's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Canada`s Hope

They marched through the rain
Through the snow and the pain
Its there duty to stand on the front lines
So they can keep us safe even in the darkest of times

They will have to fight in the trenches
That were dug with anger and vengeance
And walk through the deserts hot sands
All so we have freedom in this land

They can sleep all alone
Away from there families and homes
And hold onto only sweet memories
Because a soldier has to be away, that is his destiny

They may have to carry the weight of killing another
Or lay down their life for there sister and brother
Or have to carry on your shoulder, a friend
And keep remembering, Death is not the end!

They stand on a wall
To make sure that out flag will not fall
For in them we must place our love and trust
Because on their watch, nothing can hurt us.

But they ask us one thing, that we should never forget
Even though they have tears of pain, they hold no regrets
No one had to beg or implore them
They are proud to stand like their fathers before em?

And when they come home, either standing or dead
Know that for us, they fought and they bled
To ensure one and all
Our country will not fall!

- Pte. Branconnier

Viewed 119505 times.

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Military Word Of The Day
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Huron

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Today in Military History

October 5


Death of Tecumseh in Battle of the Thames


The Brockville Rifles: Semper Paratus (Always ready)


The Brockville Rifles: Semper Paratus (Always ready


The Lanark and Renfew Scottish Regiment: Fac et Spera (Do and hope)


Fenian invasion force capture the Hudsons Bay Company at Pembina Manitoba.


763 (Ottawa) Communication Regiment (originally 3 Divisional Signals)

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