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Pan-Islamic merged mega thread

The French CVN Charles De Gaulle on the move again, most probably to join the air campaign against ISIS soon:


France to send aircraft carrier for exercises in Indian Ocean

PARIS (Reuters) - France is sending its aircraft carrier to the Indian Ocean for naval exercises, a defense ministry source said on Tuesday, adding that the ship was ready for military operations if needed.

Specialized naval internet website "Mer et Marine" reported that the Charles de Gaulle carrier, the flagship of the French fleet, was heading to the Gulf, where it would join operations against Islamic State in Iraq.

The carrier is usually accompanied by an attack submarine, several frigates and a refueling ship. When asked if the aircraft carrier could be used to fight Islamic State, the defense ministry source said: "It's a military tool. It's purpose is to be used."

President Francois Hollande is due to officially announce the carrier's departure on Jan. 14 when he gives his annual New Year's address to the military from the ship in the southern port city of Toulon.

More on the group that sees entertaining people as actually a crime punishable by death...


ISIS behead street magician for entertaining crowds in Syria with his tricks

The street magician was arrested by IS thugs during an impromptu 'show' on a street corner as he tried to bring some much-needed cheer to the Syrian city.

He was beheaded in public in a square after the religious fanatics branded his harmless tricks anti-Islam and an insult to God because they created 'illusions and falsehood'.

They denounced the terrified magician's show as haram - or forbidden by the Koran - because it was idle entertainment and kept locals from praying and attending the mosque.

The activist who fled said: "The magician was a popular man who entertained people with little tricks on the street like making coins or phone disappear.

"He was just called Sorcerer by people and children loved him. He was doing nothing anti-Islamic but he paid for it with his life.
I was looking up the term dogs of hell, The Khawaarij, to see what it refers to; I heard it on the radio, the mention of dogs of hell referring to the ISIL/IS .
This led me to this video from 2013, which is in Arabic I believe, but has subtitles.
Basically, it's Shaykh Muhammad Sa'īd Raslān denouncing the Khawaarij (al-Qaeda, Muslim brotherhood etc..)
cryco said:
I was looking up the term dogs of hell, The Khawaarij, to see what it refers to; I heard it on the radio, the mention of dogs of hell referring to the ISIL/IS .
This led me to this video from 2013, which is in Arabic I believe, but has subtitles.
Basically, it's Shaykh Muhammad Sa'īd Raslān denouncing the Khawaarij (al-Qaeda, Muslim brotherhood etc..)

I have heard of the word Khawarij, they were a group of people that followed Ali, Muhammad's cousin and then abondoned him during the first Islamic civil war in the late 7th century. The words means "those who leave" in english, which is probably why your shaykh is using it for AQ, MB etc. though there is no relationship between the early historical worthless people and the current group of filth.
down on the upside said:
I have heard of the word Khawarij, they were a group of people that followed Ali, Muhammad's cousin and then abondoned him during the first Islamic civil war in the late 7th century. The words means "those who leave" in english, which is probably why your shaykh is using it for AQ, MB etc. though there is no relationship between the early historical worthless people and the current group of filth.

In English they are known as the "Kharijites" who did rebel against Ali and it was actually one of their followers who later assassinated him.  More can be found here, and here, and here.

They were the first Islamic rebels and were fanatics who considered any deviation from Islam as a sin and one of there tactics was to walk into a market place and then draw there swords and kill as many people as possible before they were, in turn killed (sound familiar). There was a nasty little civil war before they were finally suppressed. Moderate members survive to this day.(1)

(1) In the Shadow of the Sword: The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World by Tom Holland.

Some results of the US-allied air campaign against ISIS forces in both Syria and Iraq over the past couple of months:


US Airstrikes against ISIS Destroy 184 Humvees and 58 Tanks

Defense Tech | Jan 7, 2015

At least 184 Humvees, 58 tanks and nearly 700 other vehicles have been destroyed or damaged in the more than 1,600 airstrike missions that have hit more than 3,200 ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria since bombing began last Aug. 8, the U.S. Central Command said Wednesday.

In addition, a total of 26 MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 79 artillery and mortar positions, and 673 infantry fighting positions were destroyed, CentCom officials said.

The list of targets hit through Jan. 7 put out by CentCom also included 14 small boats which the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was using to ferry personnel and supplies on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq.

The target list also showed that U.S. and coalition aircraft have gone after ISIS infrastructure. At least 980 ISIS buildings and barracks, 92 checkpoints, 23 munitions caches, 52 bunkers and 673 infantry fighting positions were attacked.

Clearly, the 673 infantry fighting positions were pretty important to warrant mention twice in that short blurb.
S.M.A. said:
At least 184 Humvees, 58 tanks and nearly 700 other vehicles have been destroyed or damaged ...

In addition, a total of 26 MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles and armored personnel carriers ... were destroyed ...

The list of targets ... also included 14 small boats ...
So, do the 700 other vehicles include the 26 MRAP & APC or the 14 boats?
Looks like the ISIS fight might be moving to some of our old stomping grounds.
Islamic State active in Afghan south
Edmonton Journal
13 Jan 2015

CAMP SHORABAK, AFGHANISTAN - Afghan officials confirmed Monday that Islamic State is active in the south, recruiting fighters, flying black flags and, according to some sources, battling Taliban militants.

The sources, including an Afghan general and a provincial governor, said a man identified as Mullah Abdul Rauf was actively recruiting fighters for the group, which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq.

Gen. Mahmood Khan, the deputy commander of the army's 215 Corps, said that within the past week residents of a number of districts in the southern Helmand province have said Rauf's representatives are fanning out across the province to recruit people.
I wonder how long Iran will put up with them on their right and left arcs.  I can't imagine they'll not do "something" if they've got
a-holes on a two front basis.  Should make for some interesting times.
One less to worry about coming home:

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

Former U of O student John Maguire killed fighting for ISIS in Syria: report
Posted on 1/14/2015 6:02:00 PM by CTV News

Government officials are looking into reports that a Canadian who starred in an ISIS propaganda video has been killed in Syria while fighting for the terrorist group.

John Maguire, 23, who used the name Abu Anwar Al-Canadi, was killed in northern Syria, according to a pro-ISIS Twitter account.

The former University of Ottawa student had tried to encourage attacks on Canadian soil in a video posted online last December.

The Prime Minister’s Office said it was aware of reports Maguire had been killed, and was “seeking additional information on them.”

The Public Safety Minister’s office released a statement saying it could not speak about specific cases, but warned other Canadians planning to join ISIS, also known as ISIL and the Islamic State.

“Any individual who decides to join the ISIL jihadists runs the risk of meeting their ultimate demise,” the statement said.

More on LINK.
“Any individual who decides to join the ISIL jihadists runs the risk of meeting their ultimate demise,”

Does anyone actually talk this way?  Ultimate demise indeed how about "If you join ISIL you will wind up dead without the virgins just dead"
Maybe another three won't be coming back too.  Posted under the fair dealings provisions of the copyright act.

3 ISIS recruits from Edmonton believed killed

Mahad Hirsi, Hamsa Kariye and Hersi Kariye left Edmonton in October 2013

CBC News Posted: Jan 14, 2015 6:01 PM MT| Last Updated: Jan 14, 2015 8:53 PM MT

Three Edmonton cousins have died while fighting overseas for ISIS, says the father of one of the men.  Ahmed Hirsi says his 20-year-old son Mahad was killed last fall along with cousins Hamsa and Hersi Kariye.  A third cousin from Minnesota, Hanad Abdullahi Mohallim, was also killed, he said.

Other family members deny the men died while fighting for ISIS, but Hirsi insists it's true.  He said his son and two nephews left Edmonton without telling him in October 2013.  He heard from Mahad for the last time when he called from Egypt saying he intended to leave for Syria.

Hirsi's sister Mulki Hirsi Hassan called him last fall to break the news that all four men had been killed, he said.  It’s not clear how the four died or if they died at the same time.

Family from war-torn Somalia

Hirsi said he can't understand how his son became radicalized.  He brought his family to Canada from war-torn Somalia to live in a peaceful country, he said, and he doesn't know why his son and nephews joined ISIS.

Mahad was an obedient son, regularly attending school. He was generous and respectful, but became unhappy with his faith, Hirsi said.  “Some people, I don't know who he is, they make him brainwash and they change his mind,” he said.

At least one family member insists the men did not go overseas to join ISIS.  Guled, a brother of Hamsa and Hersi, said the men went to Egypt to pursue an education.  “That is the path my brothers wanted to take from Day 1,” he said. "These people left their country to go study their religion.”  He confirmed his brothers are dead, but would not say how or where. He said the family has been co-operating with CSIS, RCMP and national security.

YZT580 said:
"If you join ISIL you will wind up dead without the virgins just dead"

The virgins are thirty-five-year-old male Star Trek fans who live in their parents' basements.
An ancient solution to a 21st century problem... ::)

Look at how the original Great Wall(s) protected China from northern barbarian tribes...which it didn't because the Mongols conquered them to become the Yuan Dynasty, then later the Manchus conquered the Chinese again to become the Qing Dynasty.

If they really wanted to solve the problem themselves, the Saudi military should have rolled a couple of armoured divisions into Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS.

Christian Science Monitor

The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile barrier on their border with Iraq designed to keep Islamic State militants out.

Christian Science Monitor

By Alexander LaCasse | Christian Science Monitor – 10 hours ago

Saudi Arabia has been constructing a 600-mile East-West barrier on its Northern Border with Iraq since September.
The main function of the barrier will be keeping out ISIS militants, who have stated that among their goals is an eventual takeover of the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina, both of which lie deep inside Saudi territory, according to United Press International.

This past week, a commander and two guards on the Saudi-Iraq border were killed during an attack by Islamic State militants, the first direct ground assault by the group on the border. 

More on Saudi Arabia's "Great Wall" :


Source: Business Insider
The Taliban losing recruits to ISIS?

Defense News

4-star: ISIS recruiting in Afghanistan, Pakistan

The Islamic State terror group is recruiting in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Thursday.

"We are seeing reports of some recruiting," said Gen. John Campbell, commander of the Resolute Support mission, during an interview with Army Times. "There have been some night letter drops, there have been reports of people trying to recruit both in Afghanistan and Pakistan, quite frankly."

The Islamic State, or "Daesh" as they're called in many parts of the Middle East, have a "hard message to sell" in Afghanistan, but leaders are still concerned about any potential for the group to spread, Campbell said.

Further instances of IS committing atrocities against those who don't share their beliefs or fit their "cultural/social norms" :


Islamic State threatens two Japanese captives in video

By Luke Baker

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The militant group Islamic State released an online video on Tuesday purporting to show two Japanese captives and threatening to kill them unless it received $200 million in ransom.

A black-clad figure with a knife, standing in a barren landscape along with two kneeling men wearing orange clothing, said the Japanese public had 72 hours to pressure their government to stop its "foolish" support for the U.S.-led coalition waging a military campaign against Islamic State.

"To the prime minister of Japan: Although you are more than 8,500 km away from the Islamic State, you willingly have volunteered to take part in this crusade," said the militant, who spoke in English.


Yahoo News

IS crucifies 17 men, throws 'gay' men off tower in 'unprecedented' spate of 'retaliatory' killings
By ANI | ANI – Mon, Jan 19, 2015

London, Jan 19 (ANI): The Islamic State (IS) has reportedly carried out an "unprecedented" string of public executions in a 48-hour period by crucifying 17 young men, throwing men, accused of being gay, off towers and stoning a woman charged with adultery.

Disturbing images of these executions started to appear on IS-affiliated social media accounts on Thursday last week and culminated in the killing of two blindfolded men who were pushed to their deaths from a height towards a watching crowd below, reported The Independent.

The images were attributed to the "Information Office of the mandate of Nineveh", a city in Iraq, and claimed to show IS militants carrying out "hudhud," a system of punishment for what the group's courts regard as serious crimes.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the recent spate of public killings came after the terror outfit suffered a series of assassinations and a major setback to its overall military advance across Iraq and Syria.

The monitoring group insisted that the crucifixion of 17 men in a span of 48 hours came as a direct retaliation to the deaths of 12 Syrian, Iraqi and Algerian jihadists. It added that the killings were IS' way of sending a message to people living under its control that said, "This is what will happen to any opponent." (ANI)