RG-31 Nyala Mine Protected Vehicle

The RG-31 Nyala Mine Protected Vehicle (MPV) and Mamba are two variants of a South African mine hardened vehicle purchased by Canada for use by Field Engineer Reconnaissance elements in operational theaters. The 4x4 vehicle is used to evaluate routes in areas where the mine threat is high. The vehicle’s V-shaped hull and high suspension are designed to resist a blast equivalent to two TM-57 anti-tank mines detonating simultaneously. Only the Nyala is still in operational service with the Mamba employed for training in Canada. The Mamba has seen service in Bosnia and the Nyala has deployed to Ethiopia / Eritrea and Afghanistan.
It is likely that the MPV will soon be retired as the newer RG-31 Nyala Armoured Patrol Vehicle comes fully on line.
- .50 cal heavy machine gun
- Length: 5.46 m
- Width: 2.21 m
- Height: 2.50 m
- Weight: 6, 800 kg (combat weight)
- Engine: Daimler-Benz OM 352, 6 cylinder diesel, 123 HP
- Maximum Speed: 100 km/h
- Range: 900 km
Source DND:[1]
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Also see - RG-31 Nyala APV [3]