's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

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What, then, does the future hold? How do we proceed? Can a consensus be forged that nuclear weapons have no defensible role, that the political and human consequences of their employment transcends any asserted military utility, that as weapons of mass destruction, the case for their elimination is a thousand fold stronger and more urgent that for deadly chemicals and viruses already widely declared illegitimate, subject to destruction and prohibited from any future production? I believe that such a consensus in not only possible, it is imperative and is in fact growing daily.

- Gen Lee Butler

Viewed 120112 times.

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Today in Military History

September 8


Battle of Kulikovo - Russian forces defeat a mixed army of Tatars and Mongols, stopping their advance.


Battle of Tumu Fortress - Mongolians capture the Chinese emperor


Battle of Orsha - In one of the biggest battles of that century, Belarussians and Poles defeat the Russian army


Montreal capitulates to the British


Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Bassano - French forces defeat Austrian troops at Bassano.


Sebastopol falls following a year long seige


American Civil War: Second Battle of Sabine Pass - On the Texas-Louisiana border at the mouth of the Sabine River, a small Confederate force thwarts a Union invasion of Texas.


Russian government reimposes death penalty everywhere for treason, desertion and cowardice


World War II: Siege of Leningrad begins. German forces begin a siege against the Soviet Union's second-largest city, Leningrad. Stalin orders the Volga Deutsche deported to Siberia.


Eisenhower announces unconditional surrender of the Italians


World War II: United States General Dwight D. Eisenhower publicly announces the surrender of Italy to the Allies.


World War II: London is hit by a V2 rocket for the first time.


Cold War: United States troops arrive to partition the southern part of Korea in response to Soviet troops occupying the northern part of the peninsula a month earlier.


The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) is established.

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