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Army.ca Fixture
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Ok I’ve heard of some PC stupidity over the years but this person sets a new standard for it.



reproduced with the usual caveats yada yada yada

A mayor is being ridiculed after calling for an infantry battalion not to carry their weapons during a Remembrance Day parade because they are “too violent”.

Hilary Beach wants the Rifles 1st Battalion to march without their guns on Sunday.

Ms Beach, Labour mayor of Chepstow, said the ceremony should be a time for peace.

But last night veterans said her comments were “ridiculous” and “political correctness gone mad”.

Ms Beach said: “I would prefer for there not be any guns at the Remembrance Day parade. I am against this violence.
But I hold Remembrance Day as extremely important and it is vital that members of the armed forces are in attendance.

“I have always thought about Remembrance Day as a time for peace and to remember those who have lost their lives. Everybody is worried about the rise in gun crime and violence.”

Ms Beach made the plea for The Rifles, from nearby Beachley Barracks, to be unarmed at a meeting of Chepstow council.

Ned Heywood, a former mayor, said Ms Beech received no support “but it was all very civilised and Ms Beach accepted the views of the majority”.

But Tom King, president of the local Royal British Legion, said: “What she said is ridiculous. The regiment is called the Rifles and they would feel naked without them. It’s like asking a tank regiment to parade without tanks.”
Danjanou said:
Ms Beach said: “I would prefer for there not be any guns at the Remembrance Day parade. I am against this violence.
But I hold Remembrance Day as extremely important and it is vital that members of the armed forces are in attendance.

“I have always thought about Remembrance Day as a time for peace and to remember those who have lost their lives. Everybody is worried about the rise in gun crime and violence.”

I am sure veterans won the wars by tossing liberal fufu grown flowers at the enemies ::) or maybe she should just STFU.

Them "peace" loving hippies never cease to amaze me  ???
Danjanou said:
But Tom King, president of the local Royal British Legion, said: “What she said is ridiculous. The regiment is called the Rifles and they would feel naked without them. It’s like asking a tank regiment to parade without tanks.”

Welcome to the Reserve Armour Corp.  :P

Is that what they call Rememberance Day in the UK?  Poppy Day?  Or is that yet another way to tear down an institution, just like "the holiday season" or "festive spring eggs" and other such tripe? 
We called it Poppy Day when I was in school over there and I came over in 1966.  In 1963-64 troops were dying in Borneo and other places.  It wasn't a lack of respect......Just the name.
This was only one voice and as far as I'm concerned she got way too much publicity. the other good citizens of the town did not agree with her.
She is clearly delusional - but I'll posit this:

WRT Freedom of the City etc., does the Mayor of a ville not have the ability to at least request this sort of thing?  I mean, they can grant Freedom of the City as an honour - why could they not suggest something like this?

Again, I disagree with her entirely - I'm just offering that bit of historical "What if?"
Honestly I cant remember ever carrying a weapon on rememberance day.Makes it easier after parade to head to the legion as well.
Off Subject, but still relevent to theme:

British Government Announces New Plans for Royal Navy

Details have been released regarding Britain's next generation of fighting ships: the Royal Navy is proud of the cutting edge capability of the fleet of Type 45 destroyers.

Costing £750 million, they have been designed to meet the needs of the 21st century; in addition to state of the art technology, weaponry, and guidance systems, the ships will comply with the very latest employment, equality, health & safety and human rights legislation.

They will be able to remain at sea for several months and positively bristle with facilities. For instance, the new user friendly crow's nest comes equipped with wheelchair access. Live ammunition has been replaced with paintballs to reduce the risk of anyone getting hurt and to cut down on the number of compensation claims. Stress councillors and lawyers will be on duty 24hrs a day, and each ship will have it's own onboard industrial tribunal.

The crew will be 50/50 men and women, and balanced in accordance with the latest Home Office directives on race, gender, sexuality and disability. Sailors will only have to work a maximum of 37hrs per week in line with Brussels Health & Safety rules even in wartime! All bunks will be double occupancy, and the destroyers will all come equipped with a maternity ward and creche, situated on the same deck as the Gay Disco.

Tobacco will be banned throughout the ship, but cannabis will be allowed in the mess. The Royal Navy is eager to shed its traditional reputation for "Rum, Sodomy and the lash"; out goes the occasional rum ration which is to be replaced by Perrier water, although sodomy remains, this has now been extended to include all ratings under 18. The lash will still be available but only by request. Condoms can be obtained from the Bosun in a variety of flavours, except Capstan Full Strength.

Saluting officers has been abolished because it is elitist, it is to be replaced by the more informal "Hello Sailor". All notices on boards will be printed in 37 different languages and braille. Crew members will no longer be required to ask permission to grow beards or moustaches, even the women.

The MOD is working on a new "Non specific" flag based on the controversial British Airways "Ethnic" tailfin design, because the white ensign is considered to be offensive to minorities.

Sea Trials are expected to take place soon, when the first of the new destroyers HMS Cautious, sets out on her maiden mission it will be escorting boat loads of illegal immigrants across the channel to ports on the south coast.

The ship is due to be launched soon in a ceremony conducted by Captain Hook from the Finsbury Park Mosque who will break a petrol bomb over the hull. The ship will gently slide into the water to the tune of "In the Navy" by the Village People played by the Royal Marines.

The Prime Minister said that "While the ships reflected the very latest of modern thinking they were also capable of being up graded to comply with any new legislation. His final words were "Britain never, never waives the rules!"
X-mo-1979 said:
Honestly I cant remember ever carrying a weapon on rememberance day.Makes it easier after parade to head to the legion as well.

1) She's in England, not Canada -- we have differing traditions than they; and

2) We have weapons present on the Vigil each Nov 11th, and I seem to recall a few artillery pieces being fired as well.  ;)

Can you imagine someone actually requesting an unarmed Vigil Party?
I think Tom King, president of the Chepstow branch of the Legion should send a formal letter requesting that she not attend any of the legion sponsored services.  Formally invite everyone else to attend, ignore the one htey have at her townhall.

Publish it in the papers, and see how far her diatribe to get some airtime goes then.



Your guns are 'too violent' for Remembrance Day, mayor tells rifle regiment
WarmAndVertical said:

Your guns are 'too violent' for Remembrance Day, mayor tells rifle regiment

Yes we got that see the first post of the topic
ArmyVern said:
1) She's in England, not Canada -- we have differing traditions than they; and

2) We have weapons present on the Vigil each Nov 11th, and I seem to recall a few artillery pieces being fired as well.  ;)

Can you imagine someone actually requesting an unarmed Vigil Party?

Yeah the big guns I do recall firing them a few times for Nov.11, and I'm an Engineer  :o ;D
Nfld Sapper said:
Yeah the big guns I do recall firing them a few times for Nov.11, and I'm an Engineer  :o ;D


I'm glad you said that!!

I know it's only been a year since the last Remembrance Day Ceremony, but I figured what with me being a very old 39 years old now, perhaps it was just me imagining things ... or it was another of my illusions caused by early-onset oldsheimers.
the 48th regulator said:
I think Tom King, president of the Chepstow branch of the Legion should send a formal letter requesting that she not attend any of the legion sponsored services.  Formally invite everyone else to attend, ignore the one htey have at her townhall.

Publish it in the papers, and see how far her diatribe to get some airtime goes then.


Yes TESS.....I concur
Nfld Sapper said:
Yeah the big guns I do recall firing them a few times for Nov.11, and I'm an Engineer  :o ;D
ArmyVern said:

I'm glad you said that!!

I know it's only been a year since the last Remembrance Day Ceremony, but I figured what with me being a very old 39 years old now, perhaps it was just me imagining things ... or it was another of my illusions caused by early-onset oldsheimers.

And with the very low ceiling we had yesterday what a loud boom the guns made. Watched quiet a few civy's in attendance jump when they went off  ;D
Nfld Sapper said:
And with the very low ceiling we had yesterday what a loud boom the guns made. Watched quiet a few civy's in attendance jump when they went off  ;D

No low ceiling here, but a nice and wet wind blowing in over the dam, across the lake and onto us in Mactaquac yesterday. My back half, feet & arms were tingley 5 minutes into the parade. We were so frozen and wet that even had we wanted to jump at the big guns we couldn't flinch at all. Had to keep glancing my eyes down at my pace stick just to make sure it was still in my hand -- I couldn't feel a darn thing.

I warmed up at the Legion in Oromocto quite nicely afterwards though, even walked home -- taking a 'short cut' down over the golf-course hill to get home ... I'll not do that ever again. My brain still hurts!!  ;D