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When will I start???

  • Thread starter Thread starter wannabeinfantry
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I want to join the infantry but i do not want to leave right now and i was wondering if i signed up when would i go for basic ...could somebody help me???
you can apply right now, the applicantion may take longer than you thought.
If you review some of the threads linked in the Recruiting FAQ, you will find that one of the greatest issues with the recruiting process is the long wait times between starting an applicant file and being offered a position. It can take 4-12 months, or even longer if issues with the applicant (medical, legal, prior service, etc) are identified. Also, there's no commitment until the process is complete and an offer made.

You will not be marched off to basic training just for asking questions and expressing interest at your local Recruiting Centre.

Recruiting FAQ (See the section titled Recruiting Process.)  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/17073.0.html
I was wondering what you mean be a long waiting time, because I handed my paper work in and got a CFAT and PT date the same day. And the date was a week later. After that I was told there would be a 3 week wait till I could scuhdule my Medical and Interview, but again it was short (by 1 week). And my date is in 10 days. Also if you could tell me (appox.) how soon I would be on Basic, if I pass my Medical and Interview.

after u take ur medical it is sent to borden for review, this should take 3-6 weeks. If all is good then then u get on the merit list and wait for a selection board to be held. The next 1 is on september 15th, if u get picked on that date then u will be given an offer of enrolment. if you r passed over u have to wait for the next 1, which is sometime in october... this process continues till u get enrolled.
That isn't correct.  At least, not necessarily so.  First of all, selection depends on what trades he's applying for, which he didn't mention. 

conan:  As I learned going through the recruiting process recently, its impossible to even estimate how long it will be before you're in basic.  It all depends on (but not limited to) how strong a candidate you are, how many positions they have open for your trade, when they do selection, and how long it takes your medical and security clearance to clear.  There are probably other factors too and perhaps someone who works at a CFRC can point these factors out, if they are important. 
Thanks for your help casus belli and hoser. I realized that I should ask a recruiter, etc. and that there are alot of factors that play a role. But I wanted to get a second opinion. Thanks again.
Yeah, its a tough pill to swallow sometimes.  Even recruiters will "refuse to speculate" as to the length of time in many instances.  I was in the same position as you, asking the same questions as you, so I understand what you're going through. 
Yeah I understand that. I was wondering because of Air Cadets. They start back up in September and I'd like to go back as a volunteer, or something. But what's your story?
thx for the information you all provided. really helps clear things up...here's my case...

physical= may
aptitude= june 28th
medical= july 21st
interview#1= july13th(Naval Res)
..switched to Reg and Moc change...
interview#2= july 23rd(Naval Reg)

moc= boatswain ( http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/engraph/career/tradeinfo_e.aspx?id=181&bhcp=1 )

i was told by one recruiter that i could wait up till December for the job offer letter. Oct at the latest from my 2nd interviewer. i have confirmed the Selections Committee date for Sept 15th. had recommendations go along with my file. i find a lot of answers to questions that the recruitment centre/website wont provide us with on this forum and for that i thank you. but for those of us who meet the qualifications, and have no glitches (medical, legal, or otherwise)...what chance do we have of making winter bmq in st-jean?

and in the  unfortunate case we are passed up for all 3 moc choices...what can we (applicants) expect? i know for sure all 3 moc choices are open and i was told that the navy is short on boatswains and that its a plentiful position (much like infantry and RMS clerk).

(pls, only those who are in and know how the system works reply)...thx in advance :army:
some people get their offer 3 months after they first apply,
some take 6 months

mine tool 13 months because of VFS

i have heard others taking up to 2 years to enroll, the best thing to do is go in speak with a recruiter, and apply, just because you are given an offer does not mean you must accept it right away, you can tell them you will wait for the next opening etc..
*CDN*Blackhawk said:
some people get their offer 3 months after they first apply,
some take 6 months

mine tool 13 months because of VFS

i have heard others taking up to 2 years to enroll, the best thing to do is go in speak with a recruiter, and apply, just because you are given an offer does not mean you must accept it right away, you can tell them you will wait for the next opening etc..

youre exactly right and that was my strategy. i did soo much research on the mocs that  interested me, spoke to reservists and regs alike, i asked every single recruiter the same questions as if i never knew the answer. and i found out that the more you search, and the more you play dumb (before your enrollment exams begin), the more info you get out of them. im just glad i passed all my enrollment tests. the aptitude was not nearly as tough as ppl think it is going in. you just have to be quick and choose the most logical answer. i had 2 min to spare after each session. but i luv the new user friendly format on pc. anyway, i was told that the whole process takes a minimum avg of 3-4 months. but i met a dude who waited 1&1/2 years for his moc to open up. they really mislead you in the advertisements. and its not like the US forces. ours are much more competitive to get into (thx to our dinky defence budgets). anyway, i wish every aspiring applicant good luck, and hope to see you guys at St-Jean in January.

Hooya :army: