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Paranormal Topic !!!!


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Hello boys and girls:

Just wondering how many of you out here, have opinions on Ghosts, Sasquatch, UFO's and other unexplainable phenomena ?

Have any of you had any experiences, encounters, or know someone who has ?

Note, flying beerbottles don't count as UFO's ! ;D

Dodger1967 said:
and other unexplainable phenomena ?

Well I ran into an NDP supporter earlier today, so I guess I pretty much HAVE to believe in the Ghosts, Sasquatch's and UFO's.
I think that there is way too much in this world that we don't yet fully understand to completely dismiss any of those things.
Except the NDP supporter sighting.  I call BS on that one  ;D
Dodger1967 said:
Note, flying beerbottles don't count as UFO's ! ;D

They do to"!!! You don't  identify them until you get back up!!
I believe in some of it.  I've experienced a ghostly encounter at least twice.
I've always been suspicious of deja vu's. They're bizarre.
It is important to remember science cannot, or perhaps it's more accurate to say does not explain everything. Many things that where taken as scientific fact in the past have been exposed as completely false. Unexplained phenomena does not mean something does not exist merely that it's unexplained. Take for example ball lightning:
I've personally encountered strange phenomenon in my life- seeing strange objects in the sky, being in houses where weird crap happens.  As a matter of belief, I do believe that there potentially exists other life in the universe, and some of it is probably more advanced than we are- I'm skeptical however if any of that life has actually visited Earth.  I've always held onto the axiom that 'Unless I've seen it, I don't believe it.'  Hence my unwillingness to believe in stuff like God and supernatural beings of that sort.
I recently took a course in university called Dimensions of the Paranormal.  It was a very interesting course, I'd reccomend it to any of you interested in this topic.  My personal opinion is that much psi phenomena can be attributed to natural causes such as magnetic fields.  For those interested in this theory, check this out.


Dr. Persinger is a prof at my university and has been able to make people see God and ghosts etc... by playing around with magnetic fields on the temporal lobes of the brain.
Dodger1967 said:
Hello boys and girls:

Just wondering how many of you out here, have opinions on Ghosts, Sasquatch, UFO's and other unexplainable phenomena ?

Paul, I see those drugs are working!  ;D
ive always enjoyed hearing stories about such topics and thankfully nothing  scary has happened to me. A good radio show is coasttocoastam.com its a call in show that runs over night. i have had many sleepless nights staying up and listening. its a good show because you dont have to believe everything you hear but just keep an open mind. And they are pretty good at screening out the wackos.

i seen a UFO once when i was around 8, out in Geary. My friends were having a sleepover and we were lying in bed watching the stars late at night. We noticed two stars moving back and forth. they didnt streak across the sky like a shooting star, but maintaned the same shape and brightness. they criss crossed each other many times with a speed and precision that made it obvious it was on purpose.

being 8 years old, i eventually could not keep my eyes open any long after watching for about an hour. i drifted off. My friend a year or two older, told me in morning, that when they left they just disappeared, leaving a trail of red and blue behind them. strange but the closest encounter ive had.
I've seen two UFO's one back in the 90's, while camping on the Lake Erie shoreline near Morpeth Ontario.

The other I saw 2 weeks ago, while smoking on my front porch, I snapped two pics of it, gotta go get the pics developed. Don't know how they'll turn out as the object was quite some distance away. The sighting was verified by a second witness not know to me, who also filed a report !

I am meeting with a Paranormal Investigation organization this May, or June, to discuss becoming a UFO Sighting Investigator.

www.pscican.org  A Canadian Paranormal Investigations Group


CDN Aviator said:
Pot ?

Crack ?

Oregano ?

Cigarettes, if I smoked Pot, I'd have teflon coated lungs ! BTW how would you be able to put a pot in rolling papers, did stainless steel change it's properties ? ;)

Dude, you're the one smoking it........with alien technology i guess you can do anything
CDN Aviator said:
Dude, you're the one smoking it........with alien technology i guess you can do anything

If I had access to alien technology, I could think of 101 things I'd rather do than smoke pot, eh!

Like get a bevy of blond women, to cater to my every need. ! :P

Cripes I should lock this up with the talk of blondes.

Red heads rock.
Hey Dodger...you might find this interesting........
