's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Subscriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an Subscription?
A: An Subscription is an annual payment of $30 which gives you additional features and capabilities on (as well as, and, and allows you to publicly show your support for the site.

Q: How do I subscribe?
A: Simply select the Subscription Item you'd like sent to you and click on the image below:
NOTE: You must log in before you can purchase a Subscription.

Q: What if I'm not a PayPal user? Can I still subscribe?
A: Yes! Although PayPal is the easiest way to pay, you can also send payment via these methods:
  • e-mail transfer to Army [at]
  • Personal Cheque, made out to Crypto Logic Canada Inc., PO Box 144, Port Williams NS, B0P 1T0
  • Money Order cashable in Canada
--> Please click here to use the non-PayPal registration system. <--

Non-electronic payments will be processed once they have cleared. Note that when paying by any of these means you can pay for more than one year's worth of subscription if desired.

Q: What does a subscription entitle me to?
A: As a new Subscriber, you get the following:
  • First year: A subscription item (see list above), temporary tattoos, and an badge, mailed to your door *
  • All external site advertising will be disabled
  • Your account will be publicly "tagged" as an Subscriber
  • Access to a "Subscribers Only" forum
  • Ability to post events to the forum calendar **
  • Ability to edit existing Quotes in the Military Quote database **
  • Ability to edit existing Definitions in the Military Terms database **
  • Ability to delete your own posts
  • Ability to Request Notifications on New Topics (Subscribe to a forum)
  • Ability to edit photo information and comments in the Photo Gallery
  • Unlimited Personal Message storage
  • Ability to set your own unique "personal status" visible to all users
* Canada only, users from other countries may need to pay additional shipping. Item size and colour preference will be honoured based on available stocks. If your selection is not available you will be contacted and may elect for an alternate choice or to wait for the next re-order.

** Any submissions or modifications may be rejected if they are deemed unsuitable.

Note: The services and features available to subscribers are subject to change at any time without notice. Historically, this has meant the addition of a few small features here and there.

Q: What do the badges look like?
A: They are 6" wide and 2" high with a velcro back, and come in Cadpat TW (woodland) or Cadpat AR (Desert). Here is a photo to give you an idea of the size and quality:

Q: Do I need a subscription?
A: No. All core services are available to everyone, subscriber or not.

Q: So why would I get a subscription?
A: In addition to all the features listed above, a subscription is the best way to help stay alive, and even improve. More subscribers means a bigger "budget" which allows us to improve or add services.

Q: How much is a subscription?
A: $30 annually. Your subscription will automatically be renewed every year unless you cancel it.

Q: How long will it take before my Subscription is activated?
A: That depends on how you pay. Subscriptions purchased via PayPal will be activated instantly, while other methods will not be activated until the payment has cleared.

Q: What if I don't want anyone to know I am a subscriber?
A: By default, the profile of all Subscribers is marked to show that they have contributed to the site. If you do not want any public recognition of your Subscription, simply send me an e-mail and your profile will be reverted back. Note that you will still have all the rights and privileges of a subscriber, though your profile will not indicate your status.

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?
A: Simply click here to view or cancel your subscription. Please note that past subscription payments will not be reimbursed.

Military Word Of The Day
Transformation Steering Committee

» Download the iPhone/iPad Military Terms app! «

Today in Military History

March 26


ROSIERES, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 27 Mar 18)


End of Spanish Civil War

» Download the iPhone/iPad Military History app! «
