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Islam and Western Society

milnews.ca said:
When I was in Italy last year, the only jobs I saw foreigners doing were those that university-educated folks, for some reason, weren't doing:  personal care aides for the infirm, street cleaners, etc.  Like with parts of the U.S. that have a lot of immigrant labour, it's a "problem" that they're foreigners, but it would be a BIGGER problem if those (often underpaid) foreigners were told en masse, "can't work, off you go then."

You hear it in Canada too. "Them f****in' immigrants is takin' all our f*****in' jobs!". Having married into an immigrant family, I know that some (but not necessarily all) immigrant groups take a bit of a longer view than many native Canadians. Work hard, scrimp save and live twelve in a small apartment for now, but our kids will have three car-garage houses out in the suburbs. The GTA is a great example of this, particularly Mississauga, Oakville and York Region.
The problematic populations tend to be concentrated in particular cities.  In Norway, Oslo.  In Sweden, Malmo.  It is natural for immigrants to seek a critical mass of fellow expats.
Meanwhile...in Georgia,

Georgia town bans mosque in controversial vote

A small Georgia city has voted to ban an Islamic group from renting a retail space to open a temporary mosque in the city, even after the landlord agreed to the deal.

The City Council of Kennesaw, a city of about 30,000 people in north Georgia, ultimately voted down the Muslim group’s request 4-1.

The issue has engendered a lot of tension in the town, and from critics outside of it. To give you a small idea of the intensity of the attitudes at play, here’s the video’s description from the man who recorded this week’s City Council vote: “The scumbag lawyer for the terrorist org. says he will sue... good luck with that.”

Attorney Doug Dillard called the decision unconstitutional and “a blatant attack on First Amendment rights." He says the group will continue to fight and is strongly considering a federal lawsuit against the city.

Anti-Muslim protesters stood outside the meeting with signs such as “Ban Islam” and “Islam Wants No Peace!” but the issue of religion didn’t actually come up in the meeting itself.

That was deliberate. Mayor Mark Matthews forbade comment from the public about religion, so critics instead said they opposed the temporary mosque on the grounds of the center’s hours of operation, attendance, and parking.

Growing anti-Islamic sentiment in Germany...

Reuters/Yahoo News

Merkel condemns racism as Dresden anti-Islam marches grow

By Stephen Brown

BERLIN/NUREMBERG (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday condemned anti-Muslim demonstrations centered on the eastern city of Dresden, saying there was "no place in Germany" for hatred of Muslims or any other minority.

In a speech at a party congress of her Bavarian allies in Nuremberg, Merkel also denounced an attack on buildings in a nearby town being turned into refuge for asylum-seekers. The structures were set on fire and daubed with swastikas.

"It is unbearable when homes of asylum-seekers are defiled, when people try to make radical slogans," Merkel said, adding that everyone coming to Germany had the right to be treated decently.

Earlier on Friday, Merkel's spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said: "In the name of the government and the chancellor I can say quite clearly that there is no place in Germany for religious hatred, no matter which religion people belong to."

"There is no place for Islamophobia, anti-Semitism or any form of xenophobia or racism," Wirtz said of the growing Monday evening marches in Dresden under the motto PEGIDA, standing for "Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West".

More barbarism that harkens back to the 7th century:


Mauritania condemns man to death for 'insulting the prophet'

By Kissima Diagana
NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) - Mauritania on Thursday condemned a man to death for "insulting the prophet", a human rights group said, a day after the country opened the trial of an anti-slavery activist.

Mohamed Cheikh Ould Mkhaitir, 28, was arrested a year ago for writing an article about the Prophet Mohammad and the caste system, an extremely sensitive subject in a West African country with deep social and racial divisions.

He claims his article has been misinterpreted.

The prosecution asked for the death penalty
to be carried out in accordance with Islamic sharia law and recommended he be shot. Mauritania, a poor country straddling Arab and black Africa, last applied the death penalty in 1987.

Bringing CIDA under DFAIT was a very good, I daresay essential move.

I have no problems with foreign aid as bribes ... we shovel money as some disreputable country, they vote for our position in whichever body may matter. The problem is that very, very few poor countries have votes in any international bodies that matter. UN agencies, like the ITU, for example, that really matter require members to pay dues to vote. When we need votes from Africans, IF we really need votes from Africans we both a) pay their dues to the gency concerned, and b) send 'foreign aid' (bribes).

When there are natural disasters or famines I am neutral. If domestic politics says we must help then, fine, shovel money at them through Canadian NGOs.

We have important mining interests in Mauritania so our aid/bribes are, likely, thinly disguised licence fees.
Colin P said:
the Whabbi's have Malaysia under tight control, the only thing saving us is the Malays are generally laid back and the majority of them will not stay hardcore, must drive the Pakistani's Jihadist nuts trying to keep them motivated.

And speaking of Pakistanis' influence in another majority Muslim, Asian country:

International Business Times

The Rise Of Islamic Hard-Liners: Is Indonesia Turning Into Pakistan?

Islamic hard-liners in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, are cracking down on “sinful” activities like alcohol and pornography in tandem with the monthlong fasting observance of Ramadan. Muslims are required to refrain from eating, drinking, smoking or having sex from dawn till dusk during Ramadan, making it the ideal period for Islamic fundamentalists to target nightclubs, alcohol vendors and other entities they contend violate Muslim principles.

One prominent hard-line group, the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) – which some moderate Indonesians would like to see banned by the government – also use the pretext of “morality” to attack religious minorities, including Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. “We will take firm action against the circulation of alcohol, naked dancing and prostitution,” Habib Idrus Algadri, leader of an FPI group in Depok, a district outside Jakarta, told a local paper.

Habib Salim Alatas, who leads FPI in Jakarta, told Agence France-Presse that men from his group would raid nightclubs and bars in the city that sell alcohol. “We will send out groups of two to three wearing civilian clothes to spy on sinful activities like the drinking of alcohol taking place around Jakarta during the Ramadan holy month,” he warned.

Places like Malaysia and Indonesia have a certain amount of "cultural" strength to resist the advances of Wahhabi fundamentalism, but ultimately it will take the collective will of the people saying "sod off!" and stomping on these goons to effectively preserve their culture and society.
The saving grace for Malaysia is that the average Malay takes "manana" fairly serious. "Yes we will do a suicide attack, perhaps tomorrow, maybe the day after, hey want to listen to my new ringtone?"

I can imagine for the Arab recruiter the Malays are maddening.
>I can imagine for the Arab recruiter the Malays are maddening.

And vice versa.  When the Malay finally shows up for the interview, the negotiations take three days and involve enough sugar and caffeine to keep a platoon awake for an RV.
Outspoken radical cleric Anjem Choudary in the news again; wasn't this guy arrested in the UK not too long ago? Don't tell me they can access Twitter in prison?

Sun News

Radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary defends Paris shooting
2:19 pm, January 7th, 2015


Anjem Choudary took to Twitter to claim the attack on Charlie Hebdo headquarters for publishing cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad were justified.

"Freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the Prophets of Allah, whatever your views on the events in Paris today!" he tweeted.

"Muslims love the Messenger Muhammad (saw) more than their parents, children and even themselves! Why don't people understand?"

One of the magazines most famous cartoonists was killed in the attack. Stephane Charbonnier known to many as Charb famously said "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees," after Charlie Hebdo was firebombed in 2011 after publishing cartoons of Muhammad.

Barbarism from a country that we in the west continue to deal with mainly for its oil:

Source: The UK Register

Saudi Arabia to flog man 1,000 times for insulting religion on Facebook
So much more civilized than shooting satirists

After Friday prayers at the Al-Jafali mosque in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah, Raif Badawi will receive the first 50 lashes of his 1,000 stroke sentence for the crime of publishing blasphemy against Islam on Facebook.

In May, Badawi, a father of three, was sentenced to five years in prison, and will receive 1,000 lashes to be administered in public over the next 20 weeks using a seven-foot bamboo cane the width of a man's little finger. His misdeed: admitting on Facebook that he is an atheist, a supporter of women's rights, and saying: "The combination of the sword and the Quran are more dangerous than a nuclear bomb."

The court also gave Badawi an additional five years in prison, fined him one million Saudi Arabian riyals (about US$266,370), and banned him from traveling abroad for ten years after release – all for the crime of setting up a website called Liberal Saudi Network, on which members of the site posted similar views.

"The news that Raif Badawi's flogging will start tomorrow is shocking," said Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Director for Amnesty International

A vitriolic firestorm was hurled at a Fox News commentator who claimed that one UK community had been completely assimilated by Islamic immigrants, even to the point of dropping the word "ham" from the town's name simply because it was not halal. It earned him a landslide of mockery from Twitter users who said things like "Cardiff is now the Diff".


Apology for 'Muslim Birmingham' Fox News claim

An American terrorism commentator has apologised for describing Birmingham as a "Muslim-only city" where non-Muslims "don't go" during a Fox News interview.

Steven Emerson told the channel that in London "Muslim religious police" beat "anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire".

He later issued an apology for his "terrible error".

His comments have come in for ridicule, with the hashtag #FoxNewsFacts trending on Twitter.

Mr Emerson, who founded a group called The Investigative Project on Terrorism, was giving his perspective on the terror attacks in France to Fox presenter Jeanine Pirro.

'Check your facts'
Birmingham City Council said Mr Emerson's "curious" comments had no foundation, and welcomed his apology, while Birmingham Edgbaston MP Gisela Stuart described the remarks as "stupid".


Speaking on Radio 4's PM programme, Mr Emerson said: "I don't want people to use this to claim there's no such thing as radical Islam."

He said he "absolutely" stood by comments about "vigilante Muslim groups" in some parts of London.

Mr Emerson said he had been "living under a death threat" since an assassination attempt in the mid 1990s.

In terms of Birmingham, however, he admitted that he had "made an egregious error here in not doing my homework", adding: "I deserve what I got."

He said he had relied on sources he had used in the past, but accepted "responsibility" for his comments and did not know how his reputation would be affected in the long term.

Just ask for a "hamburger" at the McDonald's in KL  :nod:

A panic look on their faces

The city (Birmingham) is approx. 1/4 Muslim and most immigrants have arrived in the last decade, hmmmm
Apparently in Erdogan's eyes, no Muslims can do wrong.  ::)

Maybe NATO should start thinking about severing ties with a Turkey that's increasingly moved away from secularism.

Fox News

Muslims never guilty of 'terrorist massacres,' Turkey's Erdogan insists

Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan’s increasingly bizarre rhetoric continued this week when he told reporters Muslims have "never taken part in terrorist massacres" and appeared to blame the West for the recent Islamist attacks in Paris.

The NATO nation leader and western ally has moved his powerful nation further from its Constitutionally-mandated secularism in recent years, and has drawn criticisms for not doing more to stop the flow of foreign jihadis, who pass through Istanbul on their way to join Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. But Monday's comments, against the backdrop of near-universal condemnation of the Islamist attack on French satirical tabloid Charlie Hebdo, could further isolate Erdogan from the West.

“As Muslims, we've never taken part in terrorist massacres," Erdogan said. "Behind these lie racism, hate speech, and Islamophobia. French citizens carry out such a massacre, and Muslims pay the price. The West's hypocrisy is obvious.”

George Wallace said:
Although alcohol may be taboo for him, apparently smoking Hash is not.

Given what I think his strategic aim is ~ to shift Turkey from an "almost European" country on the outside, looking in, to a leader of the Islamic world ~ then his rhetoric is perfectly clear and sensible.

Europe has, tacitly, rejected Turkey as being "not European," and, therefore, not "good enough" for the EU. That doesn't leave Turkey many options, does it? It must, now, compete with Egypt and Iran for regional power and influence in a region in which it is more welcome. But, first, it must burnish its Islamic credentials.
