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  1. F

    Islam and Western Society

    No one took arms against cartoons exept isis and its likes. Those are the 19th century wahhabis and not muslims. Even obama is saying that. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6730310
  2. F

    Islam and Western Society

    That's not true.. muslims that don't live in an islamic state are forced to abide to the laws of the country they live in. And that's what I'm doing. There is also one thing that people don't understand, most muslims don't even know their religion, they just pray and fast without actually having...
  3. F

    What's the Dumbest Thing You've SEEN Today?

    Our allies in the middle east: Saudi Muslim cleric claims the Earth is 'stationary' and the sun rotates around it http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-muslim-cleric-claims-the-earth-is-stationary-and-the-sun-rotates-around-it-10053516.html
  4. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I just stated history facts and asked legitimate questions. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi came to power during World War II after an Anglo-Soviet invasion forced the abdication of his father Reza Shah. During Mohammad Reza's reign, the Iranian oil industry was briefly nationalized under the...
  5. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Did you watch the video? From where are we getting information to say that iran will have a bomb in 8 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, etc. 30 years passed and we're still 8 months away from the construction of the first bomb. These claims are worthless and history proves it. Thats the only...
  6. F

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    The usa wants to pressure iran because of its revolution that kicked out usa's Shah, making usa lose its biggest regional vassal. As to iran wanting to make the bomb well... maybe in 200 years? http://youtu.be/a2Ve4HrRpvs
  7. F

    Islam and Western Society

    Sorry this is the link : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism I dont know what concrete action I can do to stop isis. what I do here is tell the people who are filled with hatred against muslims about the reality of the conflict and the history behind it. As for public demonstrations...
  8. F

    Islam and Western Society

    it's true that religion is the driving force of the terrorists, but as I said that is only the recruitment tool. Who is giving them weapons and buying their oil? Why is Turkey still recieving tens of thousands of them from all over the world and dispatching them in Syra and Irak? Your article...
  9. F

    Islam and Western Society

    ''Muslims and scholars do not all agree on its definition'' ''Javed Ghamidi states that there is consensus amongst Islamic scholars that the concept of jihad will always include armed struggle against wrong doers'' Wrong doers can be Bashar or George W Bush, or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or Putin...
  10. F

    Islam and Western Society

    As a muslim canadian, I dont feel any need to prove to anyone that I am not a terrorist. If anyone has a complaint we can sort it out in court and the judge will tell you if I am a terrorist or not. It is your own responsability to do your research and discover that muslims are not terrorists...
  11. F

    Pan-Islamic merged mega thread

    In my opinion, fighting the islamic terrorists shiuld not be done only by force. The best way is to track the people who fund them, and the people who recruit them, and the people who promote wahhabism(wahhabism is radical islam that got created in he 19th century in saudi arabia, with the...
  12. F

    Islam and Western Society

    It is the sunnis that get brainwashed into joining isis in their saudi funded mosques. Why would I be the one responsible to containt their actions? Just because I'm muslim? 1.5 billion people are muslims and from different communities that have entire different ways of living, you cannot put...
  13. F

    Islam and Western Society

    why would you say that... I was just highlighting that its not true that the locals are sleeping on gas and doing nothing. I just said that they are fighting well. That doesnt mean that we should not help them lol.. Im just saying that its not us that are doing the biggest damage on isis and we...
  14. F

    Islam and Western Society

    So far the syrian army and the local civilian legions that are defending each village are the ones that inflicted the heaviest losses on isis and al nusra, followed by the Iraqi army. in bahrain for example, it's the fourth year of protests against the bahraini royal family, they are still...
  15. F

    Islam and Western Society

    As a muslim myself, I confirm all the things you have said. But I also want you to know something, our governments do not represent our people.Britain and france created our countries and installed most of our governments, and even before that, the most recent muslim governments before ww1 were...
  16. F

    The Anti-Western Narrative

    I came to montreal canada in 2000, I grew up here and studied here. From what I learned in chemstey/philosophy/maths/etc, ALL the people they talk about come from europe, they never gave credit to any middle eastern scientist. I'm not trying to discredit the europeeans, they infact did discover...
  17. F

    "The" Essay (merged)

    Hello, I want your opinion on my essay please. I wrote it in french this is a translation that's why my english is not perfect. As you have seen, I had an excellent academic record in high school secondary IV and V. After entering the CEGEP, I made new friends who influenced me badly and that...
  18. F

    Islam and Western Society

    Same behavior as the charlie hebdo terrorists. Either both tragedies are hate crimes or both are terrorist attacks. Both killers were driven by hatred.
  19. F

    Pan-Islamic merged mega thread

    Here's a mini mini overview about the sunni/shia communities in the middle east and abroad. First thing to know about the sunni communities is that Saudi Arabia Qatar and Turkey are the biggest financers of the sunni communities, and they do it big. Mosques/schools/tv channels all over the...
  20. F

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Simple, effective, and REAL solution to defeat ISIS. -Prohibit the NATO member Turkey from importing terrorists from all over the world. -Prohibit the NATO member Turkey from training the terrorists -Prohibit the NATO member Turkey from dispatching the terrorists into Syria and Irak -Prohibit...