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USA Drafting

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Army.ca Myth
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My wife was trying to talk to me last night and i was ignoring her as usual when she used a trick to get my attention and brought up the military so i tuned in. She said there was talk inthe US about bringing back the Draft. Any truth to that??
LOL. Good luck with the navy boarding parties.

Better to go for the Canadian reserves!
Actually i know of a family here in canada who love to travel and im sure many of their fellow canadians would love to pay for their plane ticket. If you offered them some health care im sure they would fight for you. They prefer Aks over M16s though :)

All truth aside i thought if someone actually did bring up the draft idea it wasn‘t very serious. I can‘t see that being brought into service in any allied nation.
Yeah i was readin in the news how the US is apparently "quietly strengethening their draft boards"
Yup totally in jest Sir, i mean who would actually want those swabbies? They have the muzzel control of a paintballer string out on extacy :)

I had no idea Germany had conscripts. Now that they are allowed to hump in their barracks i thought people would be fighting to get in.

You should send all those fine young gentlemen from the Caribbean up here. We‘ll throw them on health care, maybe some social assistance and wait for them to find something they dn‘t like so they can sue us.

Apparently one of the new ships is going to be named HMCS Svend Robinson followed by the HMCS Michael Moore :)
Major Baker: I‘ve delayed responding to you comments in the past as I believe you honestly and sincerely believe you are making light of some situations and cultures. Sir, you are NOT! I find your comments disturbing. Particularly your comments .... "as for the Pakistani volunteers, no thanks we have enough of them on an all expenses paid vacation in the Caribbean we don‘t need anymore besides Canada needs more of them in their "Cultural Mosaic". Not humorous, Sir. You‘re a leader; conduct yourself as one. Out.
S_Baker is wrong. There is pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills: S 89 and HR 163) which will time the program‘s initiation so the draft can begin as early as Spring 2005.

Yes, I‘m sure draft legislation such as that is routinely found in the governments of all democratic countries....right?


The initial query was whether of not there was talk of bringing back the draft. Now, I don‘t know how much of a US Government expert you are, but I‘d say that a bill making it‘s way through the Legislative branch of any government is pretty definitive proof that somebody (in this case a US senator) is talking about it. Your answer that it was just "Liberal bullshit politicians and left wing media talking ****" was wrong.
Originally posted by nULL:
[qb] Yes, I‘m sure draft legislation such as that is routinely found in the governments of all democratic countries....right?


The initial query was whether of not there was talk of bringing back the draft. Now, I don‘t know how much of a US Government expert you are, but I‘d say that a bill making it‘s way through the Legislative branch of any government is pretty definitive proof that somebody (in this case a US senator) is talking about it. Your answer that it was just "Liberal bullshit politicians and left wing media talking ****" was wrong. [/qb]
Not necessarily, you said it yourself a Senator started the bill, so it very well could be a "Liberal Bullshit Politician"
The particular senator in question* was an officer in WW2 and was awarded the bronze star. At the time, I heard that meant something....

Even so, questioning the leader of a country (supposedly without direconsequences!) is one of the advantages we enjoy, you shouldn‘t be penalized or branded because of it. He disagrees with bush and is liberal fine, now what else do you know about him?

*Guy responsible for bill in question
Before you go mouthing off to the good Major about bills, go check how many [and stupid] private members bills get read in our system.
They mean nothing except getting the person responsible some air time.
If you guys go to the draft sir instead of inviting the American hippies who will only whine on the tours start 1 800 number for Canucks to call and Volunteer.
; I think we need to pull our troops out of South Korea, Japan, and Europe.

**** right. I remember seeing all these anti american protests on TV in south korea. The minute the north koreans got a little mouthy the south koreans loved the US again. They don‘t appriciate you guys there? Pull your troops out.
This might be a stupid question, but what are troops doing in Japan?
Still an army of occupation.

Part of a US-Japanese Defence agreement I believe.

There American‘s never had, nor needed, an exit strategy there. They knew that for democracy to take root they had to stay put for a while. Consider it part of "nation building".
The Michael Moore is going to have trouble getting into any harbour because it will be too wide! That fat ****K I hate him!
I like him. Quite insightful. I don‘t see how most of the US hates him because he doesn‘t agree with Bush. Probabily your patriotism. (not that thats a bad thing)
Originally posted by cheeky_monkey:
I like him. Quite insightful. I don‘t see how most of the US hates him because he doesn‘t agree with Bush. Probabily your patriotism. (not that thats a bad thing) [/QB][/QUOTE]

Insightful? Im going to have to disagree.

Did you see Bowling for Columbine, where he travelled to Canada and talked to 3 random kids out side a taco bell who DID NOT, at least in my opinion, represent the thoughts of kids their age. It seemed to me like they had trouble forming sentences almost. Plus, he walked around opening peoples doors, claiming that Canadians leave our doors unlocked because it is so safe here. Im sorry, I could walk down my street and I bet almost EVERY door will be locked, especially if you go downtown. That to me is not insightful, its misleading.
S Baker is ‘just taking the P_iss out of ya‘ mate, and I see his humour in it.

You should see what I have to put up with here sometimes.

Its all fun til someone looses an eye, than its a sport!

Cheer and beers,

The US Army is like Legions of the Roman Empire, promising citizen status for service in the armed forces to illegal aliens. And eventually that Roman army dissolved due to ethnic diversity as more Germans (considered barbarians) were enlisted than soldiers from Roman territories.
The US Army is like Legions of the Roman Empire, promising citizen status for service in the armed forces to illegal aliens. And eventually that Roman army dissolved due to ethnic diversity as more Germans (considered barbarians) were enlisted than soldiers from Roman territories.
What in the name of heck are you nattering about??? :confused:
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