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Occupation Selection


Army.ca Veteran
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Well i just got off the phone with the CFRC and they told me that the PDC reviewed my application and it has been accepted!! I am now in the running for two of my three chosen trades, Combat Engineer and Sig Op...did not get RMS Clerk(I knew that when I wrote it down).

Now, the Sgt at the CFRC said that if I don;t here back from booking cells in a month, to call them back, but why should I wait that long? Would it be "bad" of me to call up booking cells now and book my appointments?

I personally do not see why I can't, but am curious if I could get in "trouble" for doing it.
My 2 cents:

I understand that you are excited for being accepted (congratulations btw) and anxious of getting the ball going.  However, CFRC process many applications a day.  If I were you I would wait for them to get back as a courtesy.  Wait for a week or so to cut the processing clerk some slack.

That's just me talking anyway.
What is the PDC? I checked in the military terms it, but I couldn't find it. I applied at the end of January of this year. I was held up by paperwork for the first few weeks. They wanted copies of this and copies of that, and some stuff didn't fax well so I had to send hard copies through Canada Post. But once I knew they had everything, I called them to book my aptitude test, my interview, and my medical. I can't remember how long I waited, though. I think maybe late February. So like two weeks or something, I guess. It worked out well, because the civilian who was doing the bookings said that I was in the pile on her desk of people to call. She pulled me to the top and booked me right then. When I went in for my CFAT, medical, and interview (Mar.29), that's when my physical fitness test was scheduled. You're going through the CFRC in HFX, right? I did too. I wouldn't call like everyday, you don't want to be a pain. But then I couldn't wait a whole month, either.
PDC=Prior Determination Committee

So if you went through Hfx, new recruit, they had no issues with you calling them up and booking?
Every bit of paper work they need from now until my swearing in is done and with them(other than a copy of my SIN card which I was told to bring to the interview). I don't want to be a pain, but I also do not want to wait a year to get in for my appointments. This last month has taken forever, so I can only imagine what this next month will be like.

A friend in Petawawa(mil spouse) is also joining and she said that she is able to do the physical tests before submitting her application. I have a hard time believing that, but if it is true, why doesn't the Hfx CFRC do it that way to?

I don't want to go get a job and have to leave it because the CF needs me in a month, but I also don't want to not have a job because I am sitting waiting for a phone call for a year.
I would definetly recommend you get a civilian job.  I am not 100% sure of this so you may want to confirm with your RC but most of the BMQs will be filled up for the year (you have not even began your tests so by the time you are merit listed it could take some time to get to BMQ) .  It is impossible that you will be on BMQ in a month.

Besides a civilan job will keep you busy and the time will go by faster until you leave if you are chosen

Best of luck
I'm trying to remember exactly how it played out. I was super anxious too. Just sitting at my desk at work every day waiting for the phone to ring! And when it did, for the first little while, the calls from the CFRC were all because they needed more stuff. Like I said, once they finally had everything (I even had to get a NS driver's license because I didn't get it switched over when I moved here from NL) I waited like two weeks before I called and asked about setting up appointments. Whoever answered the phone (a man) did not seem the least bit annoyed or iritated with me. He just said he had to transfer me to the lady who makes the appointments. I sent my application in on the 24 of January, and two days ago (Aug.16), I was sworn in. I know what you mean about making other decisions (like getting a job) while waiting for the military to call. My fiancee and I were looking for a new place to live. For all I knew, I'd be waiting here a year before they called. It has a lot to do with what trade you go for and how high the demand is.
Ignore this entire thread.
I just got a call from the CFRC and my aptitude test is on Monday at 8am and I may be able to do my medical and/or my interview that day also, depending upon cancellations and such.


The sites that came reccommended by the CFAT Tester are these ones:

Good luck on your test, from what you've written so far, you'll do great! 
Hey girlie

Proud of you. You'll go far. I know you will. Have fun and good luck. Remember who your doing this for  ;)

Take care and Ill catch up with you later

springroll, another good site is


there are extra area's but the overall test is really good.

if you are going 043, does that mean that you love doing pushups now...... ;)
I will learn to love doing push ups...but right now, I love CSI more..lol
Springroll you sure answer a lot of military questions for someone not even in the military ;)

Turn CSI off and start getting in shape now.
Everyone and I mean everyone puts getting in shape off to the last second.  A few months ago I brought a female to ottawa to fdo her PT test and she failed by one push up. Afterwards she fessed up that she thought she could do it so she didn't train.
One week of work and turning off the TV could have saved her having to wait a year to get qualified (She missed the summer training date)
I grew up around the CF and my husband is in the CF, so if I don't know, he usually does, or someone I know does.

We do train every evening...and after a pep talk form a friend in Pet, I am sure I will be ready  ;D
Hey Girl,   

Left a message for you with the recruiting process as well (dont know if you found it yet or not) So...anyway I thought I would leave one here for you as well. I am so nervous for you right now -LOL- In less than half hour you're in for your CFAT. We are so proud of you Lisa. But we knew you could do it. Give us a call when you get home and let us know how you made out and Im sure you'll post your results on the forum as well. Take care.

Shari, Matt & The Bratz
CFAT is done and it all went very well.

I qualified.

I honestly figured that the test would be harder than what it was, so i went in over prepared I think..but it is all good, baby!!

Was hoping for my medical and interview today, but they weren't able to get me in....guess I get to hurry up and wait.
"CFAT is done and it all went very well.

I qualified.

I honestly figured that the test would be harder than what it was, so i went in over prepared I think..but it is all good, baby!!"

congrats, do you have dates for the other tests. 

I second what was said by ghost778  "Turn CSI off and start getting in shape now."  But i will change it a bit, keep csi on, but every commercial do 10 PU and 10 SU, over the hour the numbers add up........043( OH HECK, ALL COMBAT ARMS)=STRONG UPPER BODY( and they are kinda good at cardio, they do it sometimes  ;)  )
I have a SigOp friend in Pet that gave me some motivation, and a few suggestions, as to getting my push ups up in numbers.

One of the suggestions was exactly the same as yours, Fitsumo, do 10 of each during each commmercial. He also siggested that everytime I go from one room to another to drop down and do 5 push ups(since that is my only problem area). I have been doing it the last couple days and am feeling better about my direction.