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Sigs Question


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If I am not mistaken Sigs is a Tri Service correct? Meaning you could be posted to a Navy, Air Force or Army base.

Any one with first hand knowledge that can confirm/deny this?

according to the Job Description on the DND website,yes a Sig Op can be attached to either a Army, Air Force or Navy unit
From what I‘ve seen... not really. It is an army trade and it‘s almost guaranteed you will start with an army posting. I‘m sure there are navy and air force positions but you probably won‘t get a chance at them till later in your career. Most new Sig Ops I‘ve seen end up in Pet, Kingston or Edmonton
thanks for the replies guys.

Ya when I handed in my package today I asked the recruter and he said.... no.

It it an army trade and the navy and air force have there own radio operators. I am still wondering about the description that said you could end up workin with the other branches.

Even though it is an Army trade you could still be posted to a unit in any branch.
As a Sig Op you will most likely be Posted to Petawawa, Edmonton, Kingston (the Home Station) or Valcartier your first posting. We do have Sig Ops posted to Navy and Airforce Bases. Sig Ops work on base in Halifax and Esquimalt in the Message Center, and the Air Ground Air sites, Sig Ops also Man the MACS site in Trenton and there a number posted to Ottawa. You can also be posted to just about any base in Canada, and the likelyhood of doing a tour overseas is very high.
SIgnals, the first ones in and the last ones out. Never an operation without. You have joined a proud and honourable group.
although we carry the cross-swords, i have heard of people getting posted to either branch of the services... tho rare... It‘s understandable because we do have different VP and stuff like that, and the navy (to my knowledge) still uses the morse code, while normal sig ops aren‘t taught it...

Mind you, if they are short on people, i wouldn‘t be surprised if the air force or the navy would ask us to support them
Originally posted by Gary Quann:
[qb] As a Sig Op you will most likely be Posted to Petawawa, Edmonton, Kingston (the Home Station) or Valcartier your first posting. We do have Sig Ops posted to Navy and Airforce Bases. Sig Ops work on base in Halifax and Esquimalt in the Message Center, and the Air Ground Air sites, Sig Ops also Man the MACS site in Trenton and there a number posted to Ottawa. You can also be posted to just about any base in Canada, and the likelyhood of doing a tour overseas is very high.
SIgnals, the first ones in and the last ones out. Never an operation without. You have joined a proud and honourable group. [/qb]
I miss MACS Trenten :(
...but aren't there Naval Signallers?

As a Sig Op, I could see the confusion - my own wife hardly gets it.

So I tell her "Yes, Sig Ops are army but my unit (JSR) is a joint or tri-service unit. And the base carries a majority of army". You should have seen the look on her face when I told her I could go to "Trenton which is air force, or halifax which is navy or Ottawa which is...well...crap". "And yes", I tell her, "I always have been and always be army".
Anyone know if any naval call outs ever pop up for Rad Ops? I'm trying to figure out a way to get behind a .50Cal... if going to sea would give me even a slight chance, I'll take it.
Ex-Dragoon would be a good one to answer this but as i understand it, the navy has it's own signals trade , MOC 277 naval comunicator. So i think you may be SOL !
When I did my BMQ, my PO told me she spent a lot of time working with SigOps. So there may be a slight chance.

aesop081 said:
So i think you may be SOL !

Darn... maybe I'll just shimmy up the ropes while they're in port and hope they'll take me on as a skilled stowaway...
  Just ask your Ops & Trg, if they have anything, I'm sure they'd be more than thrilled to send you on a tasking.....although I highly doubt they'll let you near their weapons....
All the Nav Comms do is act as loaders, its the Bosn's that operate the .50s.
Buddy I know was a "291'er spy" on board ship and he got to play with the "guns". Not sure if you could/would qualify for boarding party team, but hey, give it a try.
Follow-up: Better get friendly with the Fire Controlman (Chief) and he can pull a few strings with the Buffer or maybe the Cox.
Comm Reserve units on the coasts have a good bit of involvement with the navy, and are tasked to support the TTCC's (navy field deployable HQ/comcen unit).  There are also occasional opportunities for our guys to work on the MCDV's for a month or two at a time, but these are quite rare.  There's usually no good reason for army personnel to be aboard ship, so you're probably best off pursuing your .50 dreams elsewhere.
The recruiter I talked to was a SigOp and explained to me exactly what it is they do and he told me that they can be posted to Navy or Air Force units. They always wear the Army uniform though. 
P-Free said:
The recruiter I talked to was a SigOp and explained to me exactly what it is they do and he told me that they can be posted to Navy or Air Force units. They always wear the Army uniform though.  
Liar!!!!!!  Just kidding.  He is only telling a half truth.  The navy is taking back all the positions on shore and sea and people who were posted there last year are now getting posting messages back to Kingston so never count on a post to a naval base.  That being said, this is the second time the navy has "taken back" those positions from army sig ops and put naval commops in place.