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British Military Current Events

D&B - you know fine that the excess lard is necessary to make sure that everybody gets a nice, deep pool or hot sausage grease in the top of their mountain of mash tatties.  HP sauce on the side.

Old Sweat  -  ahem - links are fried, no boiled - QED

ERC - HP is the key component to M&V.  You're lot merely missed the necessary indoctrination.

And Dimsum.... obviously your time amongst those Irish rabbit poachers is improving your pallet.
Kirkhill said:
D&B - you know fine that the excess lard is necessary to make sure that everybody gets a nice, deep pool or hot sausage grease in the top of their mountain of mash tatties.  HP sauce on the side.

Old Sweat  -  ahem - links are fried, no boiled - QED

ERC - HP is the key component to M&V.  You're lot merely missed the necessary indoctrination.

And Dimsum.... obviously your time amongst those Irish rabbit poachers is improving your pallet.

Well, here it goes ...


                    ... are we sure inflicting British cuisine on unsuspecting, innocent civilians isn't against the laws of war?
E.R. Campbell said:
Well, here it goes ...


                    ... are we sure inflicting British cuisine on unsuspecting, innocent civilians isn't against the laws of war?

We can only hope the chutes don't open, thus tenderizing the entrees.
Jim Seggie said:
Yes you are. Get used to it, we'r not so bad as the newspapers would have you believe.... >:D

I knew you lot were uncivilized the first time I saw you smothering French Toast with powdered sugar and maple syrup.  Every civilized person knows that the correct topping for French Toast is Worcestershire sauce......

However, I have survived my distaste long enough to marry one of your syrup afficianados.  I can even tolerate peanut butter .... eaten by others.  ;D

Kirkhill said:
However, I have survived my distaste long enough to marry one of your syrup afficianados.  I can even tolerate peanut butter .... eaten by others.  ;D

You want barbarianism?  These people here cringe at me talking about peanut butter, but will slather Vegemite on toast.  :not-again:
Kirkhill said:
I knew you lot were uncivilized the first time I saw you smothering French Toast with powdered sugar and maple syrup.  Every civilized person knows that the correct topping for French Toast is Worcestershire sauce......

However, I have survived my distaste long enough to marry one of your syrup afficianados.  I can even tolerate peanut butter .... eaten by others.  ;D

That's because you guys are under the impression that French toast is really fried bread. ;)
Dimsum said:
You want barbarianism?  These people here cringe at me talking about peanut butter, but will slather Vegemite on toast.  :not-again:
Came across several Aussies on vacation in SA.  Some of them had their jars of Vegemite with them for breakfast.  :boke:
Kirkhill said:
I knew you lot were uncivilized the first time I saw you smothering French Toast with powdered sugar and maple syrup.  Every civilized person knows that the correct topping for French Toast is Worcestershire sauce......

However, I have survived my distaste long enough to marry one of your syrup afficianados.  I can even tolerate peanut butter .... eaten by others.  ;D

A restaurant here served me pancakes with corn syrup, I advised the owner who was a recent immigrant that one of the few crimes in Canada that can lead to deportation is the use of corn syrup as a substitute for maple syrup. 
More about the RAF's non-combat role in the Iraq air campaign:

ITV news

RAF Tornados likely heading to Iraq in non combat role


The Tornado jets will not be used to strike targets however. Their role is likely to be one of surveillance rather than combat.

The two-man jets are equipped with RAPTOR pods (Reconnaissance Airborne Pod Tornado) which allows the Tornado pilot to transmit real-time, high quality images of the situation on the ground.

That information is likely to be used by American forces who are carrying out air strikes in the area.

Last night, an RAF C-130 transport plane had to abort its mission to air drop supplies to those fleeing Islamic militants on Mount Sinjar.

Defense News

BAE, UK Government Settle Agreement on New Patrol Vessels
Aug. 12, 2014 - 12:10PM  |  By ANDREW CHUTER  |

LONDON — The British government has firmed up an agreement with BAE Systems to build three large patrol vessels for the Royal Navy in a contract valued at £348 million (US $584 million).

The first of the 90-meter offshore patrol vessels will be delivered from BAE’s naval shipyards in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2017, and all three will be delivered by the end of 2018.

The warships are destined to undertake operations in home waters and globally in roles currently conducted by frigates and other larger vessels, such as anti-piracy, counter-terrorism and anti-smuggling.

The intention to purchase the warships was first announced by the government last November. Since then, long-lead item contracts have been placed on items such as engines and gearboxes to allow speedy completion of the first warship.

In part the patrol vessels are being constructed to fill the gap in work between completion of two aircraft carriers now in build and the start of the Type 26 frigate program.

Army reservist numbers fall again

The number of Army reservists fell in recent months, despite a campaign to boost their ranks from 19,000 to 30,000

UK Chinook helicopters to help in Iraqi aid mission

[IHS Janes's 360] - 13 August 2014

The helicopters are part of a growing UK commitment to help refugees fleeing Islamic State (IS) fighters around Mount Sinjar that has already seen airdrops of food and water by two Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules transport aircraft and a pledge to send an undisclosed number of Panavia Tornado GR.4 combat aircraft for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) duties.

While the government has not revealed any details of the Chinook deployment, except to say that the helicopters will also be used to ferry military equipment from other contributing nations to Kurdish forces in the region, UK media sources have said they will operate out of Royal Air Force (RAF) Akrotiri in Cyprus.

The UK currently operates 46 Chinook helicopters, and has received the first three of a further 14 ordered in 2011. Based at RAF Odiham in Hampshire, the Chinook force has been on constant operations since entering service in 1981. It has seen several stints in Iraq, including flying humanitarian relief to Kurds in the north of the country in the immediate aftermath of the first Gulf War in 1991.

That mission was dubbed Operation 'Safe Haven' (Operation 'Provide Comfort' was the name for the international mission), and was hosted out of Incirlik and Diyarbakir airbases in southern Turkey. RAF Akrotiri is somewhat further away from northern Iraq, and the proliferation of man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) in Syria would likely prohibit Chinook overflights of that country, meaning a more circuitous route through Turkey with refuelling stops along the way will be required. The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) told IHS Jane's that it would not comment on operational aspects of the mission.
Sir Mike is flapping again... Retired Hats... they never stop squawking!

I fear our panic stricken politicians are leading us into another bloody shambles in Iraq, says GENERAL SIR MICHAEL ROSE

By General Sir Michael Rose

General Sir Michael Rose led the UN forces in Bosnia

Amid the rising tide of horror stories coming from Iraq, there seems to be little constructive thought emerging from Western politicians on how to solve the political and humanitarian issues that confront the country.

Like panic-stricken rabbits caught in the headlights, our political leaders do not appear to know which way to go.

The only thing that they do know is that something must be done. But developing a viable, effective strategy against the brutal campaign of the Islamic State has, so far, clearly been beyond their competence.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2729438/I-fear-panic-stricken-politicians-leading-bloody-shambles-Iraq-GENERAL-SIR-MICHAEL-ROSE.html#ixzz3Ax10UNGz

With the British SAS back in Iraq, those ISIS jihadis will be sorry!

SAS high-tech hunt for the killers of James Foley:

'Significant force' of UK elite troops on ground in Iraq

The SAS and Special Reconnaissance Regiment have been deployed to Iraq
The elite soldiers have been tasked to hunt down Isis terrorist 'Jihad John'
A range of high-tech surveillance tools are being used to narrow the search 

PUBLISHED: 21:02 GMT, 23 August 2014 | UPDATED: 22:48 GMT, 23 August 2014
British Special Forces hunting the killer of James Foley are using an array of sophisticated equipment to track him down – and possibly free other hostages being held.

The Mail on Sunday has been given a detailed account of how elite troops from the SAS and the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) are conducting high-tech operations inside Syria and Iraq, which could lead to the capture of the extremists within days.

It is understood the true identity of Jihadi John has not yet been established and that the precise location where Mr Foley was executed – as seen in a video which shocked the world – remains unknown. However, according to sources, the SAS and SRR are closing in on their targets.


The Mail on Sunday has been told that in the past 48 hours a ‘significant force’ of SAS soldiers and signallers have deployed to northern Iraq, joining Iraqi and Kurdish units fighting IS.

They have separated into four-man teams and are accompanying local troops in an attempt to capture British jihadis, identify them and establish links to Jihadi John.

Once a British jihadi is in custody, samples will be taken of the suspect’s blood and DNA – vital in the case of UK extremists because the information can be matched to medical records. For identification purposes, a photograph is also taken of the iris – the visible coloured ring around the pupil – which is unique.


Read more at the source: Daily Mail
The SAS wont be taking prisoners I suspect.Meanwhile back in the UK the security services willl be working overtime tracking their wannabe jihadists.
tomahawk6 said:
The SAS wont be taking prisoners I suspect.Meanwhile back in the UK the security services willl be working overtime tracking their wannabe jihadists.

I would think it might make for some good reading in a few years.

I wish them well and I certainly hope they return safely. :salute:
Other British troops are also in Iraq, says this source:

Army Recognition

Monday, August 18, 2014 09:18 AM

British army soldiers from 2nd Battalion Yorkshire regiment are deployed in Iraq to fight IS militants.

British Army soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Yorkshire regiment were sent to Irbil, as RAF aircraft continued reconnaissance missions to help the fight against Islamic State (IS) militants. They were in the capital of Iraq's Kurdistan region for 24 hours to prepare the ground for a possible rescue operation by Chinook helicopters.