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Questions on posting to Pet or Edmonton


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I have a few questions,Im nearing the completion of my QL3 (MOC 215, SigOp), in mid-Feb and will be going to my first posting.  The career manager told us we are going to Petawawa or Edmonton, our pick.

I'd like to gather as much information on both locations...

1. I know Petawawa is going on the next Rotation in Afghan, starting in Feb 2005, when is Edmonton going back ?
2. What are the different units and differences between the units ? (ei: Mechanized, Light, Para, Armoured) I can be pretty much attached to any type... Svc Bn, Eng, HQ & Sigs, PPCLI, RCR, RCHA ect.

Any tips\suggestion for a first posting ? ... Staying closer to home ? Moving farther away ? Type of units to try to get into ? I know its probably personal preference, Id like to get as much info and opinions as I can.

Thanks for any info provided...
From what I was told by many (again, this is secondary advice, so...):

Pet is CRAP if you are a single male.  Its a 2 hour drive to the nearest big city (Ottawa) and all the women in town are either very friendly with ALL of the young single soldiers, or sick of dogtags. :) I doubt I need to clarify much more, if you remember ST Jean, same sort of thing.

Edmonton you are in a real (heheh) city....

BUT recall that given your MOC, you stand a great possibility of moving all over the place in your career.... And you usually dont visit the same place twice very often... at least what I was told (although that was the officer level), so you may want to start farther out if you want to work your way back... but hey, its the army.....  just be happy y ou are getting a choice at all.

Pers. Id go Edmonton, even though Ottawa is closer for me.
Think about the future. You are going to spend a large chunk of time at whichever base you pick, since as a sig op, you can be posted back and forth between HQ & Sigs and all of the other units on the base. I know people who have been in Pet for 20+ years (sig ops!) So I would say, if you are from Ontario - east, pick Petawawa, if you are from out west, pick Edmonton.  Having just spent the last 6 years in Petawawa, I can tell you that its not so bad. The Ottawa Valley is awesome, and if you are into outdoor pursuits like whitewater kayaking, mountain biking, hiking etc etc, its hard to beat. Algonquin park is within a 45 minute drive... 

Oh, and you'll spend a few years in the HQ & Sig Sqn when you get to wherever you go, they don't usually send QL3s to the out units... You need to learn how to fold canvas first!
Thanks for the tips guys...

signalsguy, I was under that impression too, but from the carreer manager and from what Ive seen from the last two Sigs grad parades, seems they are posting a good percentage directly to units, less then half more then a 1\3rd I'd say.

Personally i would choose petawawa, i was pretty disappointed at first and i even wanted to switch trade cause i tough it sucked, but, like signalsguy said, your gonna learn to fold canvas first before you get posted out, but don't quote me on that, i have seen young Sig ops getting posted directly to out units. Just to let you know, you better know your stuff first, or otherwise your gonna go back pretty quick to the big mothership......which is not that good. But i was talking to some guys in Edmonton, they sit around all day and the days are pretty long.....

CT554 said:

Personally i would choose petawawa, i was pretty disappointed at first and i even wanted to switch trade cause i tough it sucked, but, like signalsguy said, your gonna learn to fold canvas first before you get posted out, but don't quote me on that, i have seen young Sig ops getting posted directly to out units. Just to let you know, you better know your stuff first, or otherwise your gonna go back pretty quick to the big mothership......which is not that good. But i was talking to some guys in Edmonton, they sit around all day and the days are pretty long.....

You would be wise to listen to Signalsguy as we were together in Pet.  The sqn guys get the first shot at out det postings.  New guys in the bde go to the sqn first off and learn the bde life before going to a unit.  Don't let the career manager tell you different because once your there, the Chief Comm Op desides on were you are placed.  Just because you get a posting message with a certain unit's posting position, you may not get there!  I worked as the Radio Node 2IC and CP 2IC and we got the bulk of the new soldiers.  Learning what we do is what the young soldier should be worried about to begin with.  Once they get a few years in, then move on to a unit in a support role.
Edmonton or Petawawa...in all honesty you'll have a ball no matter which one you go to. You're brand new to the trade and the Forces: with any luck at all you'll be in the field more than the barracks. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open. Volunteer for as much as you can. Be flexible, and have a ball- you're only young once, may as well enjoy it!
Just like signalsguy said, once you get posted, you'll probably stay there for a while...I'd say at least 8 to 10 years.  Before I came to Pet, I heard all these horror stories about the place...ya know...like people tell me "If I get posted there, I'd VR!"  But I tell ya, the place really isn't that bad.  Yeah, sure, it takes a couple of hours to get to Ottawa...I guess it depends what you're into...if you like the city, or if you're more into the country...hiking or stuff like that... 
I'm in Ottawa now, and if I had to leave Ottawa and my choices were between Pet and Edmonton, I would choose Pet, hands down. Maybe I would even choose Petawawa over Kingston, but that would take a lot of thought.

Pet is a small town sure, and Pembroke is not soo great, but the Ottawa Valley rocks, 2 Bde is a good place to be and like everyone has said, you'll get used to it in no time. If you go in with a negative attitude about the place, it makes no difference about where you are posted.
Garry said:
Edmonton or Petawawa...in all honesty you'll have a ball no matter which one you go to. You're brand new to the trade and the Forces: with any luck at all you'll be in the field more than the barracks. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open. Volunteer for as much as you can. Be flexible, and have a ball- you're only young once, may as well enjoy it!

Well put Garry!  I've been to both places and there is good soldiering at both.  And, isn't that what we are here to do - soldier?

Radop said:
You would be wise to listen to Signalsguy as we were together in Pet.   The sqn guys get the first shot at out det postings.   New guys in the bde go to the sqn first off and learn the bde life before going to a unit.   Don't let the career manager tell you different because once your there, the Chief Comm Op desides on were you are placed.   Just because you get a posting message with a certain unit's posting position, you may not get there!   I worked as the Radio Node 2IC and CP 2IC and we got the bulk of the new soldiers.   Learning what we do is what the young soldier should be worried about to begin with.   Once they get a few years in, then move on to a unit in a support role.

Actualy Radop lots of ql3's right off course are going to out units while some of the "older hands" are being held at the sqn for experience.....Me included!..lol :crybaby: