's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. If, however, you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your soldiers must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose.

- Sun Tzu

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Military Word Of The Day
Director Logistics Business Management/Food Services

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Today in Military History

June 28


The Archduke Ferdinand assassinated by "the Black Hand" at Sarajevo


Action of LA BEQUE


Treaty of Versailles signed


The Anglo-US airlift to Berlin begins


Operation Redwings. 4 US Navy Seals sent into mountains of Afghanistan to hunt Taliban warlord. The seals were discovered and were engaged in a fierce firefight with over 100 Taliban fighters. 50 of the Taliban were reduced and 3 of the Seals were killed. One Seal barely escaped with his life.

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