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Canadian Soldiers Under Investigation for Video with Racial Overtones

Hmmm, yet Achmed the Dead Terrorist can fill theatres and sell jillions of videos for Jeff Dunham.  He's even been on CBCs Just For Laughs.
Kat Stevens said:
Hmmm, yet Achmed the Dead Terrorist can fill theatres and sell jillions of videos for Jeff Dunham.  He's even been on CBCs Just For Laughs.
Yeah, I like the idea of the puppet's wine, too.  That said, I think most people hold CF members to a little higher standard than stand-up comedians.
My point was that the CBC will raise the outrage flag at a bit of drunken foolishness, but will laugh along with a whole nation at scripted racial and religious stereotyping.  But you knew what I meant, right?
Kat Stevens said:
My point was that the CBC will raise the outrage flag at a bit of drunken foolishness, but will laugh along with a whole nation at scripted racial and religious stereotyping.  But you knew what I meant, right?
At least if this was the morning, I'd have the excuse of not having had my coffee yet - dohh!
I see that CBC have not received the reaction from comments on the original story that they wished to garner, so now they're trying to make waves another way.  It's pathetic. 
I wanted to stick a knitting needle through my ears when this story ran on the CBC morning news....leave it to our national broadcaster to make this their lead story a couple days before Remembrance Day.

Watching "Power and Politics" today, I found it interesting to see the discussion panels' take on "...this controversial, racially charged..." video (Host Evan Soloman's words)...takes place at 51:30...


With the exception of one panel member, the reaction is more-or-less what prevails in the Comments section of online story; essentially a non-story ginned-up by our friends at the Mother Corp.

...And full points to Tom Flanagan for effectively skewering the coverage for the clown-show it is...QUOTE I think this story shows why we need the CBC...I've been laughing about it since this I read it this morning UNQUOTE.

Poor Evan...he looked like someone p**sed in his pickle jar when he heard that!

Comedy should be left to the comedians.  Didn't you hear the man CBC? Professionals only >:D
V_I_Lenin said:
Watching "Power and Politics" today, I found it interesting to see the discussion panels' take on "...this controversial, racially charged..."
That bit in orange is something that keeps coming up in, at least, CBC's coverage.....
Rather ironic that the only people on the show who made anything of this were the two CBC employees.
Bluebulldog said:
Having seen Shawn Majumner live, I'd be betting that he's kicking himself for not doing a bit like this on "This Hour Has 22 Minutes".

Apparently he doesn't think it is all that funny....................unless it is true that he didn't think of it first and this is he sour grapes bit.
Tank Troll said:
Apparently he doesn't think it is all that funny....................unless it is true that he didn't think of it first and this is he sour grapes bit.

Of course he doesn't ( publicly). Who do you think pays the bulk of his paycheque?
Bluebulldog said:
Of course he doesn't ( publicly). Who do you think pays the bulk of his paycheque?

That hasn't stopped him or others from making fun of CBC before. Ultimately the Government of Canada pays him and he hacks shit out of them
I'm enjoying reading the roasting CBC is taking in the comments section from the majority of readers.  Too bad it won't teach them a lesson to not try and make news out of SFA.
dapaterson said:
Not at all.  Don't be ridiculous.  It's not like we let a 2Lt copy info from Secret systems on to flash drives and sell it to the Russians.


No, we would never give a 2Lt that responsibility, a Sub-Lieutenant on the other hand, all the civie flash drives he wants.. lol  ::)

Agreed the CBC is blowing this out of proportion to try to make a news story out of something more than it actually is.  It still doesn't make the video appropriate if it unfairly targeted an individual but in my mind, the issue was already dealt with and the individual seemingly accepted the apology or a further investigation would have been conducted on the basis of a complaint. 

Nice to see the CBC get shut down on their own show tho and love the twitter feeds coming up as the panellist speak lol
I realized as I read this story that I haven't watched or listened to CBC for at least six years. Haven't missed it one bit.
Folks, please, we're talking journalism which is a sub-set of infotaiment which, itself, a subset of the marketing industry.

The modern, 21st century journalist is the direct successor of the Watkins Man who used to call at our back door selling liniments, lotions and notions and spreading gossip ~ my grandmother used to switch the radio off when he came by, serve him tea, listen to his stories and buy something for 25¢.

Most journalists - 80%+ in my opinion - are just that. There are a few, a sadly rare few, who really do want to tell us, the public, the truth, as nearly as they can determine what the truth might be, about what is going on in the bigger, wider world, but most are just travelling salesmen, selling whatever the sponsor/advertiser wants sold: soap, policies, insurance, feminine hygiene products, erectile dysfunction solutions, cars or liniment.

TV is an expensive medium for selling liniment so it needs a constant flow of excitement - visual excitement - to earn its keep. Controversy is exciting so it must be found or, when none can be found, manufactured. And that's what the CBC did: it manufactured some controversy by recycling a two year old, already "solved" problem and putting it back on the air when it might create a stir. It worked, so it was "good" journalism - people watched and, presumably, some of them bought Depends or a Ford Focus or Preparation H or whatever else paid for that "news" programme.

< yawn >

No need for  :tempertantrum:
PMedMoe said:
Fave quote from this column:
.... The CBC said the video was an exclusive. But it actually wasn’t. Because the CBC called the military police to come watch the video at the CBC offices. The CBC isn’t just reporting on this “scandal.” It is pitching it to the police, with the implication that the police should lay charges ....
Funny - I wonder how the CBC would respond if, say, civilian police asked to see any video in their possesion?  Like video they shot?  If Levant is correct in this statement, so much for the "the media are not the tools of the police" argument to withold such video in the future.