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Army.ca Dinosaur
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Contact: Taken from a book by the same name by Lt. AFN (Tony) Clark, formerly with 3 PARA. Based on a tour 3 PARA completed in 1976 where alot of sh*t was taken and dished out. Looks like every thing that happened to the whole battalion happened to this one multiple though, so the film came in for alot of abuse for that. The Officer comes across as a complete wanker, although the way the Toms are portrayed is accurate except that everyone's always very serious, which was never the case. The kit worn and carried is quite accurate except that everyone wore red berets, not just the aforementioned wanker.

Generally, it gives a good idea of what it was like in South Armagh and elsewhere on the border up to the the late 80s I'd guess, except the indisciminant killing of unarmed and apparently innocent civilians in broad daylight of course. We preferred to commit those kind of atrocities at night, right before being beamed up by the QRF space ship.

If you go to segment 2, start it at about the 8 minute point, you'll see a gunfight sequence they used to show alot as part of NITAT training. This was all very cool stuff in the Pre-Saving Private Ryan days...

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I purchased the book when it first came out.  At the time I thought it was okay, although I couldn't believe that every housewife in Ulster was waiting for a patrol of paratroopers to come by, as the characters in the book seemed to suggest.  I have to admit it's been a long time since I've read it so the memories of it are rather dim.  Strange how that is one of the things that stayed with me!

Is there anything that you can tell us about AFN Clark, like was that his real name or a nom de plume, did he stay in the regiment or was he a short service commissioned officer, what happened to him as a result of the book, and how was the book received after publication?

It must have been pretty well received if it was made into a movie.

Enquiring (sic) minds want to know.

I never met him but, after the movie came out, I heard all about him from those who did.

I think he was a short service commission officer, served about 4 or 5 years, was a big gangly geeky looking guy with glasses, and was said to be a bit of a 'Walt' i.e., Walter Mitty. Nevertheless, I think he captured well some of the stresses of long term COIN ops at the platoon level, especially in NI - 99% sheer boredom and drudgery punctutated with 1% pure terror. I can't think of another book and movie combination that has done so as well as this one.

daftandbarmy said:
Generally, it gives a good idea of what it was like in South Armagh and elsewhere on the border up to the the late 80s I'd guess, except the indisciminant killing of unarmed and apparently innocent civilians in broad daylight of course. We preferred to commit those kind of atrocities at night, right before being beamed up by the QRF space ship.

XMG...BBK and Forkill.....fondest memories!!!  :salute:
Ah yes... who can forget the wonderful bouquet of aircraft kero blended in with burning rubbish, a hint of peat smoke and the pong of your oppo's sweat, complimented by a greasy egg banjo consumed while gazing out across the scenic, rain slick, XMG town square - adorned with a statue to the glory of IRA heroes everywhere - from the palatial confines of Barucki Sangar during the drag stag? That was the life... of sorts
daftandbarmy said:
Ah yes... who can forget the wonderful bouquet of aircraft kero blended in with burning rubbish, a hint of peat smoke and the pong of your oppo's sweat, complimented by a greasy egg banjo consumed while gazing out across the scenic, rain slick, XMG town square - adorned with a statue to the glory of IRA heroes everywhere - from the palatial confines of Barucki Sangar during the drag stag? That was the life... of sorts

Flock me...keep this up and I will be putting a claim in to the mods for PTSD compensation. 

Now where is the CHOKEE...I need a shitty burger and an illegal beer....

Bygone days...thank F_ck...