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CSOR & JTF2 Recruiting

  • Thread starter Thread starter SheldonDVerge
  • Start date Start date


In order to apply for one of these special grouples do you need experince in the combat arms trade? You might be saying "well obviously" but hear me out. I'm looking to going into Combat Engineer and after about 2-5 years of service I would like to try Special forces. DO they accept the combat engineer personal or only combat arms trade people like Infantry?
ANY trade... I say again ANY trade can try out to be a JTF2 Assaulter or CSOR Operator..  As well Combat Arms pers can try out to be a Supporter in those units as well.

Also.. Combat Engineer is a Combat Arms trade..

If you spent 5 minutes doing your own research/searching you would have found this out.
I guess you forgot all about your thread from last year  ::)


Looking at your posts it looks like you wanted to join the Navy.... then you were going into the Infantry Reserves.... now you want to join as a Combat Engineer..

Get into the CF first as a trade you would want to do for awhile(especially since you may not make it into CANSOF)...  then once you are trained up and in a unit you can start to think about CANSOFCOM.
It's a good thing you came and posted(essentially repeating what I said) JayB or else the answer I gave would have no credibility  ::)
-Skeletor- said:
It's a good thing you came and posted(essentially repeating what I said) JayB or else the answer I gave would have no credibility  ::)
LOL I thought I'd give him an example :O
-Skeletor- said:
It's a good thing you came and posted(essentially repeating what I said) JayB or else the answer I gave would have no credibility  ::)

:tsktsk: We don't need you and your experience and time-in and real knowledge of how the CF operates plaguing our forums  ::)

The epiphany that lead to an apology is really working out.........
JayB said:
LOL I am aren't I? I guess it's just a really good day ;)

If you enjoy this forum and posting here you need to calm down, relax and stop posting so much.

Otherwise you're going to step on too many dicks and get banned.

Your posts are painting you to have the mentality of a child.  If you're serious about joining the military in a few years then try and mature a little.
I was just sharing what the CSOR recruiter said to me :S Never said I was an operator myself.
ObedientiaZelum said:
.... Otherwise you're going to step on too many dicks and get banned ....
Mostly your own.

Smart advice OZ has given you, JayB.
MrGamertag1500 said:
Do you guys know how to apply?

First get in and do basic training. That will answer most of your questions...
MrGamertag1500 said:
Do you guys know how to apply?

Well. I was nice to the kid but advised him that we do not just delete accounts and allow people to create second ones. I advised him to change his screen name, post an pology and go from there. I saw the apology and thought that was it but then see the second account.

And people wonder why the staff get crusty around here.

You can bet I won't go so easy on the next kid who steps on their dick with a few posts.
Scott said:
Well. I was nice to the kid but advised him that we do not just delete accounts and allow people to create second ones. I advised him to change his screen name, post an pology and go from there. I saw the apology and thought that was it but then see the second account.

And people wonder why the staff get crusty around here.

You can bet I won't go so easy on the next kid who steps on their dick with a few posts.

But,..but,..you're our cute and cuddly Mod........ :clubinhand:
On a lighter note:  Saw the JTF2 recruiting booth in Ottawa at the Army Run.  Was just amazed how in 6 months we have gone from "doesn't exist" to large recruiting booths, just a funny thought.


PViddy said:
Was just amazed how in 6 months we have gone from "doesn't exist" to large recruiting booths, just a funny thought.


At least for as long as I have been in the CF,  I don't recall there being any denial of JTF2 existing.  Plus for the last couple years(maybe/probably longer) there have been those JTF2 posters/banners(as well as CSOR) hung up in base gyms, etc.  I think the JTF2 internet site has been around for quite a while too,  I remember looking at it back in 2008.

Only thing new may be them having a booth at the Army Run,  and having a news article printed about them during Op Nanook.