The Royal Netherlands Marine Corps

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Formed in 1665, during the Anglo-Dutch Wars, the Dutch Marines distinguished themselves both at sea and in raids on the English coast, where it is likely that they met their British counterparts. During the War of the Spanish Succession, when the two countries were allies, it was a combined force of British and Dutch Marines, under Prince George of Hesse-Darmstadt, which captured Gibraltar in 1704.

Today the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps, the Korps Mariniers, is an amphibious force with similar functions to the Royal Marines. It provides an Amphibious Combat Group in the Netherlands Antilles, in addition to its major commitment with the United Kingdom/Netherlands Landing Force, with which it deploys a further Amphibious Combat Group, a Special Boats Section and a Landing Craft Detachment. This integration and co-operation, unique in NATO, was seen in 1991 during operations in Eastern Turkey and Northern Iraq.

The motto QUA PATET ORBIS (Wherever the World Extends) symbolises the service of the Corps throughout the world during its long history. A greetings message is sent to the RNLMC, the senior corps in the Netherlands armed forces, on the occasion of its birthday each year, 10th December.

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