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PRes: Typical Unit Rank/Org Structure & Size


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Ok I know there are several "what is it like typically day to day" threads out there.. but my slant is a little different, as I want to be one of those dumb people running around with their heads cut off and a stripe on their shoulder (just joking, if I ever get like that, I /expect/ my WO to shoot me.)

Anyway: Typical well-sized reserve INF unit, (and forgive my ignorance).. is commanded by an LCol.. (right?) usually has:

How many coys? 4?
A major commanding each, or a captain?
3 platoons each? which generally what rank commanding?

Typically how many officers and ncm‘s on average?

How many senior ncms? (ie Sgt-Wo-mwo-cwo?)

does this vary a lot between INF units?

and for my own professional interest, when do the new OCdts get commissioned (after CAP(R)?) and what do they do up until this time... administrivia? making coffee?

thnx in advance to all of you for your answers.
I‘ll take a stab at the OCdt question...
In my unit OCdts "command" the training company while waiting to be trained themselves, before (and after) CAP(R). Reserve officers are not finished their trade training until, at least in the case of the infantry, they finish RPC (Reserve Platoon Commander).
Until then they wait. This usually involves a lot of "self guided professional development" and a load of patience. There is also an informal system of attaching them to active plotoon commanders as sigs or simply security during ex. This allows them to get first hand experience with the job they will be expected to do after RPC. En force was the more typical tasking though.
en force?

security during an ex?

(forgive my ignorance)

and commissioning happens after RPC?
En Force = Enemy Force

It‘s the opposing side in an exercise, generally only seen in exercises conducted by the combat trades (Officially, the rest of us are more occupied practicing our trades, unofficially, it‘s just extra work ;) ).

Probably one of the most fun parts of an exercise is being the enemy force... I hear they don‘t like it when you set fire to their maps after capturing their CP... though the look on their faces is worth it.

Here is how my current Unit is laid out:

Regimental HQ:
CO- LCol
DCO- Maj
Adjt- Capt
Plus a bunch of people in the Orderly Room, Traing Cell etc.. (About 10)

Msn Coy:
OC- Capt/Maj
2IC- Capt/Lt
3X Pl Comd- 2LT/Lt/Capt (Normally not a Capt but it does happen)
3X Pl 2IC- WO or Senior Sgt
And then 3 sections per Pl with Sgt/MCpl as sect Comd and MCpl/Senior Cpl as Sect 2IC

I think you will find that most Units are roughly the same, but the larger ones will have an additional Infantry and/or Administration and/or Training

I‘m not aware of any Reserve Unit (Please correct me if I‘m wrong) that has 3 full Infantry Companies.
Yea and as for en force, the only combat arm that isn‘t allowed to use them is the Artillery... too bad.
If you care what a textbook (from CLFCSC) Reg Force Mech Inf Bn looks like here it is:

42 Officers, 90 Sr NCOs, 550 Jr NCOs / ORs (42-90-550)

Bn Comd Section (3-2-6)

Rifle Coy x 3 (6-18-116)
Coy HQ (3-1-15)
Rifle Platoon x 3 (1-5-32)
CSS Section (0-2-10)

HQ & Cmb Sp Coy (13-19-119)
Coy HQ (1-0-3)
Bn Ops Section (7-5-16)
Sigs Pl (1-2-19)
Recce Pl (2-5-36)
Anti Armour Pl (2-5-38)
Mort Tp (RCHA) and Fd Eng Tp (CER) when attached

Adm Coy (8-15-77)
Coy HQ (2-1-4)
CQ (0-1-2)
QM (1-4-20)
UMS (1-1-5)
Rations Pl (1-2-19)
Pers Svcs (1-2-2)
Transport Pl (1-1-13)
Padre (1-0-1)
Maint Pl (2-5-38)
Fin Svcs (0-1-1)

Hope that is of some interest.

A 20 CMBG infantry battalion is not a good model of a reserve infantry regiment.

Do you have a link for your 20 CMBG Infantry Battalion TO&E?  I would like to read more on that.  What and how many vehicles are assigned to each part of the battalion?
The answer by Harris is pretty accurate. Under ARE (Army Reserve Establishment) Reserve units normally consist of a Unit HQ and one or more "Mission Elements": these are companies, squadrons or batteries depending on the Arm/Branch of service. On top of that, some units may have "outlying" mission elements in distant locations. As well, some mission elements are themselves independent, such 116 Ind Bty (RCA) or Sask D in our CBG. Although these are only mission elements., they are entitled to a slightly larger "support" slice as they are independent of a unit HQ that would normally provide those functions. In 38 CBG we are in the process of grouping our three Service Bns into a single organization with one HQ and three composite coys, and our Artillery into a single structure with one RHQ and four batteries (one of them likely becoming a mor bty once that gets sorted out..). We would then have two "units" that in fact have three or more subordinate mission elements.
If you go to www.calgaryhighlanders.com there is a section under CAREER INFORMATION called "employment in the rifle company" that breaks this down a little bit.

We curently have two companies, one a full fledged rifle company and the other a training company for soldiers not yet qualifed in the Infantry trade.  I'm not aware of any reserve infantry units that have three or four companies, but perhaps some of those closer to the centre of the universe (Toronto) may have.
The layout for the Lorne Scots is some  what as follows
RHQ (Brampton, Ontario)
A Company (Coy HQ, 1 platoon and trg staff) Oakville, Ont
B Company (Coy HQ, 2 platoons, trg staff) Brampton, Ont
C Company (Coy HQ, 1 platoon, trg staff) Georgetown, Ont
Admin Coy is split between Brampton and Georgetown
Mortar Platoon (RIP) is now disbanded
During weekend exercises we combine to form 1 x rifle company and exercise support elements
Armyrick: I got started in 1972  with 2866 RCAC (Lorne Scots) at the Thomas Street Armoury in Oakville. Is that little place still there?
I had heard some discussion that under LFRR Ph II, the Lorne Scots might expand into Mississauga (750,000 people with no Res unit) Is that happening? Cheers.
Well, there will be a reserve unit expanding into Mississuaga, but it won't be the Lorne Scots.  It will be the Toronto Scottish that gets to set up that company. All the Lorne Scots I know are quite pissed about that.
Rightfully so. The lorne Scots are The PEEL, Dufferin and Halton Regt. It is our territory. Not to mention the strong performance that our regiment has put out in the last thirty years (both in numbers and quality). We have in the past, had armouries in Mississauga.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Compare the Lorne Scots to the Tor Scotys any day. Our Regiment is hands down, much better and performs to a higher standard than the Tor Scots. Always have and always will.
Yeah but the 48th are better than both :), From what I have read the Tor Scots have history in the Mississuaga area.  I am just annoyed that we (48th) aren't getting anything in LFRR (yet).
Funny how this thread was brought back to life ... (?)
Anyway - I've one non-"nuts & bolts" comment:
Reserve units shouldn't be cut back to "one of" coys/sqns/btys - a certain amount of redundancy is required, since 100% attendance is difficult to achieve on a part-time basis - I'd even go so far as to say foolishly unrealistic.
So, as a minimum, I'd like to see two coys/sqns/btys - alternatively, coys should/could have an extra pl/tp (or two ...)
This way, when attendance is "only" 70%, you'd still have the critical mass necessary to field an adequately-sized coy.
48th. Yeah right Hatchet. Not by a long chance. Nice try trying to start regt p#ssing matches started. Marty Tolten is switched on, so is Sgt Maj MacI. Their are  good dudes in the 48th but you guys have your junk as well. Does the lorne scots have junk, we do. We just hide them better.
Does the QOR and RR of C have junk, yeppers. But both those regts have good troops too.
So a "my dad can beat your dad up" type argument is about to start. I won't waste my time replying on wich regt is better issue.
Cheers, The Bulldog...  
Bossi you do make a valid point.. Most reserve infantry units field a coy or less in the field anyways..