's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Special Orders No 1 Section, 13/3/18:
(1) This position will be held, and the Section will remain here until relieved.
(2) The enemy cannot be allowed to interfere with this programme.
(3) If the Section cannot remain here alive, it will remain here dead, but in any case it will remain here dead.
(4) Should any man through shell shock or other cause attempt to surrender, he will remain here dead.
(5) Should all guns be blown out, the Section will use Mills Grenades and other novelties.
(6) Finally, the position as stated, will be held.

F.P. Bethune, Lieut,
C/C No 1 Sect 3 MG Coy AIF

- Lieut Frank Bethune, Australian Imperial Force (AIF)

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YPRES, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 2 Oct 18)

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