Army.ca Veteran
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Some of the things that I will discuss here have been touched on in other threads, but I wanted to put some ideas out there for feedback, criticism and a healthy reality check. I posted similar threads in the now defunct CF forum about a year ago, so forgive me if I repeat some things.
My aim is to propose a force employment model based on current equipment or that which is planned to enter service soon in Canada. I am proposing that we employ our "mounted" forces (think primarily LAV IIIs and Coyotes) as Cavalry and not as wheeled Battle Group that tries to conduct business as usual with MGS/MMEV substituted for tanks. I borrow heavily from US doctrine but I have tried to make it suitable for Canada.
My assumptions are that we do not retain out tanks or buy new ones (something that I am admittedly not happy about), that we continue to deploy roughly battalion sized contingents and that we will continue to face a threat spectrum ranging from terrorists/insurgents to organized if outdated conventional forces. I believe that a force equipped solely with LAVs, Coyotes, LAV TOW and even the MMEV (ADATS) and MGS cannot try to function as a normal "heavy" mechanized battlegroup. It cannot manoeuvre in the face of the enemy and cannot conduct breaches or mounted assaults against prepared defences without sustaining heavy casualties. US and UK forces can take hits from enemy anti-tank fire with a much more reduced chance of fatalities than a force with only LAVs. With the tank gone we must adapt and find a role that we can do with our mounted forces.
The role of this proposed Cavalry Task Force (or Battlegroup etc) would be to provide security for higher level formations. This would include the obtaining of information regarding the enemy and terrain while denying the same to the enemy. It could support allied Brigades, Divisions or even Corps. It could perform economy of force tasks and would be very suitable for stability operations and "peacekeeping."
The Task Force would be centred around a robust Regimental HQ and would include as a minimum a Reconnaissance Squadron equipped with Coyote and a Mechanized Infantry Company equipped with LAV IIIs. Each of these sub-units would include a LAV TOW Platoon/Troop if the force is deployed to an Area of Operations containing threat armour (virtually anywhere). The task of the Reconnaissance Squadron would be to answer the questions posed by the supported Commander (usually finding the enemy and assessing terrain) while the task of the Infantry Company would be to enable the Reconnaissance Squadron to complete its task. Depending on the threat environment an indirect fire battery (guns or mortars) could be added to give integral fire support. The task of this battery would not be to destroy the enemy but rather to give the Recce Sqn freedom of manoeuvre (and bail it out of tight spots!). Depending on the size of the supported formation additional Recce Sqns and/or Infantry Companies could be added, but I suggest that a combined total of of four would be the maximum.
The HQ would be based on a Battlegroup Headquarters but would include at a minimum an FSCC (with or without a battery) and a robust ISTAR CC. I believe that either an Armoured or Infantry HQ could do the job, but I would suggest that an Armoured RHQ would be more suited for supporting a formation and that an Inf HQ would be more suited to assuming an independent AO in a stability operation. The Task Force would be supported by a CSS subunit that would in turn be supported by the NSE. An ISTAR Company/Squadron could also be added with Electronic Warfare, Counter Battery Radar and UAVs. I include UAVs with some trepidation, and these may well belong at a higher level as a independent sub-unit of their own.
In offensive operations covering the advance of a higher formation the Task Force would advance with its Coyotes leading. The Infantry company(ies) would be used to either neutralize enemy Pl sized security elements as well as clearing out enemy OPs (but not combat team quick attacks). The indirect fire support battery (if included) would give suppressive fires to allow the Recce and Infantry elements to manoeuvre. The Task Force would have a two-fold mission of both finding the main enemy defences and also finding and neutralizing enemy security/recce forces. RHQ would coordinate this while the integral ISTAR CC would collect and analyse the information before passing it back to the supported formation. The Cavalry Task Force would avoid pitched battle, and would not attempt to breach enemy defences or assault defended positions. Once the main enemy defences were found (bypass no longer possible) they would be fully described by the Task Force and then handed-off to follow on heavy forces (US or UK). It could also be used to exploit breakthroughs and gaps in the enemy's defences.
In defensive operations (perhaps a stability or peacekeeping operation gone bad), the Coyotes would identify the enemy's recce and main body forces. The infantry would destroy the enemy recce and could conduct delay operations (although lacking tanks I would advise against this). TOW is included in both sub-units to give the Coyotes protection against armoured threats and give the Infantry Companies the ability to destroy enemy tanks (I know that the 25mm is powerful, but let's not count on it to destroy tanks if we do not have too).
EW would have a key role in any operation by both collecting information about the enemy as well as interfering the enemy's ability to pass back information. Tactical UAVs and CBRs would bring excellent Surveillance and Target Acquisition capabilities, although they also entail logistical problems that may preclude them keeping pace in a mobile battle.
I do not wish to discuss cap badges here, but obviously this Cavalry Task Force would contain many MOCs. It would not have to be a formed unit (although I would like it to be), but it could be built with formed sub-units. I have also avoided discussing the Mobile Gun System and MMEVs here, since they are not on line yet and I have doubts about their ability to support a mobile force. If pressed, I would put an MGS Tp in each Company and keep a MMEV Tp as an RHQ asset (but the air defence capabilities would be hard to integrate/coordinate at this level without a large increase in the size of the HQ.
This proposal (admittedly not radically original by any stretch) would enable Canada to deploy a force capable of fulfilling an important role in support of our coalition partners while not committing our forces to battles they cannot win. I believe that our days of combat team quick attacks are coming to a close as the tanks disappear and that we need to focus on tasks that we could successfully accomplish.
Thanks for reading my rather long-winded post and I look forward to having some holes (sabot, bayonet or otherwise) being poked through it!
My aim is to propose a force employment model based on current equipment or that which is planned to enter service soon in Canada. I am proposing that we employ our "mounted" forces (think primarily LAV IIIs and Coyotes) as Cavalry and not as wheeled Battle Group that tries to conduct business as usual with MGS/MMEV substituted for tanks. I borrow heavily from US doctrine but I have tried to make it suitable for Canada.
My assumptions are that we do not retain out tanks or buy new ones (something that I am admittedly not happy about), that we continue to deploy roughly battalion sized contingents and that we will continue to face a threat spectrum ranging from terrorists/insurgents to organized if outdated conventional forces. I believe that a force equipped solely with LAVs, Coyotes, LAV TOW and even the MMEV (ADATS) and MGS cannot try to function as a normal "heavy" mechanized battlegroup. It cannot manoeuvre in the face of the enemy and cannot conduct breaches or mounted assaults against prepared defences without sustaining heavy casualties. US and UK forces can take hits from enemy anti-tank fire with a much more reduced chance of fatalities than a force with only LAVs. With the tank gone we must adapt and find a role that we can do with our mounted forces.
The role of this proposed Cavalry Task Force (or Battlegroup etc) would be to provide security for higher level formations. This would include the obtaining of information regarding the enemy and terrain while denying the same to the enemy. It could support allied Brigades, Divisions or even Corps. It could perform economy of force tasks and would be very suitable for stability operations and "peacekeeping."
The Task Force would be centred around a robust Regimental HQ and would include as a minimum a Reconnaissance Squadron equipped with Coyote and a Mechanized Infantry Company equipped with LAV IIIs. Each of these sub-units would include a LAV TOW Platoon/Troop if the force is deployed to an Area of Operations containing threat armour (virtually anywhere). The task of the Reconnaissance Squadron would be to answer the questions posed by the supported Commander (usually finding the enemy and assessing terrain) while the task of the Infantry Company would be to enable the Reconnaissance Squadron to complete its task. Depending on the threat environment an indirect fire battery (guns or mortars) could be added to give integral fire support. The task of this battery would not be to destroy the enemy but rather to give the Recce Sqn freedom of manoeuvre (and bail it out of tight spots!). Depending on the size of the supported formation additional Recce Sqns and/or Infantry Companies could be added, but I suggest that a combined total of of four would be the maximum.
The HQ would be based on a Battlegroup Headquarters but would include at a minimum an FSCC (with or without a battery) and a robust ISTAR CC. I believe that either an Armoured or Infantry HQ could do the job, but I would suggest that an Armoured RHQ would be more suited for supporting a formation and that an Inf HQ would be more suited to assuming an independent AO in a stability operation. The Task Force would be supported by a CSS subunit that would in turn be supported by the NSE. An ISTAR Company/Squadron could also be added with Electronic Warfare, Counter Battery Radar and UAVs. I include UAVs with some trepidation, and these may well belong at a higher level as a independent sub-unit of their own.
In offensive operations covering the advance of a higher formation the Task Force would advance with its Coyotes leading. The Infantry company(ies) would be used to either neutralize enemy Pl sized security elements as well as clearing out enemy OPs (but not combat team quick attacks). The indirect fire support battery (if included) would give suppressive fires to allow the Recce and Infantry elements to manoeuvre. The Task Force would have a two-fold mission of both finding the main enemy defences and also finding and neutralizing enemy security/recce forces. RHQ would coordinate this while the integral ISTAR CC would collect and analyse the information before passing it back to the supported formation. The Cavalry Task Force would avoid pitched battle, and would not attempt to breach enemy defences or assault defended positions. Once the main enemy defences were found (bypass no longer possible) they would be fully described by the Task Force and then handed-off to follow on heavy forces (US or UK). It could also be used to exploit breakthroughs and gaps in the enemy's defences.
In defensive operations (perhaps a stability or peacekeeping operation gone bad), the Coyotes would identify the enemy's recce and main body forces. The infantry would destroy the enemy recce and could conduct delay operations (although lacking tanks I would advise against this). TOW is included in both sub-units to give the Coyotes protection against armoured threats and give the Infantry Companies the ability to destroy enemy tanks (I know that the 25mm is powerful, but let's not count on it to destroy tanks if we do not have too).
EW would have a key role in any operation by both collecting information about the enemy as well as interfering the enemy's ability to pass back information. Tactical UAVs and CBRs would bring excellent Surveillance and Target Acquisition capabilities, although they also entail logistical problems that may preclude them keeping pace in a mobile battle.
I do not wish to discuss cap badges here, but obviously this Cavalry Task Force would contain many MOCs. It would not have to be a formed unit (although I would like it to be), but it could be built with formed sub-units. I have also avoided discussing the Mobile Gun System and MMEVs here, since they are not on line yet and I have doubts about their ability to support a mobile force. If pressed, I would put an MGS Tp in each Company and keep a MMEV Tp as an RHQ asset (but the air defence capabilities would be hard to integrate/coordinate at this level without a large increase in the size of the HQ.
This proposal (admittedly not radically original by any stretch) would enable Canada to deploy a force capable of fulfilling an important role in support of our coalition partners while not committing our forces to battles they cannot win. I believe that our days of combat team quick attacks are coming to a close as the tanks disappear and that we need to focus on tasks that we could successfully accomplish.
Thanks for reading my rather long-winded post and I look forward to having some holes (sabot, bayonet or otherwise) being poked through it!