's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

If I were asked to define leadership, I should say it is the projection of personality. It is the most intensely personal thing in the world because it is just plain you.

The qualities that distinguish a leader from other men are courage, will power, initiative, and knowledge. If you have not got those qualities you will not make a leader; if you have them, you will.

- Field Marshal Sir William Slim from an address at West Point, circa 1950:

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Military Word Of The Day

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Today in Military History

June 15


VC won by Lt Frederick William Campbell, 1st Battalion, CEF, Givenchy, France (posthumous)


A&SH leave France


The Canadian Provost Corps is authorized: Discipline by Example


Formal surrender by General Menendez to Major-General Jeremy Moore, of all Argentine Forces on East and West Falklands

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