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CBC The National


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For anyone who is interested, next week as part of its "Road Stories: The Home Front" special, the National will be featuring stories from CFB Edmonton on Monday, CFB Trenton on Tuesday, and CFB Petawawa on Wednesday. Its apparently going to examine soldiers preparing for duty in Afghanistan, as well as their families preparing for their absence.

It was advertised on the tail end of an "Inside the Mission" report by Brian Stewart. The story went into the incorrect perception that Canada has done less than its share in recent decades, and that Kandahar represents Canada finally picking up the slack (this POV has been furthered by statements made by the PM and Gen. Hillier, but they were more to do with funding rather than operations). This is apparently one reason why European nations have been so slow to help combat the Taliban in Afghanistan. Anyways, the story debunked this myth rather authoritatively by mentioning Bosnia, Somalia, Kosovo, Haiti and East Timor, and generally pointed out the intense operational tempo for the CF in the 1990s. One quote was something to the effect of "We were very committed to European security issues in the 1990s. We were watching their backyard for most of the decade. It's ironic now that they won't help us" Thats not word for word, but you get the point. Anyways, I was very impressed by the stories, they were relatively unbiased, which meant that the positive contributions of the CF worldwide could not be hidden. When they mentioned the Somalia mission I was waiting for a pre affixed "ill fated" or "disasterous", but Stewart only described (and quite accurately) the forces we committed there.

Even if CBC as a whole does not do a good job reporting on the CF, I would argue that Brian Stewart has done an excellent job here, and the fact that CBC is showing reports like this one as well as ones next week is also a commendable improvement.
Yeah I saw the tail end of the report by Brian Stewart and I am looking forward to seeing the special, it should be good.
Kilo_302 said:
featuring stories from CFB Edmonton on Monday, CFB Trenton on Tuesday, and CFB Petawawa on Wednesday. Its apparently going to examine soldiers preparing for duty in Afghanistan
So why are they going to Trenton?
  To cover the Air Force's part of the story - tpt, logistics sp tail etc.
Sorry, my point was "...going to examine soldiers preparing for duty in Afghanistan."

Never mind, neither my comment nor explanation were worth the bandwidth.

And yes....I know that there are approx 600 zoomies involved in the op.
What I saw was Stewart and Mansbridge pushing the point that going from Kabul to Kandahar was a mistake based on a lie or "misperception".  I thought it was quite shoddy reporting and would have liked to see O'Connor or Hillier there to rebut it.

Also, the report vastly overstated the importance of our role in the Gulf War and while our pilots may have dropped 10% (really?) of the bombs in Kosovo, weren't most or all unguided?
I would be wary of "The National"... 

I had the displeasure of dealing with them before, and they have a tendency to cut up interviews, giving quotes out of context - Presumably to give the story more 'spin'.
Cute girl did the interviews though  ;D

I can only hope they are respectful and somewhat accurate.
Kilo_302 said:
The story went into the incorrect perception that Canada has done less than its share in recent decades, and that Kandahar represents Canada finally picking up the slack (this POV has been furthered by statements made by the PM and Gen. Hillier, but they were more to do with funding rather than operations).

The Kandahar Campaign does represent Canada picking up its slack in defence and security commitments, both in the size of the Task Force and its mission, but in finally acquiring the tools and resources (M777's, Strategic Airlift, Nyala's, etc) to take in a more serious role. The Canadian Forces has been stretched very thin, making huge commitments for its size, and coming up with tremendous results. However, I agree with the original premise, that Canada as a nation has not stepped up to the plate the way it should.

Kilo_302 said:
Anyways, the story debunked this myth rather authoritatively by mentioning Bosnia, Somalia, Kosovo, Haiti and East Timor, and generally pointed out the intense operational tempo for the CF in the 1990s.

While all of those missions are impressive for a 55,000-person force undergoing massive cuts and lacking domestic support, they do not represent a sizable contribution for a G8 Nation of 33 million people.

That said, most European nations aren't much better, and if they do have higher defence spending that doesn't always translate into more overseas operations. I don't see any connection between today's European hesitation to commit to combat in Afghanistan and a perceived lack of contribution by Canada in past. European policy is driven by their own domestic concerns, not what they think of Canada. 