's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Donations

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If you'd like to make a donation, just hit the Claymore below to begin. (Non-PayPal users should see the note at the bottom of this page.) Even a $5 donation helps - thanks!


Where your money goes

The funds raised by these donations are all put back into the operation and development of this site. Some examples of this follow:
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THANKS! Your support does make a difference! While I gladly give my time to building and maintaining the site, your donations will allow us to grow to meet our rising demand.

Other ways to help out...

We recognize that not everyone who wants to help out is a fan of PayPal, so there are a variety of other options available as well:
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You can also help out by subscribing to , which nets you a battle badge, shirt and many in-site features. Lastly, if you know of any potential advertisers, please let them know that our rates are exceptionally low and we run through almost 5 million unused ad impressions each month - that's lots of room to accommodate prospective advertisers!

Once again, thanks to everyone who has helped make a valuable resource. Your time, knowledge and financial help are greatly appreciated!

Mike Bobbitt Owner
Military Word Of The Day
425 Tac F Sqn
425 Tactical Fighter Squadron

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Today in Military History

February 8


William Avery 'Billy' Bishop, VC, fighter ace & father of the RCAF, is born in Owen Sound, ON.


The Italian Submarine Avorio is cornered and sunk by HMCS REGINA in the Mediterranean.


Operation Veritable, Canadian and British troops launch offensive near Nijmegen to capture Reichwald area


THE REICHSWALD, effective dates for battle honour to begin


THE RHINELAND, effective dates for battle honour to begin (to 10 Mar 45)

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