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Taliban Propaganda Watch (RC South)
051910 Sept 10
<em>NOTE: This material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content – it is shared for information only. When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to translate the original – this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.</em>
<hr />RC South attack claims, excerpted from “Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols,” 2-4 Sept 10.
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RC South
<a href="http://theunjustmedia.com/Afghanistan/Mujahideen%20operations/Sep10/02-09-10.htm"> 2 Sept 10</a>Deadly blast in Zabul kills 6 US terrorists Sep 02
At least 6 US terrorists along with their puppet translator were killed at 10:00 am this morning, when a mine detonated on their foot patrol as they were carrying out an operation against the Mujahideen in Shahjoe district's Musa Zo area. Witnesses from the scene say that helicopters were seen at the blast site airlifting the dead and he wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
<a href="http://theunjustmedia.com/Afghanistan/Mujahideen%20operations/Sep10/03-09-10.htm"> 3 Sept 10</a>
6 puppets enemy killed in Kandahar, one detained Sep 03
At least 6 security puppets were killed and 1 detained along with his weapons on Thursday (Sep. 02) when Mujahideen attacked a NATO logistical convoy on Kandahar-Heart main highway in Zhiri. 1 vehicle full of logistics was also captured. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
IED obliterates US tank in Kandahar Sep 03
A US invaders tank was destroyed on Thursday morning (Sep 02) in Zhiri district when it was struck by an IED as it was travelling on Kandahar-Herat main highway. All invaders involved in the blast were either killed or wounded. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Enemy vehicle obliterated in Uruzgan Sep. 03
A NATO logistical supply vehicle was completely obliterated by an IED in Mariabad area of Terenkot city. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
IED destroys US tank in Uruzgan, 4 killed Sep 03
A US invaders tank was destroyed by an IED, killing all 4 invaders on board on Thursday (Sep. 02) near Terenkot city. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Enemy vehicle eliminated in Shahjoe (Zabul) blast Sep 03
A security puppet vehicle was destroyed, killing all puppets inside when it hit a roadside bomb in Zeyarat area of Shahjoe district on Thursday afternoon (Sep. 02). Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
<a href="http://theunjustmedia.com/Afghanistan/Mujahideen%20operations/Sep10/04-09-10.htm"> 4 Sept 10</a>
Deadly blast in Kandahar kills 7 US terrorists Sep 04
Tabeen area of Arghandab district was bombed without causing any casualties after a US officer along with 6 other terrorists were killed when their tank was shattered to bits by an IED at 11:00 am on Friday morning (Sep 03). Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
6 cowardly ANA puppets killed in clash with Mujahideen Sep 04
According to a report from Brehna Kot area of Kandahar city say that some 6 cowardly ANA puppets were killed and several others wounded when their foot patrol came into a Mujahideen ambush. In the 1-hour firefight 1 Mujahid was also injured. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Powerful blasts hit US foot patrol in Zhiri Sep 04
Helicopters were seen airlifting the dead and wounded US invaders after a series of 3 IED’s detonated on their foot patrol at 02:00am this morning in Pashmool area of Zhiri district. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Breaking News: Martyrdom attack hits US invaders convoy in Kandahar city Sep 04
A report from Khwajak Baba area of Kandahar city says that about an hour ago a brave Mujahid (Rahmatullah) detonated his explosive-laden vehicle on a US invaders convoy. Will keep you updated about the enemy casualties as reports arrive. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Missiles rock Kandahar airfield Sep 04
Missiles fired by Mujahideen on Friday (Sep. 03) hit Kandahar airfield but the damage and casualties caused to the enemy is not known. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Enemy suffer heavy losses in Zabul, 4 vehicles eliminated Sep. 04
An ANA puppet vehicles were blown apart by IED and another eliminated in an ambush in Shahr-e-Safa district on Friday (Sep. 03). Reports add that at least 2 security puppets were killed and 2 wounded on Friday (Sep. 03) when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in Seyori district. Yet again in Shahjoe district, a US invaders tank was completely obliterated by an IED on Friday night (Sep. 03), at 04:30 pm. In this explosion all the invaders onboard were killed and wounded. In another report a US invaders base was rocked by mortar rounds at 04:00 pm, on Friday (Sep. 03) in Nowbahar district. There are no confirmed reports about the number of casualties caused to the invaders. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
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<a href="http://theunjustmedia.com/Afghanistan/Statements/Sep10/A%20Request%20to%20the%20Muslim%20Ummah%20Pray%20for%20the%20victory%20of%20Mujahideen%20and%20the%20defeat%20of%20Invaders.htm"> The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: A Request to the Muslim Ummah: Pray for the victory of Mujahideen and the defeat of Invaders</a>Ramadan 22, 1431 A.H, Thursday, September 02, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Ramadan is a month of Blessings, Mercy and a month of victory for the Muslims over the Kuffar. In this blessed month the battle of Badr, the conquest of Makkah, the famous battle of Qadesiya, the conquest of Andulus (Spain), the battle of Hiteen and Ain Jaloot have taken place and Allah SWT gave the final victory to the Muslims over the Kuffar.
This is a month in which Allah SWT bestowed his book as a mercy for mankind and many hadith reported from our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW talk about the rewards and importance of prayers in this blessed month.
There are many revelations reported about the night of Qadr, which is from one of the nights of this blessed month, in which the prayer performed is better (more in reward) than the prayer performed in the nights of a thousand months.
In many of the narrations reported from Prophet Muhammad SAW it is said that, there are times in this month in which if a Muslims prays (conforming to Shariat) to Allah SWT, he SWT will answer his prayers.
Today, our Muslim Ummah is facing a lot of hardships by the hands of the Kuffar (infidels). We are being killed, our wealth and honor is being plundered in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other parts of the world, so we ask our Muslim brothers and sisters to pray, especially in the last 10 nights of this blessed month for our success, for the success of the Mujahideen who fight for the cause of Allah over the Kuffar, and the shameful defeat of the enemies of Islam so that the Muslims are released from the atrocities committed by their hands.
Allah SWT accepts these kinds of prayers as he says himself in his book (Quran):
(وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُواْ لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُواْ بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ (البقرة . 186
When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me: that they may walk in the right way. (Surah Baqarah, verse 189).
It is hoped from the Muslim Ummah that they will pray to Allah SWT in the last 10 blessed nights of this blessed month, (along with their own needs) for the Mujahideen who are fighting for Allah’s cause to become victorious over the enemies of Allah SWT. Ameen.
<em>From the Leadership Shura of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan</em>
<hr /> <a href="http://theunjustmedia.com/Afghanistan/Statements/Sep10/Repetition%20of%20the%20Hackneyed%20and%20Fake%20Election.htm"> The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Repetition of the Hackneyed and Fake Election</a>
Ramadan 23, 1431 A.H, Friday, September 03, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The Americans are trying again to pave the way for some demagogues faces in the coming days to reach the corridor of the parliament, in an effort to give legitimacy to the occupying forces and the puppet Kabul administration. However, the short-list of the would-be winners has already been finalized in the American embassy in Kabul. They have selected characters that passed the America criteria. The invaders are confident enough that those selected will never ratify a resolution against American interests.
The Americans and the campaigners of the candidates know very well that conduct of transparent and open elections in a peaceful environ is out of the question in any area, district or province of the country. Equally is not possible that the 20% voters as per the American prediction will ever show up on the polling day.
The Afghans know that on this day, Mujahideen will target American military convoys and soldiers who are to provide security to the parliamentarian elections. Most of the candidates do not enjoy even 5% grassroots votes; some of them have already been detained by Mujahideen with the support of the people; some of them have been threatened or escaped from their residential areas to live in the Capital. They think that they will mobilize people in their support while sitting in Kabul. So in this dangerous and difficult situation, the American drama of deception will not achieve its target, despite the fact that they have spent millions of dollars and are going to deploy security contingents and units on this day.
It is important to note that the election has no credibility in the eye of the common man in spite of the fact, that the Americans have spent or are spending large amount of money and campaigns to bribe people are in full swing. But all these not withstanding, they will fall flat. No one can say that the parliament will ever live up to people’s expectation.
The sagacious Afghan nation knows that in any country under foreign occupation, all laws, regulations and assemblies and parleys are honed to pander to wishes and interest of foreigners. Therefore, as far as the people are concerned, all the efforts and campaigns launched by the occupying forces have no reliability in their eyes.
The Afghan people still remember the poor and demagogue record of the past term of the Kabul stooge regime’s parliament. They did not serve the nation, nor did boycott parliamentarian sessions even for a single day in protest to the incessant encroachments on our religious injunctions and national values by the invading Americans, or for their other sundry abominable actions that they committed; nor the parliamentarians led huge demonstrations and marches to condemn the blind bombardments and the killing of thousands of civilians during house searches conducted by the invaders, so that they might have proved that they are real representatives of people, not American puppets. But instead, they provoked racial, lingual and geographical issues, using the forum of the parliament. They did put forward proposals for disintegrations of Afghanistan. They engineered diabolical conspiracies to set stage for conflicts between fraternal ethnicities and tried to engage them in endless hostilities.
Now, the Afghans are well aware of the ploys used by the Americans against our religious principles and national traditions under the fatuous slogans of democracy. It is not possible that these fake slogans will deceive them any more. They know that during the past nine years, these committees, the parliament and other puppet entities could not solve people core issues like security, protection of the religion and people and eradication of poverty.
Now when America is on the descent, and it is itself seeking ways and means for escape, then how would it would solve these issues amicably.
<em>The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan</em>
<hr /> <a href="http://theunjustmedia.com/Afghanistan/Statements/Sep10/the%20Islamic%20Emirate%20of%20Afghanistan%20Karzai%20in%20vortex%20of%20corruptions.htm"> The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Karzai in vortex of corruptions</a>
Ramadan 22, 1431 A.H, Thursday, September 02, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The CIA is making secret payments to top-level officials of Karzai administration despite the fact that the agency knew in advance that its backing will amplify corruption, but it still paid corrupt officials, so that it can maintain source of information within Karzai government, because Karzai is not aware of the moves made by members of his own government, according a report issued in Washington post last Friday.
Among those on CIA payroll, Muhammad Zia Salehi’s involvement is much prominent, who had been captured on corruption charges, but was released by Karzai. Although Karzai denied the allegations that the top-level officials of his administration are on CIA payroll.
New York Times, quoted the dismissed deputy attorney general Fazel Ahmed Faqiryar as saying, I was forced into early retirement after aggressively promoting corruption investigation against the top-level officials. New York Times and Washington post cited another prominent official who has knowledge of what is going on in the palace, informed that Karzai operates a 10 to 5 million dollars money fund, which flows from Iran and other foreign intelligence services, to rewards the political allies in his administration.
Broadly speaking, Karzai, under the foreigners control, is heading a puppet multi-dimensional administration, whose members are morally, politically and financially corrupt.
Many comments had been made in the month of August, which have expressed the outrage of the masses as they have witnessed during the holy month of Ramadan the non-Islamic behavior of the corrupt top-level officials, one of those comments was address to the ambassador "Mr. Ambassador (Jawad) you are involved in sybaritism, extravagance, and dancing with wine, while the Afghan masses are dancing in blood and floods."
On the other hand, Karim Khalili, the second vice president and his deputy are among the corrupts who, apart from other crimes, are involved in religion and national prejudice.
Karzai takes it as an achievement to have embassies and consulates in different countries of the world with the Afghan flag raising above, whereas he shows a total disregard for the suffering of the Afghans and disrespect of the Islamic and Pashtun values and traditions.
The question arise what would happen to the masses of a country whose head, nobles, and top-level officials are indulging in perverted activities, who’s role models are singers and dancers, who pay no attention to the future of the country’s development and improvement.
The imbalance and incompetence among the members of the parliament and judiciary and others such as Fahim, Khalili, Qanoni, Rakiti, Tanai, Rahmani Uloomi and so forth have affected the life and peace of the entire Afghan masses, and their crimes and corruptions are the direct outcome of the US invasion of Afghanistan.
Moreover, the nuclear bombs have been used in Afghanistan, the Afghan people continue to be massacred, while their country’s wealth is being looting, all this is being done in the name of democracy, which is nothing but American hypocrisy, a violation of the rights of the Afghan people and a disgrace to Islamic values.
<em>The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan</em>
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