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Shape129's latest activity

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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Same, so hopefully yours will be today or tomorrow
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Mine hit my bankaccount 12:30 last night
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    2 weeks? I can't see it taking that long but I've been wrong before
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Have you recieved the money though?
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Oh gotcha
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Do you have a case manager? If so I'd call them and see if they can look into it
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Yeah she said the payment was made Friday and I should have the money in 1-3 business days
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    I called this morning and mine has been released and just waiting for it to hit my bank account
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Day 45 here and planning my trip to Ottawa to walk into VAC hq and click the 2 buttons to release the funds myself cause they obviously...
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    Shape129 reacted to CountDC's post in the thread VAC wait times with Like Like.
    My letter was sent today and the deposit was made today. 44 days.
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    I don't think it will until the money hits your account
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Oh I got a whole ordeal going man my case manager is looking into My account cause it says I was paid but I wasn't and all sorts of crap...
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    I put my 1st claim in in Aug 2023 (after being out 5 years and refusing to believe I had a problem till my friend convinced me to reach...
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    Shape129 replied to the thread VAC wait times.
    Well the PSC has been removed FINALLY so should get the deposit soon thank God!