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My road to becoming a Combat Engineer.


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Hello all. I'm bored and there hasn't been much new, that I can understand (so many acronyms), on these boards to read so I thought I'd post my story for something to do.

Growing up I had always known my Dad was once in the military, he joined when he was 17, and that he had once been in the special forces. (this was a long LONG time ago) Naturally he couldn't tell me much and mostly I think he didn't want to. On one of his last missions he watched his best friend get killed and then he was shot in the back before escaping. Anyway that story among others, mostly about his time back at home or learning how to fly in wainwright, got me interested in the military, and scared of joining it because I didn't want to get killed and leave behind my family.

Well in 2003 when I was just starting grade 12 he passed away from lung cancer at the age of 64 and that derailed my life. Three years later I finally started to think about my future and what I wanted to do with my life. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to be able to protect my family and help people.

So I applied to the RCMP but then the first girl I ever loved broke up with me (yeah yeah I know... I was only 21.. so sue me) and I ended up quitting my my job and once again my plans were derailed, (the RCMP frowns on walking way from a job the way I did. Though, in my defense I was working for my ex's mother). From then on I kept putting off going back to the RCMP recruiters and restarting my app and I couldn't figure out why. 

One day (4 years, and a child with my new GF later) I went for a walk with my older sister and she started asking me questions about why I hadn't ever applied to the RCMP again, and what was holding me up. Eventually I finally told her that I had always wanted to join the military but was too worried about what my family would think and how much they'd hate my decision etc. but she told me if it was something I wanted to do everyone would understand and support me. They'd still worry of course, but they'd know I was doing something I've always wanted to.

Well the next day April 02/2010 I went into my local office (which is only used when the recruiters from Vancouver come to town since I live 9 hours drive from any major CFRC) and made an appointment. Luckily they were scheduled to be in my city (Prince George) the next week. I spoke with my recruiter on the 5th and he told me to have the whole application filled out and back to him by the 7th. That was a fun and exciting couple of days. A ton of phone calls to get references, a ton of phone calls to find out the addresses where I had lived the past 4 years and how long I was at each place, etc... you know the drill. Anyway, I got it all done and handed in and he told me he'd be processing it the next Monday.

3 weeks(ish) later and I get the phone call that all the Combat Arms trades are closed and will be until April 2011. Took the wind right out of my sails. Man I was disappointed, but I told them I'd wait till next April and here I am... still waiting... I think it's been worth the wait. It all went so fast from my decision (finally) to go in an apply to when I dropped the application off that I didn't really have time to breathe, and if I had gotten in right away I don't know if I'd still want to or if I'd be missing my family too much.

This time between applying and getting "the call" I think is going to be the best days of my civilian life because I've had enough time to process my decision and I know it's the right one for me. I finally decided that if I didn't at least try the military I'd regret it for the rest of my life and I'll never be proud of myself... and if I'm not proud of myself how would my son be proud of me. So now I'm 25 and trying to focus on spending as much time with my family as I can and savoring my last "free" days.

Several months later and it's now October, and during the course of my research on the CE trade in general I ran across this forum. After reading it almost non stop for a week I ran across someone who is going in for the Nov 1st BMQ start date for the same trade I want and he was merit listed only a month before I dropped off my application. So I'm hoping that means I have a fairly decent chance of making the merit list in April and getting my call soon after. If not well... I've decided on being a CE and if I have to wait until 2012 or beyond well then I will.

In the mean time I have the time necessary to get my lazy *** back into shape and learn a new trade. I'm trying to find a job in the mining industry as a blaster while I wait for my application to be processed. Hopefully that earns me some points with the CFRC but if not well... at least I'll be doing something fun and semi related to CE.

Anyway that's my story. Sounds kinda cheesy reading it after typing it out but I guess it's always easier to read about someone else's life than to read about your own.

Oh it was pointed out to me that I may have to answer a few questions about my Fathers time in the service. Dates, unit, etc.

All I know is that he joined at age 16/17. Served for 7 years (got out in '61). and he only ever told me about missions where he'd fly into enemy territory and rescue refugee families. His best friend died on a mission in a foreign country (don't want to specify which). and when he was about to fly a mission he'd call home and the only thing he could tell his mom was that "the Blue Goose is going for a walk" or something like that.

Sorry I can't provide details about his rank/unit etc. I don't know them. Honestly that's one of the reasons, albeit a very small one, why I want to join the CF, so I can maybe find out a bit more about that part of his life.

Also it was pointed out to me that there was no such thing as "special forces" back then, that's just what he called it so I have too.

If anyone can find out some info for me I'd greatly appreciate it. Just PM me with what info you need to start looking and I'll try to gather as much of it from my mom and my dad's records as I can.