's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

The Thunder Bay Military Museum

The Thunder Bay Military Museum is mandated to collect, catalogue, preserve, display, and interpret the rich military history of Northwestern Ontario. It houses the Regimental memorabilia of The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment. In particular, The Museum has the Victoria Cross, Military Cross, and other medals won by Captain Christopher Patrick John O'Kelly,VC,MC at Paschendaelle on 26 Oct 1917. Captain O'Kelly was with the 52nd Battalion. Additional items on display in The Museum include the scarlet dress uniform of Captain J. Hunter of the 96th Lake Superior Regiment, the medals of RSM James Morrison, 52nd Battalion, and much more. The Museum is open Monday to Friday, 10:00h to 16:00h, Tuesday nights 20:00h to 22:00h. Other times upon request. The Public is welcome, admission is FREE. (807) 343-5175

For more information, please contact pennym@ai

President: Lieutenant-Colonel/Doctor T.M.S. Kaipio,CD,PhD
Curator: Lieutenant Myles G. Penny,CD,BA,BEd

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Military Word Of The Day

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Today in Military History

January 27


Joseph Grew, the United States ambassador to Japan, cables the State Department that Japan has plans to launch an attack against Pearl Harbor, Hawaii


First USAAF attack on Germany - daylight bombing of Wilhelmshaven


Russians declare end of seige of Leningrad


Canadian Forces aircraft airlift 115 Canadian personnel to South Vietnam for peacekeeping duties


Death of Cpl Jamie Murphy Afghanistan

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