's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

You can't describe the moral lift,
when in the fight your spirits weary
hears above the hostile fire,
Your own artillery.
Shells score the air like wavy hair
from a forward battery.
As regimental cannon crack
While from positions further back,
in bitter sweet song overhead
crashing discordantly
Division's pounding joins the attack;
Mother like she belches shell;
Glorious it flies, and well,
As, with a hissing screaming squall,
A roaring furnace, giving all,
she sears a path for the infantry....

- Aleksandr Tvardovskiy, from the poem "Vasily Tyorkin" 1943.

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Military Word Of The Day
Regional Departmental Accounting Office

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Today in Military History

July 3


Stromont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders: Dileas Gu Bas (Faithful unto death)


The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment: Inter Pericula Intrepedi (Fearless in the face of danger)


The Royal Regina Rifles: Celler et Audax (Swift and bold)


The Saskatchewan Dragoons: Esprit d'Initiative


The South Alberta Light Horse: Semper Alacer


Stalin orders "scorched earth" policy


Operation Thunderbolt - the Israel Defence Force raid on Entebbe to liberate hi-jack hostages

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