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Medical Exam Question

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I just completed my CFAT and I'm worried that I didn't do very well on it, I think I get the results at the interview but if someone could confirm that - that would be helpful.

The more important question is about the medical (which is on the same day as the interview). About 4-5 years ago I was diagnosed by my doctor with Osgood Schlatter, it never hurt when I played sports, even when I played goalie in ice hockey. I've been running consistently for 4 months now, 5kms a day 3 times a week + a workout plan made for bmq, I've had no pain in my knee whatsoever in this 4 months but on my right knee there is still a visible dump from OS. From what I've looked up, the bump will stay even if the problem has gone.

I'm wondering if I would still have to be cleared by my doctor or will the physician at the exam not need a note? OR *gulp* will I be deemed unfit for service?

I'm joining Reserves btw.
They will probably ask you to have something filled out by your doctor.
The Reserve or Regular part doesn't matter, it is all one standard for everyone.

So should I go get the slip from my doctor before I go to the medical exam?
AWOL said:
So should I go get the slip from my doctor before I go to the medical exam?

No you should go to the medical and then you will get the information that they require and not what you think they require.
Well I got some time and went to the doctors office, he said it's not impairing the physical abilities so there's nothing to be worried about. Except the swelling hasn't gone down, in the doctors words it was "atypical", so he took some X-rays, and I'll get a phone call if something is wrong. I asked him if i needed a note, but he said unless they give me a hard time about it he'll write me one.
This is no different from the other recruiting medical questions we get here. We're not doctors, even if we were we couldn't diagnose over the internet. We can't give medical advise or second guess the CFRC. You'll have to be honest when they ask you about medical problems and then THEY'LL decide what documentation you need from your doctor. Until then, there really is nothing else we can tell you here, and no reason to continue the thread.

Good luck.


Milnet.ca Staff
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