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Best trades for back injuries


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Good day all,

I was wondering if anyone out there other than myself has had back surgery or injuries, and have remustered.

I am trying to look at future options for myself that will potentially further my service with the CF.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks and enjoy your day.

I have been suggested that before. I thought MSE Op and i have a bit of training towards that but I am not sure if it is the best idea.
The big thing to remember is "Universality of Service" .  You have to remember that even if you do remuster to a supposedlly office job like clerk you still might be deployed to the field.  I can remember one ex when for a BN advance they had all off Admin Coy out and they were employed as ammo carriers for the firebase.  Also when I was in a rifle Coy they rountinly made the clerk deploy on winter ex and participate in pairs fire and movement.

Before you take any advice from this source, be aware that this is the Internet. Not the best place to get career advice.

Your best bet is to work with the Chain of Command and the Health Services folk.

PM me if you want further direction.
dangerboy said:
The big thing to remember is "Universality of Service" .  You have to remember that even if you do remuster to a supposedlly office job like clerk you still might be deployed to the field.  I can remember one ex when for a BN advance they had all off Admin Coy out and they were employed as ammo carriers for the firebase.  Also when I was in a rifle Coy they rountinly made the clerk deploy on winter ex and participate in pairs fire and movement.

And there are always Clerks that live to get into the field and do all that silly bu66er stuff.  I used to get fairly disappointed when the Bn was going on an Ex and the C Clk told me I couldn't go and had to do rear party stuff instead.

Of course, now I'm a civvy and never deploy anymore...  crud...
Initially I thought he might be asking which trades are best to "get" a back injury!  ;D

My guess would be any of the combat arms might be at the top of that list.
If you have back issues, sitting for a long period of time bouncing up and down on a seat is a good way to worsen disc problems...I'd reconsider MSE Op IMHO.

It all depends on the type of back injury. Lower, mid, upper: crushed, herniated, fused disks; etc and how much pain you are wiling to put up with. Also, what the MO is willing to allow you to put up with.

I have seen a number of MSE Ops (mil and civ) remustered/released due to back injuries. It might be ok when you are doing the Base mail run (large packages aside), but what about a grader doing snow removal? Not a smooth ride at all; those vibrations can be killer. Go the other way and drive a highway cruiser (bus) and you are sitting for upwards of 10 hours (or more up to the legal max as stated in the 548 Transport Manual). Also not good.

Some actions/positions are going to agravate your injury more. Look at those positions and then ask people "How often do you do X in Y trade?"

Thanks all for the advice, and Jim i guess the gods have to be lenient with some of the situations we have to deal with down here.
