
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

1st Canadian Infantry Division Units
Sicily 1943
- 1 Canadian Infantry Division Defence and Employment Platoon (Lorne Scots)
RCA 1 Canadian Infantry Division
- 1 Canadian Field Regiment, RCHA
- 2 Canadian Field Regiment, RCA
- 3 Canadian Field Regiment, RCA
- 1 Canadian Anti-Tank Regiment, RCA
- 2 Canadian Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RCA
- 12 Canadian Meteorological Section
RCE 1 Canadian Infantry Division
- 1 Canadian Field Company
- 3 Canadian Field Company
- 4 Canadian Field Company
- 2 Canadian Field Park Company
- 1 Canadian Bridging Platoon
1 Canadian Infantry Division Signals
HQ RCASC 1 Canadian Infantry Division
- 1 Canadian Infantry Brigade Company
- 2 Canadian Infantry Brigade Company
- 3 Canadian Infantry Brigade Company
- 1 Canadian Infantry Divisional Troops Company
- 4 Canadian Field Ambulance
- 5 Canadian Field Ambulance
- 9 Canadian Field Ambulance
- 2 Canadian Field Hygiene Section
- 1 Canadian Infantry Divisional Ordnance Field Park
- 1 Canadian Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit
- 1 Canadian Infantry Brigade Workshop
- 2 Canadian Infantry Brigade Workshop
- 3 Canadian Infantry Brigade Workshop
- No. 1 Infantry Troops Workshop
C Pro C
- 1 Canadian Provost Company
- 1 Canadian Field Cash Office
- 1 Canadian Infantry Division Postal Unit
- 1 Canadian Dental Company
- 4th Canadian Reconnaissance Regiment (4th Princess Louise Dragoon Guards)
Divisional Support
- Saskatoon Light Infantry (Machine Gun)
- The Royal Canadian Regiment
- Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment
- The 48th Highlanders of Canada
- Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
- Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
- Loyal Edmonton Regiment
- Royal 22e Regiment
- Carleton and York Regiment
- West Nova Scotia Regiment
1st Canadian Armoured Brigade
Sicily 1943
- 11th Canadian Armoured Regiment (The Ontario Regiment)
- 12th Canadian Armoured Regiment (The Three Rivers Regiment)
- 14th Canadian Armoured Regiment (The Calgary Regiment)
- No. 83 Company, RCASC
- No. 2 Light Field Ambulance, RCAMC
- No. 1 Army Tank Brigade Sub-Park, RCOC
- 1st Tank Brigade Workshop, RCOC
IFCCS : Indirect Fire Control Computer Software, nA program that is loaded onto a laptop computer and used in artillery or mortar command posts. The software is used to store data and calculate firing solutions for indirect fire missions for all current indirect fire systems in Canadian inventory. Core computing ability is based on NABK, NATO Artillery Ballistic Kernel, a ballistic engine that allows access to FCI's, Fire Control Inputs or ammunition and weapon data base, of primarily Canadian ammunition and weapon systems, but potentially all NATO countries using NABK as well.
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