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Push up club and running.


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This is kinda a pointless thread, i am just curious to know what everyone here usually does for their workouts, also i wanna know how many pushups you can do in row or over a period of 2-3 hours. also what about cardio, how far and how long.

I usually work out 5 days a week, 5 days weights and 4-5 days cardio (just started cardio 3.5 weeks ago)

I run for 20 minutes usually and usually get just over 2.1 miles. ---Not bad but not great yet, although i have put on a half mile in the last 3 weeks doing 20 minutes.

as for pushups,

I can do 72 proper form in a row, goal is around 90, i havent tried the total amount in a couple hours yet.

but ui have heard of people doing thousands in this time fram.
I misread that and answered the wrong question.

Here‘s a quote from Guinness Book of World Records:
"Most Push-Ups In One Hour
The most push-ups completed in one hour is 3,416 by Canadian Roy Berger at the Central Canada Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada on August 30, 1998. Roy dedicated the record to his younger brother, Lee, who was tragically killed while stationed as a Canadian peacekeeper with the UN Protection Forces."
I have been putting a bit more effort into shaping up in the last few weeks as well. For pushups I have been just doing a close grip bench press to mock them, but I should start doing actual push ups now.... My weakest point has always been running so I have been focusing on that. I average 5 -7 days a week x 6km runs ranging from 22.5-24min (no stopping allowed except when manuvering through gates on the trail which gives me a good 2 deep breathes).
Originally posted by GrahamD:
[qb] I misread that and answered the wrong question.

Here‘s a quote from Guinness Book of World Records:
"Most Push-Ups In One Hour
The most push-ups completed in one hour is 3,416 by Canadian Roy Berger at the Central Canada Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada on August 30, 1998. Roy dedicated the record to his younger brother, Lee, who was tragically killed while stationed as a Canadian peacekeeper with the UN Protection Forces." [/qb]
OMG! I know them! I grew up with Lee. I have always wondered what happened to him. GrahamD do you know the approximate age of these 2 brothers and how Lee was killed? Gosh I hope it‘s not the Lee that I know.
Originally posted by GrahamD:
[qb] I misread that and answered the wrong question.

Here‘s a quote from Guinness Book of World Records:
"Most Push-Ups In One Hour
The most push-ups completed in one hour is 3,416 by Canadian Roy Berger at the Central Canada Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada on August 30, 1998. Roy dedicated the record to his younger brother, Lee, who was tragically killed while stationed as a Canadian peacekeeper with the UN Protection Forces." [/qb]
OMG! I know them! I grew up with Lee. I have always wondered what happened to him. GrahamD do you know the approximate age of these 2 brothers and how Lee was killed? Gosh I hope it‘s not the Lee that I know.
I‘ve been doing 2.4km every weekday morning to start the day off right, and I‘m still switching up the rest of the workout to find the best alternative. Some days I do more running later on in the day, and other days I‘ll ride my bike for a while. I‘ve done a couple days of some strenuous stair climbing, which is probably the best workout I‘ve had yet. I usually shoot for 3 days of weight training on weekdays, and two days of harder cardio. Saturday is my rest day, and Sunday I just stick with a 10k jog.
I can‘t really find any backround information about these brothers but here‘s the link to the Guinness page:


There‘s a picture of Roy, but the video link is screwed up and it‘s showing a clip of a different record holder.

This was the only entry for "Berger" that I found on "The Roll of Hounour" on the www.peacekeeper.ca website

"Pte J.J.C. Berger, CAR, UNFICYP, 10 Sep 1974"
I usually work out 5 days a week, 5 days weights and 4-5 days cardio (just started cardio 3.5 weeks ago)
Someone please correct me if this info is wrong: I was told by a physical trainer that one should not do weight training more than 4 days a week if you intend to bulk up. Too much will start to deteriorate your muscles. Or can one do 5 days a week with only 2 days rest with good build up? (I would love to get an extra day of weights in my training)
It depends how you split up your workouts.

I started doing a 5 day routine instead of doing split workouts, and I‘m seeing pretty noticable results.
I average about 1 day off for each full cycle of my routine.
There‘s no need to take excessive time off if I‘m only hitting each muscle group every four or five days.
Sometimes I go 10 straight days in the gym, and sometimes I have to take 2 full days off for whatever reason, and it seems to be averaging out and I‘m getting some pretty good growth right now.
The amazing part is that for the last 12 weeks or so I‘ve been too poor to afford any protein supplement* and I‘ve still been seeing the results just from my somewhat awful dietary intake.
I just bought some new protein yesterday though, so hopefully I can speed things along in the upcoming weeks as well.

The only muscle group I worry about right now is my shoulders, since they are involved so much in other exercises I have to be careful not to overtrain them.
Interestingly enough though, my shoulders are seeing the biggest gains since I changed my routine. I‘m getting a lot of comments, and it‘s only been about 3 months.

The one real downside to this 5 day workout is that I‘m getting some really bad stiffness for the 2 days following each muscle group‘s workout. Something that was barely noticeable when I was doing 3 day splits.

*on the topic of protein, I use ISO-PRO (low carb), and I usualy buy it from GNC in the Eatons Center in Toronto.
They have a sticker price of $119.99 and a membership price of $95.99. The membership at GNC is about $15 for the year.
Yesterday though, I went to MUSCLE MAG to buy some grips and checking out their ISO-PRO protein I saw a sticker price of $85.99. Thats for anyone who walks in the door, plus they give you a free magazine (current issue of Muscle Mag) valued at $8.99.
Then they asked if I had a membership (I don‘t), but if I had it would have further reduced the cost of my purchase.
Basically what I‘m trying to say is that if you have a choice between GNC and MUSCLE MAG, choose MM. GNC is running a scam offering you a discount, but yet still managing to over charge you even after you pay them to be a member.
GNC has seen their last dollar from my pocket that‘s for sure.

Don‘t know if you know of this site but I purchase all my protein from the guys at www.sndcanada.com

I‘m hard pressed to find cheaper prices anywhere. I mean the prices run 25% to 50% cheaper than most dealer prices and you get deals with large volume orders as well.

They also have store locations in the GTA if you‘re interested in checking them out.
If you want to save money, buy chickens, cook them, keep the meats but dismiss the greassy skin. Then,keep it in the fridge until needed and eat it plain with ketchup. And, eat cheese, drink soy milk. I can assure you that it will do the save thing than a can of powder with more veriety, even if its harder to digest and that the assimilation process is slower.

Furthermore, you will get leaner because you need more calories to digest the meat.
Originally posted by Pieman:
I usually work out 5 days a week, 5 days weights and 4-5 days cardio (just started cardio 3.5 weeks ago)
Someone please correct me if this info is wrong: I was told by a physical trainer that one should not do weight training more than 4 days a week if you intend to bulk up. Too much will start to deteriorate your muscles. Or can one do 5 days a week with only 2 days rest with good build up? (I would love to get an extra day of weights in my training) [/qb]
pieman i have been training for 7 years, i aint no beginner, i am a newb runner though.
I train a different muscle group every day except for weeknds, so i am only working each body part out once a week,(Most Important thing is to listen to your body)
2ndly just because one works out, that doesnt mean they will bulk up anyways, a good diet with a sound nutrition plan is the most important thing to what you look like. take me for example
I am 5‘5 183 lbs and around 12% bodyfat, if i want top continue to bulk up, i could go eat MC Donalds 5 times a day and ht 200 lbs in two weeks easyily, or i could gradualy raise my calorie intake and my protein in take to roughly 3000 cals a day and put on 10 lbs over the course of 6 months, but it be all muscle. right now i am trying to cut and improve cardio, so i have cut calories down to 2100 a day aprox and implemented a strenuous cardio plan.

Honeslty dude, i dont mean to sound like an ahole, but be carful who you listen to about working out, i am not saying that guy is wrong, but i aint saying he is right either, i suggest you go join some BBing forums and get the correct info you need. if you want links PM me.
oh ya on a personal note, i just did a personal best of 2.2 miles in 16 minutes(not bad for a guy who just started running and just quit smoking 3.5 weeks ago.
Ok, Thanks guys. That clears things up a little.

I am a definate newb to the physical training aspect, there is so much to learn!

Actually, I probably misunderstood my trainer, and he was giving me instructions that were specific for the training program he set out for me.

It concentrates a lot on upper body strength exercises and believe me, I am some sore at the end of the fourth day. But I feel great and after 7 months I have shown great improvment!
Originally posted by Nick:
[qb] GrahamD,

Don‘t know if you know of this site but I purchase all my protein from the guys at www.sndcanada.com

I‘m hard pressed to find cheaper prices anywhere. I mean the prices run 25% to 50% cheaper than most dealer prices and you get deals with large volume orders as well.

They also have store locations in the GTA if you‘re interested in checking them out. [/qb]
Thanks for the link Nick, I browsed through some stuff and it looks like a valuable resource.
Originally posted by GrahamD:
[qb] I can‘t really find any backround information about these brothers but here‘s the link to the Guinness page:


There‘s a picture of Roy, but the video link is screwed up and it‘s showing a clip of a different record holder.

This was the only entry for "Berger" that I found on "The Roll of Hounour" on the www.peacekeeper.ca website

"Pte J.J.C. Berger, CAR, UNFICYP, 10 Sep 1974" [/qb]
I did a search after I read your previous post but wasn‘t able to find out much info either. I‘ll have to talk to my brother as he was closer to Lee back in our high school days. The last I saw of Lee was around 1992/93 and I remember him telling me he was either in the forces or heading into the forces at the time. Do you know what the date next to Berger‘s name signifies? Date of birth? Anyway, I‘m going to keep searching at my end but it would be sad if this Lee Berger is the guy I know. Amazing what kind of info you can find out on a forum.
If you‘re looking for decent prices on protein powder, believe it or not, hit a Loblaws Super Store (health food section). They sell all the popular brands and are much cheaper than any supplement store.. at least for the protein I use.
Oh boy, where to begin....Ok, if you wanna gain muscle find a good program and follow it as if it was gospel.

2nd most important thing: cut down on carbs, eat more protein. You get rid of excess weight and and the more protein you eat the easier your muscle can restore. (protein repairs your muscle after working out.)

There are a lot of people out there that will tell you a hundred different things about fitness and working out, and of course: gaining muscle.

The best advice I could give anyone is to do their own research and develop a program thats good for you.

When I first started this is the site that helped me out ALOT
web page
That‘s the odd part, 1974 is the year he was supposed to have been killed.

For the younger brother of the person in that picture to have died (as a peacekepper) in 1974, would mean that that person in the picture would have to be about 50 at the time the picture was taken (assuming that it was an image from his 1998 record setting), which he really doesn‘t appear to be near that age at all.

Either this isn‘t the same person as mentioned in the Guinness article, or the peacekeeper.ca site had a little snafu and put his birthday year down by accident, or just made an outright mistake, or maybe the guy in the picture is around 50 years old.

Anyway, sorry if this was someone that you knew. I know it can suck to find out that people you used to know have passed away, even if you lost contact with them years before.
That‘s an impressive number of pushups....46 is my sbsolute max, then *something* turns off. My goal HAD been 55, but I guess I have to aim much higher now. You bas_ard :)

And can anyone explain why running on a treadmill is alot easier than running outside? I was running for the bus today, and even though it was uphill and i was running flat out, the distance was only a kilometer, and I could swear I was tasting blood.

EDIT: I missed the f_cking bus too, by like 20 feet. I swear to god next time I‘ll throw something at the bloody thing.

As far as workouts, I goto the gym 3 times a week, for about an hour-hour and a half. I work on my upper body for all 3 days, and my lower body once a week. I also run 5km (on a treadmill!) once a week. I‘m one of those thin guys (6‘2 and 179lbs) so I‘m trying to keep cardio to a minimum until I‘m at least 185-190. Of thin guy muscle. Grrr.

I usually do benchpress on alternating weeks, I‘m at 210 as my max, but that‘s when I‘m being spotted and I end up only doing like 2 reps. I usually rep unspotted with 175 or so. I use machines alot, alot more than I should. I use that pulldown thing (the one that works your lats) at about 150lbs. Then I usually head on over to the tricep pulldown thing, then the rowing bicep thingy, then the pec machine (the one where you have paddle on each hand, pull arms together...?) Then the ab machine thing, then the pullup bars, where I usually do about 12 (I‘m pretty sore by then). Then I go over to the freeweights and use the benches in alternating positions while doing shoulder presses with a 50lb weight in each hand. That‘s basically a brief rundown. To be perfectly honest, my workout strategy generally involves doing 12 reps and 3 sets of whatever machine thing isn‘t being used at that moment. Oh yes, and working out near guys that are weaker than I am, and thinner too. It‘s the psychological boost (I am God among puny thin mortals) that I need.

I know I could be doing things one **** of alot better, but it seems to be working. Kinda. Even though I‘m still a thin ectomorph (in my eyes) there was a time before I decided I wanted to join the reserves when I was 6‘2 and 149 pounds. Had it not been for the allure of being a soldier (albeit part time) I‘d probably still be doing arm curls with my 10 pound weights in my room.

As for protein drinks, I turn to my get fat powder.

The vanilla "mammoth" one tastes like man yogurt (...!) but swallowing it fast and with lots of milk seems to make it stay down.