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What exactly takes so long at Borden for the medcal review?

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What do they do there? Based on the info the recruit gives them, and based on what the medical staff find at the recruiting center - what more needs to be checked? I was told that if i'm lucky i'll hear in a bout 6 weeks about the medical from Borden! The only doctor form i had to submit was for eyesight. Turns out I have 20/25 visoin with no glasses. Is that going to be a problem with being an Infanteer?

I thought the medical was hearing, vision, and doctor doing a physical checkup...what exactly needs to be verified next?
Here how I understand the process.  All the information is collected at the recruiting center.  Once they have a complete package ready, it is sent to Borden.  (I was told today on the phone it goes to Ottawa, which is recently changed from Borden, but I am going pilot so maybe it's different).  Anyway the completed medical file is then reviewed at that location.  They are the ones who make the decisions as long as your pass the standards set at the CFRC.  Also I was told it takes about a max of 4 weeks usually. Mine took a little over 2 weeks, it's currently in transit back to Halifax  8)
Thanks for answering. Ok, so you pass the starndards set at the CFRC....so what else is there left to "review"? They just need another set of eyes to look at the paperwork and say..."yes that'll do" and then send it back?

Anyway, i'll quiet down for now - i guess everybody goes through this waiting period.
I can only imagine the entire process is bogged down by bureaucracy and I would bet there is not much incentive or care by most of the people handling a file. Hopefully now that the government wants to beef up the recruiting process we will see faster processing, but as of yet I see the same dragging of feet and indifference. If what my recruiter said was true, I would be in training long ago. This is the only career I would wait this long for and jump through so many hoops (going on 4 years now).
I actually first applied to RMC outta high school in 2000. And then again for pilot later. Here I am again...applying for Infantry. This is definatly the only career that I would jump through flaming hoops for!!
Haha yep no other job is worth this kind of torture  ;)

But basically yeah the set of eyes that looks at the medical file in Ottawa is the only set that can give a 100% "go ahead" on your file.  Thats what I gather anyway.
misfit said:
I actually first applied to RMC outta high school in 2000. And then again for pilot later. Here I am again...applying for Infantry. This is definatly the only career that I would jump through flaming hoops for!!

Oh No...Not the hoops again!  :dontpanic:
The med staff in Bordon are responsible for all recruits across Canada. Considering the number of applicants they must process and the number of staff they have to do it, it is outstanding that they are able to return a med file in 6-8 weeks.

0007 suggested that the staff were not professional and were apathetic. Bullshit. If it has taken you 4 years to get in, there is something else wrong which may or may not include the following:

1. You failed to meet the standard for the CFAT for your trade.
2. You were not competitive for your trade at the last board.
3. You were counseled out for other reasons.

I am confident to say publicly that they wouldn't keep your file open for four years. Start accepting responsibility and stop laying blame.
Locked to avoid a pile on.

You can go to the sub board with the threads on enrollment medicals and search for
the word "borden" if your interested in the actual process.  There are several threads.


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