Yes, things sure have changed! Doesn't sound a bit like Cornwallis. (OK, I fib, we still had to do the sewing, and we had the "Cornwallis Hack" which was a cold-type cough that lasted until you left). Regardless, doesn't matter who you talk to, someone always had it worse.
I admit that I am enjoying the updates by CL84. I find it entertaining, to say the least. I was in St. Jean last November, for my first time ever, and must admit that the "Mega" is something to behold. I never said I liked it, or agreed with how things are done, but it was quite a concept having almost every facility indoors. Personally, I found it too confining. I'd take the Cornwallis Hack back anyday. That being said, I wonder if they still feel, "Ten feet tall and bullet-proof" on graduation of the best parades of your career?
Oh well, for those about to graduate, and for those that are taking the big leap into the CF

Make the best of it, because the bad times are often forgotten, in lieu of the good times. Years down the road, you'll continue to laugh about "Basic" with people you joined with, that you'll meet in the strangest of places. I wouldn't give it up for the world ;D There really is "No life like it" (Why did they ever get rid of those commercials?)