's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

The Mao doctrine is an evolutionary refinement of manoeuvre theory, accomplished by stripping the latter of its trappings of military convention.

- Richard Simpkin

Viewed 131174 times.

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Military Word Of The Day
To disrupt
(Mission/task Verb) A tactical task or obstacle effect (that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort) that breaks apart an enemy's formation and tempo, interrupts the enemy's time table, causes premature commitment of forces, and/or splinters their attack.

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Today in Military History

December 22


The Air Board submits a memo to the Privy Council proposing to create the Canadian Air Force


VILLA GRANDE, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 28 Dec 43)


US troops under McAuliffe encircled at Bastogne refuse German surrender terms

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