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Memorable Moments


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I suppose this could go into training, but it seems more apt here....anyway..

For the 'gotallthetshirtsguys':

Remember when you looked forward to BMQ Grad parade...  that first weekend of freedom, arriving that first day to your Bn/end unit...  (if it ever actually "ends).

What were some of your favourite moments? What do you remember looking forward to, and what turned out to be worth waiting for/what wasnt as spectacular as you remember?

For all the newbies:

What are you looking forward to? What have you overcome so far, and was it worth the effort?

I find that often when we progress through any life experience, we often forget about the little things that we looked so forward to; that made our careers/experiences/lives so much more interesting. Im curious to hear some of the funny anecdotes as well as the personal goals some of you have set or had set for yourselves.. and how you feel having accomplished/not accomplished them?

Ex... I remember in IAP... everyone was soo eager to be issued the C-7.... anticipation was so thick you could cut it with a bayonet if you had only been given one...  and then we got them, and noone really thought much more of all that buildup, ....  it all just turned into disdain for cleaning :)

Meridian said:
Ex... I remember in IAP... everyone was soo eager to be issued the C-7.... anticipation was so thick you could cut it with a bayonet if you had only been given one...   and then we got them, and noone really thought much more of all that buildup, ....   it all just turned into disdain for cleaning :)
Confirms the old saying: "Be careful what you wish for.... ;)
I'd say pretty much everything from BMQ is memorable.

The guys in your room, whom you've undergone severe change with, the people in your section...your instructors  ;D

Tell me, everyone who's gone through training remembers MCpl or Sgt So-&-so, right? The scary bugger you'll never forget for the rest of your life.

The comraderie, for me, is the most memorable. You'll never find quite the same thing anywhere else
Man, I gotta say, my IAP had nothing on FYOP. I mean, on FYOP we did all the stupidest things you cold imagine, but now as the year wears on, I am realizing more and more that FYOP was a good learning experience, if not a little bit of fun, too. I will never forget having a second year bring me a Big Xtra at 3am and having PT 3 hours later. Priceless.
I remember finishing my TQ3 and going to 1 CDHSR (now CFJSR).  We were off on the side waiting to be "introduced" to the regiment.  There was one guy there who was posted and the unit was giving him his plaque for service to the regiment.  While we were standing there waiting for the Pde to start, he turned to me and said "Hi, I am Cpl ...., I once killed a polar bear with a C5 knife"  Having been an infanteer and actually owning a C5 knife, I turned to him and said "alright then" and asked why he was over with us on pde?  He told me he was posted so at that moment I relaxed as I knew he would never be my boss.  I later found out that his dad was a general in Ottawa, may explain a few things.  lol.
I am looking forward to my BMQ and phase 2 course this summer although I might regret it after a week or so.  So far for obstacles I've made in the army and that was an obstacle that took 4 years to surmount, next on the list is BMQ and that's coming this summer, and when thats done I'll let you guys know of any memorable moments I have.

I remember the great lady that gave us our stress management lecture telling us, in all seriousness, that they purposefully pumped dust into the quarters, then letting us sleep for 15 minutes at the end, facilitated by some amazing pacifying technique she'd learned. One of the best memories was the after-course party - having the opportunity to thank our pltn staff and converse with them in a casual manner, imitating my master seaman in a mock-inspection performance with him watching (and laughing, I was told... I hope). Standing in ranks in civvie clothes for the first week before we got our uniforms and how stupid we felt, only to then have to mind all the details of dress demanded by the uniform. Getting wasted with a bunch of course buddies at my apartment in Montreal, on our first leave from St. Jean, and passing out in the bathroom after somehow managing to put myself in the recovery position (a la 1st aid training) by accident, then waking up to all the guys standing over me having a laugh at my safety-minded drunken idiocy. The high morale days and the horrible, horrible low-morale days, of which one memory stands out - sitting with my fireteam partner and a guy from our sister platoon outside, wondering what kind of life we were in for if "you only do what you do to feel so good when you're not doing it". A great memory is of the first time we had a night-time para-flare surprise in biv and thinking "man, this is awesome", then waking in a panic the next night, confused, suffocating in my sleeping bag, then rolling over my fireteam partner in a panic, ripping open the side of the hootchie and realising "oh yeah.... sh--... I'm in Farnham". Another good one is of a 1 or 2 PPCLI WO at our graduation giving us a lecture on his experiences at Medak and thinking "wow, I hope I have a WO like this guy".

I look forward to going back for BOTC/SLT and hope I can perform better than IAP, where I was mediocre. I guess my goals, for the military, are doing well on my courses, managing to pass (and do well on) infantry officer training (after schooL) which is looking increasingly impossible, and attaining a good standard of professionalism and competence so I can be of some utility to my unit when I get posted. 
I can't wait to get selected.

Have to have one big party before I ship out to BMQ.