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Knee pains and infantry training question.


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I know previous people have posted similar threads about knee pains and how they had to get doctors notes...etc. My situation is a little different seeing that I don't have any 'real' medical problem, just sore knees once in a while. And of course, stupid me, when I did my medical exam and interview at the recruiting centre, I said I had no knee pains. I'm supposed to be starting my inf. phase training in 2005 after my BOTC this fall. I'm concerned because my knees will only hurt under extreme physical stress. To give you an example, I finished my jump course when I was 17. No problems whatsoever. It was only when I was 18-19 I first saw I had a bit of a problem. My brother and I went hiking in upper state NY. It was warm and humid, it was raining like it was the end of the world and I wasn't well equiped. Pretty much no rain gear, and I was wearing shorts t-shirt and running shoes. It was a 7 hour hike up and then we almost ran back down. Anyways, for the next week I had trouble even walking because my knees were hurting: white hot stabbing pain behind the knee cap inside the joint. I haven't felt anything like that since then and now I'm 26. I can go running and I nothing hurts. I'll get aching knees a few times a week now because of my job (standing all day and walking around). So...I guess what I'm looking for are people's experiences, opinions, what I'm in for, other people with the same problem...etc. I figure I'd ask here since I learned more in two days here than I did by myself in 9 months talking to people and researching on the net.

Thanks a lot guys,
While I am not going to offer any medical advice, I can tell you that once in a while I get sore knees; find me an Infantryman who hasn't.

If you have a little money to spare, look into buying a pair of custom orthodics.  A doctor gets a unique mold of how your footstep works and makes you the best insoles you can get.  I am willing to bet that you'll be wearing the crap boots alot during your phase training, and bringing these along will do wonders for you.
I experienced very similar symptoms with my knees.   In the end it came out that my arches had taken a fair bit of abuse from high impact sports and the resultant misalingnment of my legs was causing damage to the knees.

The solution was two-fold.  

First, an orthotist made customized insoles to support my feet in the correct manner and allow my legs to re-align.   Note, a lot a quack orthodics exist where the Dr. simply measures your foot and supplies an off the shelf insole.   If you make it to this point ensure the orthotist is making a mould of your feet and customizing your insole to your needs.

Second, a few appointments with a physiotherapist cracked and popped my legs back to where they ought to be after years of being torqued into misalignment.   Pretty amazing stuff.   As my new gait is used and support muscles grow accordingly I go back occasionally just to make sure things are on the up and up.

Hope this helps somewhat.    
During my QL2 I had quite a time with sore knees although I never had to get a chit or visit the MIR for it. One day after lunch, my whining was overheard by a medic who was in line at the Mess. He told me that thigh strength is the most important thing when it comes to your knees. He showed me that the small muscle on the inside of your thigh, directly above the knee, the one in the inverted "V" shape (Forgive me, It has been a while since I did an A & P class) is the one to concentrate on.

Aside from that, like everyone else has said to you, INSOLES, INSOLES, INSOLES.

I never settled for the insoles that were issued me. Being comfortable is so much easier than constant agony, and in the Infantry anything you can do to lessen the strain on working/moving parts from the waist down is an investment in your future.

Good Luck

I'm going to say get checked for orthodics also.  I have a friend who had to take anti-inflammatories for his knee's for years.
On a whim he went to get checked and voila, problem solved.
All I can say is this thread is a god-send!   My right shoe tends to wear out on the outer right side, putting a lot of strain on my right knee.   Some orthotic Doc is going to become very good friends with me, whether they like it or not!
I have knee problems as well (along with other problems).  Orthotics will help just ensure that you get your knees completely checked out by your doc to make sure that there are not any other problems as well.  From what you described as "White hot stabbing pain" you should definetly ensure that you did not damage a ligament/tendon/muscle.  That kind of describtion of pain usually accompanies tearing/pinching of tissue. Good Luck
Thanks for the feedback! I've been asking around here and customized insoles came up. A doctor will measure everything and have some moulded. Something about a 2 week process from the time I walk in to the doctor's office to the time I get them. Apparently you can't train with them for two months. You can only wear them for 2 hours a day for the first little while. Your joints and muscles have to get used to how they're supposed to work and it can be an uncomfortable period (sore joints, sore feet). But after the breaking in period is done, I heard it's feels like you have a new set of legs! They're not cheap...approx $600cdn.