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Combat engineer closed?


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hey I 'd like to know why is the combat engineer closed? After months and months of waiting I've been waiting for an answer form the CF to see if I'm medically fit. I just got an answer today and I am YES. I was worried because of medical issues. One of them was my eyes. I have amblyopia 20/20 left 20/100 right and i was scared of being given a V4 because of that eye. And I've been reading allot on this forum and i' ve saw that people with the same thing as me was put V4 so no combat arms trad (wish suck) but no I'm V3  ;D . But the problem now is that I chose combat engineer and they told me it was closed and i was put on the merit list. so why is it close
Probably because there is a back log here at CFSME in getting courses off the ground.
It is more than likely only "closed" for the rest of the fiscal year (Apr to Apr) as all the positions (available training spots) have been filled.  You may have a bit of a wait, but at least you're through the toughest application hurdles.
Who knows??
See must post above. We have a limited amount of instructors and training resources to teach each course.

Also there is like 100 or so waiting on PAT PLT here at CFSME.
Hmm, thats what I was applying for also. I may have more time to get ready then I planned.

Also may switch back with my initial plan of waiting for a slot in the infantry.

Def. got my best wishes in your goals!
Combat Engineer is closed until April 2010. We filled all the available positions for this fiscal year. Infantry is closed as well. These occupations will probably open up again in April when we get our numbers for next year. If you want a Combat Arms position you'll have to chose either Artillery or Armoured Crewman (tank driver).
wow that sucks.... so does it mean for thoes who chose combat engineer, have to wait until april or we can still get a chance to get a job offer
ufm101 said:
wow that sucks.... so does it mean for thoes who chose combat engineer, have to wait until april or we can still get a chance to get a job offer

You may get a job offer if someone drops out or is unable to attend trainings, however, I wouldn't count on it.  There's also the option of taking another trade, but if you really want Combat Engineer, my advice it to wait it out.
PMedMoe is right. You can either pick another trade or wait until it opens up in April. However, bare in mind that if you choose to wait you will be processed when there is an opening. It may take a while longer. If that's what you have your heart set on then wait. It's your call.
Oh man this is really horrible news. So as it stands anyone who has not been offered the Trade yet has no chance of being a combat engineer unless they wait untill april?
That is correct. And come April, anyone who still wants combat engineer will still be in competition with everyone else who has also been waiting to apply for combat engineer. Hopefully there won't be too big of a backlog.
Well I guess I'll start looking for a McJob to pass the time untill April. At least I wont have to do basic in the winter I guess.

You'd think that the recruitment centre would have given me a heads up that Combat Engineer was almost full when I had my interview and all that jazz...

Sam 45 said:
You'd think that the recruitment centre would have given me a heads up that Combat Engineer was almost full when I had my interview and all that jazz...

Each individual recruiting centre probably has no idea.
  Do you think they all contact each other at the end of the day and compare notes?    ::)

Edit to strike out part corrected by FDO.  ;D
When they say a trade is "closed", does that refer to NCM and officers or only NCM?
bdave said:
When they say a trade is "closed", does that refer to NCM and officers or only NCM?

Depends on the trade.  Combat Engineer may be closed, but Engineer Officer may not be.  Different MOCs.
"Closed" is a term we use to describe whether there are any opening. It doesn't matter, Officer or NCM. Combat Engineer (NCM) is closed, Construction Engineer (Officer) is still open.

Every Recruiting Centre has access to the numbers of openings in ALL trades. It is a realtime number. I can tell you exactly at any given time (from my office) how many openings there are in any trade in the CF.

Why they didin't tell you it was close to closing could be for any number of reasons. We do, on occasion get runs on trades. We may have several of the same trade get selected on the same day. Toronto has 4 Dets that cover over 7 million people. It's not uncommon to select 4 or 5 of one trade at a time. Now consider there are 10 other Centres with several Dets each. When you started the process there could have been 8 or 10 positions. After two weeks that goes down to 4 then next day 0. 

It happens. Make the call, wait or take another trade. Makes no difference to us except that your file is gathering dust. Alas bear in mind, summer in Bootcamp isn't all that much fun either!