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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

Eye In The Sky said:
Personally, I find it disconcerting that there isn't a more unified, large scale effort to take these POS out as quickly and aggressively as possible.

That's a big part of the problem. No one can agree what the best COA is, and we pay far too much attention to the wishy washy lace panty wearers in ivory towers.
Remove collateral damage from the equation and we can kill all kinds of them and bomb them back to the stone age.

Collateral damage though, is the one thing that no world leader wants to be responsible for, hence the pussy footing bombing and fighting on the fringes.

All we're (Western Society) doing is chasing them around the desert from one place to another with no real effect.

Civilians have been killed in every war, to achieve victory. Why all of a sudden are we worried about it with these guys?
recceguy said:
Remove collateral damage from the equation and we can kill all kinds of them and bomb them back to the stone age.

Ummmm!  They are already in the "Stone Age".  I prefer the term "oblivion".
recceguy said:
Remove collateral damage from the equation and we can kill all kinds of them and bomb them back to the stone age.

Collateral damage though, is the one thing that no world leader wants to be responsible for, hence the ***** footing bombing and fighting on the fringes.

All we're (Western Society) doing is chasing them around the desert from one place to another with no real effect.

Civilians have been killed in every war, to achieve victory. Why all of a sudden are we worried about it with these guys?

Cuz, we have to live (and die) by the LOAC.  I do wonder if the time will come, however, that they push the West over the precipice and we do go ahead and start making glass or a Dresden out of a Raqqa or some other hell hole capital for ISIS types.
recceguy said:
Remove collateral damage from the equation and we can kill all kinds of them and bomb them back to the stone age.

Collateral damage though, is the one thing that no world leader wants to be responsible for, hence the pussy footing bombing and fighting on the fringes.

All we're (Western Society) doing is chasing them around the desert from one place to another with no real effect.

Civilians have been killed in every war, to achieve victory. Why all of a sudden are we worried about it with these guys?

I was going to reply but wasn't sure whether to take the post literally or not.

To borrow from another crusade (albeit Catholic vs Cathars)

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius
More to reinforce what was mentioned earlier about the need for immigration exit controls at our airports/border crossings/seaports:


Spy agency sees sharp increase in Canadians joining Islamic State

By David Ljunggren

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The number of Canadians leaving to join militant groups in Iraq and Syria such as Islamic State has increased 50 percent in the past few months, a senior security official said on Monday.

"The terrorist threat to Canada's national security interests has never been as direct or immediate," Michel Coulombe, head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service spy agency, told a Senate committee.


The total number of Canadians who have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight has jumped to 75 in the past three or four months from around 50 people, Coulombe said.

He did not give a reason for the increase or say how his agency got the information or why it did not stop the Canadians from leaving.

Last October, Coulombe said about 145 Canadians had traveled abroad to take part in terrorism-related activities during an unspecified period of time.

ISIL claims massacre of Ethiopian Christians in Libya

Unrelenting surge of migrants sees 93 survivors washed ashore in Greece as bodies in capsizing off Libya brought ashore

Anybody have indication connecting the dots on these two events?

It sounds like a "multifer" ((c) Kirkhill) for ISIL

Dead Christians on the beach
Dead Christians encourage Exodus of Live Christians and Undesirables
Money maker - charge Exodus for a chance on a leaky boat
Boat sinks
More Dead Christians etc
Survivors load up Europe with more "undesirables" (my apologies to the refugees)
Europe feels more guilt
Europe feels more threat
Europe can't decide and unify.

ISIL takes the Rubber.

jollyjacktar said:
Cuz, we have to live (and die) by the LOAC.  I do wonder if the time will come, however, that they push the West over the precipice and we do go ahead and start making glass or a Dresden out of a Raqqa or some other hell hole capital for ISIS types.

You're correct, IMO. No matter what our enemies do and how barbaric they are, we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard.....as difficult as that may be at times.
In line with the topic on "Why Europe keeps failing", this may be "Why Islam keeps failing":

George Wallace said:
In line with the topic on "Why Europe keeps failing", this may be "Why Islam keeps failing":


Where is this miraculous country where government employees only work 27 minutes a day, and are they hiring?
cupper said:
Where is this miraculous country where government employees only work 27 minutes a day, and are they hiring?

Not in the WEST.....He is talking about Muslim countries.
More Islamic-inspired terrorists targeting those who criticize their religion:


Gunmen killed at Dallas event on Prophet Muhammad cartoons

Two gunmen have been shot dead after opening fire outside a conference on cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a suburb of Dallas, US police say.

They drove to the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland as the event was ending, and began shooting at a security officer before being killed by police.

The bomb squad has been called in to search their vehicle for explosives.

The event, organised by a group critical of Islam, included a contest for drawings of the Prophet.

I like it.  A simple solution to homegrown terrorists.  Just like hunting deer, you use a bait station with some apples or in this case a cartoon contest...  >:D 
jollyjacktar said:
I like it.  A simple solution to homegrown terrorists.  Just like hunting deer, you use a bait station with some apples or in this case a cartoon contest...  >:D

Yeah, but the people woman who is behind the event a little bat poop crazy. Wonder what she thinks about Jade Helm 15?

Pamela Geller, the incendiary organizer of Texas ‘prophet Muhammad cartoon contest’


For those unfamiliar with Pamela Geller, she was in the news a few weeks ago for sponsoring an ad campaign across major U.S. cities with anti-Muslim posters saying, among other things, “Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah.”

On Sunday, she was in the news again for sponsoring a “Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest” in Garland, Tex., some 20 miles from Dallas, after which two suspects opened fire on a security guard before being shot and killed by police. Authorities did not immediately link the exhibit and the shootings, but Geller did, with vehemence.

But Geller drew national attention long before now. In 2009, she became a leader of the movement against a mosque in Manhattan. She told the New York Times she believed the only “moderate Muslim is a secular Muslim” and that when Muslims “pray five times a day … they’re cursing Christians and Jews five times a day.”

The wealthy housewife-turned-blogger has become one of America’s loudest voices against what she sees as the creeping “Islamization” of America. She is president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative as well as Stop Islamization of America.

Islamization, she has said, is not something that will happen overnight. “It’s a drip, drip, drip, drip,” she told the New York Times in 2010 as she waged war against the mosque at Ground Zero. “The mosque-ing of the workplace where you’re imposing prayer times on union contracts, non-Muslim workers have to lengthen their day. … These demands are a way of imposing Islam on a secular society.”

Such wild rhetoric prompted the Southern Poverty Law Center to add her group to its list of “hate groups,” calling her the “anti-Muslim movement’s most visible and flamboyant figurehead.”

“She’s relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims,” it said.

Heidi Beirich, head of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s watchdog division, told CNN on Monday that although Geller’s activities may fall within the bounds of the First Amendment, they are considered “cruel and unfair” because “she doesn’t make distinctions” between mainstream Islam and militant factions.

“They say I’m a racist, Islamophobic, anti-Muslim bigot,” Geller told the Village Voice in 2012. “I’m anti-jihad. … I don’t see how anyone could say I’m anti-Muslim. I love Muslims.”

Geller portrays herself as emerging straight from Ground Zero.

When terror struck, she has said, it did something to her. She started a blog. She posed in a bikini to rant about Islam. She advanced conspiracy theories about President Obama — he was the “love child” of Malcolm X, he was once involved with a “crack whore” and, as a child, he was a Muslim and he never renounced Islam.

But as the mosque controversy receded in memory, so did Pamela Geller. Then in January came the assault by Muslim gunmen on Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical newspaper, which claimed a dozen lives. Geller was back in the public eye.

In response, she decided to organize Sunday’s “Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest,” which would award a $10,000 prize to the “winning cartoon” depicting the prophet Muhammad.

“We decided to have a cartoon contest to show we would not kowtow to violent intimidation and allow the freedom of speech to be overwhelmed by thugs and bullies,” she told The Washington Post in an e-mail.

Many in Garland objected to the event. Some, including Muslims, said it was blasphemous. Others cited “public safety” concerns. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, however, decided to play it down. “We are not paying any attention to this at all,” Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR spokesman, told the Dallas Morning News. “The thing [Geller] hates most is being ignored.”

But Geller knew what she was getting into and would not be ignored.

“I expected that people would come to realize how severely the freedom of speech is threatened today, and how much it needs to be defended,” she told The Post. “We were prepared for violence.” Indeed, her group’s Web site said “we know the risks” and that the “exhibit has to be staged.”

“If we don’t show the jihadists that they will not frighten us into silence,” the site said, “the jihad against freedom will only grow more virulent.”

As Sunday’s show was coming to an end, two gunmen rolled up in a car and shot an unarmed security guard, police said. Two local police officers fired back. The incident left both gunmen dead, their bodies lying in the street for hours. The security officer was transported to a local hospital, treated and later released.

Although police said throughout the night that they did not know whether the shooting was related to the cartoon contest, Geller immediately announced that it was, calling it part of the “war on free speech.”

“The Islamic jihadis are determined to suppress our freedom of speech violently,” she told The Post.

“They struck in Paris and Copenhagen recently, and now in Texas. This incident shows how much needed our event really was. The freedom of speech is under violent assault here in our nation. The question now before is — will we stand and defend it, or bow to violence, thuggery and savagery?”

For Geller, it was her own Charlie Hebdo moment.

More From NPR:

5 Things To Know About The Organizers Of Muhammad Cartoon Contest


After two gunmen opened fire at the site of a Muhammad cartoon drawing contest Sunday night in Garland, Texas, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which organized the event, is once again in the spotlight.

Here are five things you should know about the group.

1. Anti-Islam or pro-free speech? The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, lists the American Freedom Defense Initiative as an "active anti-Muslim group."

The New-York-based AFDI says its goal is simply to "go on the offensive when legal, academic, legislative, cultural, sociological, and political actions are taken to dismantle our basic freedoms and values."

2. Pamela Geller is the group's executive director. Again, the SPLC describes her as "the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead."

Geller runs a website called Atlas Shrugs, which The New York Times says "attacks Islam with a rhetoric venomous enough that PayPal at one point branded it a hate site."

Geller, of course, doesn't think of it that way. In fact, in a speech delivered just before the contest for cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad opened, she defended her group's actions.

She referenced the January attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which was targeted over its own depictions of the prophet.

Geller said that over the years, she has seen an "abridgment of freedom of speech" and her group was gathered to counter that. She says that limiting speech that offends Muslims will hasten the march toward a Sharia state.

"We are here for freedom of speech," she said. "Everything else is a smear."

3. The group was recording as it received word of the shooting. A police officer in tactical gear delivered the news.

The crowd inside the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland went quiet, and as the police officer began to leave, someone shouted, "Was the suspect Muslim?" The video is here; we are not embedding it because it does feature drawings of Muhammad.

4. The group was last in the news over controversial subway ads. As we reported, the group took the New York Transit Authority to court and won the right to post controversial ads at 10 subway stations.

The ads read: "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man." In smaller letters, it added: "Support Israel. Defeat Jihad."

5. Geller is also the leader of the group Stop Islamization of America, which often acts in concert with the American Freedom Defense Initiative. If you remember, Stop Islamization of America led the fight against Park 51, a planned Muslim community center not far from the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York City.

Geller denounced the project as "the ground zero mega-mosque." On her blog she wrote:

"What could be more insulting and humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Center buildings brought down by Islamic attack?

"Worse still, the design is a mockery of the World Trade Center building design. Islamic jihad took down those buildings when they attacked, destroyed and murdered 3,000 people in an act of conquest and Islamic supremacism. What better way to mark your territory than to plant a giant mosque on the still-barren land of the World Trade Center? Sort of a giant victory lap. Any decent American, Muslim or otherwise, wouldn't dream of such an insult. It's a stab in eye of America. What's wrong with these people? Have they no heart? No soul?"
Oh, I'm sure she's more or less barking mad to some degree.  Those types usually are, which attract the opposite side of the coin types as was the case this time.  My comment on bait stations was more tongue in cheek, but you gotta admit.  The result was the same.  2 less HGT.
jollyjacktar said:
Oh, I'm sure she's more or less barking mad to some degree.  Those types usually are, which attract the opposite side of the coin types as was the case this time.  My comment on bait stations was more tongue in cheek, but you gotta admit.  The result was the same.  2 less HGT.

No argument here as to the outcome.
>The Southern Poverty Law Center

Find a more reputable source for spin.  The SPLC is like an ape in a zoo throwing shit at everyone who displeases it.  (Ben Carson?  Really?)
Here's one about the officer who took down the shooters.  Well done.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/05/us/texas-police-shooting-hero/

Texas shooting: Outgunned traffic officer stopped 2 attackers

(CNN)—It wasn't a fair fight.

On one side, you had two men in body armor, toting assault rifles and showing every willingness to open fire now and count their victims later. On the other, you had a security officer -- a traffic officer by day -- with a pistol.

Somehow, the officer won.

Authorities have not released the name of the overmatched Garland, Texas, police officer who stopped a pair of gunmen Sunday night outside that city's Curtis Culwell Center, where people had gathered at an event featuring controversial cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. But they have described what he did, actions that could be characterized as equal parts skillful, heroic and miraculous.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson lauded the police officer for having "acted quickly and decisively, and thereby likely (saving) a number of innocent lives."

"He did what he was trained to do," added Garland police spokesman Joe Harn. "And under the fire that he was put under, he did a very good job."

ISIS threatens attacks against the U.S.

Precedent for extremist attack

Authorities knew ahead of time that there could be trouble this weekend in Garland.

Many Muslims firmly denounce cartoons that depict Mohammed as offensive to their faith. And some extremists have turned to violence to express their opposition, by attacking those behind such drawings, as they did in the January massacre at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine and a February incident at a Copenhagen, Denmark, forum attended by Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks.

As if the Mohammed cartoons weren't enough to make Sunday's event a target, there was also the presence of its keynote speaker, Geert Wilders. The right-wing Dutch politician is on an al Qaeda hit list for his short film, "Fitna," which pairs disturbing images of terrorist acts with text from the Quran and recordings of incitements by extremist Islamic authorities.

The potential of a new attack was why the Garland police officer was at the convention center, which the Texas city's school district operates. He had plenty of company: Harn didn't specify the number of law enforcement officers on site, but did say the event's organizers paid $10,000 for beefed-up security.

"Garland police officers work at the convention center all the time as an off-duty job," Harn said. "And that was the case ... for everyone."

Gunmen 'started shooting at the police'

The officer who'd later be praised as a hero was parked in a patrol car in front of the first entrance, from the east, off Naaman Forest Boulevard into the center's parking lot. An unarmed Garland school district security officer sat in the car with him, ostensibly to check the identification of those coming in.

The event started, by all accounts, without a hitch around 5 p.m. (6 p.m. ET), and for nearly two hours nothing serious happened.

Until, that is, about 6:50 p.m., when a dark-colored vehicle pulled into the entrance the Garland officer and school district officer were blocking.

"When that car pulled up and stopped, those officers began to exit that vehicle and two men exited the dark-colored sedan," Harn said. "Both of them had assault rifles, came around the back of the car and started shooting at the police car."

Gunfire reverberated around the complex, from the two gunmen, and the armed officer.

A short time later, four members of a nearby SWAT team came in firing their high-powered rifles, according to a source familiar with the officers involved. But by the time they did, the Garland traffic officer was the only one standing.

The school district officer had been hit in the leg, according to Harn.

And the two attackers were already down on the ground by their car, having been shot by the traffic officer.

Within 15 seconds, the chaotic eruption was basically over.

Police vet: 'You cannot downplay what he did'


He had a .45-caliber Glock pistol, a much less powerful weapon than the rifles used by the attackers, who have since been identified by federal law enforcement officials as Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi.

"There's no advantage for a handgun over an assault rifle," said Dick Fairburn, a veteran law enforcement officer who is a columnist for PoliceOne.com. "An assault rifle has more distance, more accuracy, more power, more penetration.

"You cannot downplay what he did there."

Granted, the officer likely had on some sort of protective jacket. But Tom Fuentes, a former FBI assistant director and current CNN contributor, said that the thin Kevlar vests often worn by police would be useless against an assault rifle round that "will go through that like a hot knife through butter."

The same can't be said for bullets coming from the officer's pistol: The attackers' body armor likely would have blocked those.

Thus, aiming for the suspects' torso -- as officers are trained first to do, since it is their biggest possible target -- is no longer an option. But still, somehow, the traffic officer managed to down both men in seconds.

"It speaks to his skill level," Fairburn, who is a firearms trainer for law enforcement, said of the Garland officer. "In terms of weaponry, he was far outgunned. But he was far better trained."

Ex-FBI official: Naming cop could make him a target

Plenty of examples exist of officers who aren't so cool under fire, or at least not as accurate.

For all the mandatory firearms and other training police officers undergo -- from stationary targets to computer simulations to live exercises -- "you also have to have the composure and the concentration" to hit your target, Fuentes notes. It's one thing to aim at a cardboard target at a gun range; it's another to shoot straight when the targets are shooting back with assault rifles.

Clearly, the Garland police officer had his wits about him. Both Fuentes and Fairburn point out that hitting one suspect could be an accident, but not two.

So who is this officer? Fuentes believes we may not find out anytime soon because, the moment you identify him, you also put a target on his back (and perhaps those of his family members) that will stay there for years.

"I think that's why they're not (going) to parade him out," the ex-FBI official said. "...You have one heroic cop who kills two (Islamist extremist) soldiers. He needs to be cautious about not celebrating in the end zone."

Still, just because the officer hasn't been named, doesn't mean he hasn't been praised.

Zach Horn, a lawyer for the officers involved, said that if it weren't for their actions, "we'd be hearing a different kind of story."

"They faced death head-on," Horn said. "And, with incredible skill and bravery, (they) were able to save a lot of people."