal program whose name escapes me - GECA, perhaps.

Before taking out any additional insurance review the exclusions; many policies explicitly exclude all military training or activities.  They'll gladly take your premiums, of course, then point to the fine print if you ever need to collect.  Caveat Emptor definitely applies.
Oatmeal said:
Is it recommended to get additional insurance for injury/dismemberment?

Depends on what benefits your full-time employer provides.

For non-occupational ( ie: not in the Line of Duty - no WSIB report ) illness and injury, where I used to work paid your Life Insurance, Survivor Benefits, Accidental Death and Disability, Sick Bank, and Long Term Disability if you could not return to work ( 75% of earnings, to age 65 * ). You remain on full health and dental benefits.

Best bet is to read your collective agreement ( if you have one ).

Also, check to see if your employer has a "Military Leave Policy", as that may affect your pay and benefits.

* Taxable, no Cost of Living Allowance ( COLA ).
I'll direct you to the SISIP website for the coverage you get as a reservist https://www.cfmws.com/en/AboutUs/SISIPFS/Insurance/Pages/default.aspx
