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Cadets- What Would You Change?


Staff member
Directing Staff
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As the new moderator I've decided to try and get some dialog going amongst the members.  So here is my question to you:

If you could change one thing in the Cadet Organization as a whole, what would it be, why, and what do you suggest as a fix.

For me, based on what I've seen lately, I'd have to go with awareness of what the Cadet Organization does.  I don't think there are enough community events where Cadets are involved, or get a chance to talk to "Joe Civvy".  I'd try to remidy this by making part of each Units evaluation markbased on the number of Community events where Cadets attended and participated.  Standing outside Walmart selling fund raiser items doesn't count.  Things such as visiting Retirement homes.  Serving at culteral events, being in local parades.  Sending a small group of Cadets to Cenotaphs that normally don't get any Military presence on Remberance Day etc...

Let's hear your ideas.  :sniper:
how about clean up of a wooded path adopted by the corps.
My Corp does all that stuff. We adopted a highway, March in everysingle parade our town has had, we did a clean up for 3 days at our towns music festival, and we get invited to openings of things, such as this years trade fair in our town. Our Corp is respected in our town and people know of all the good things we do (we are almost always in the paper) I think Cadets should get to do more military oriented things, such as going on tank and helicopter rides, getting to use Canadian Forces rifles such as the C7, etc. If Cadets can get a real picture of the Canadian Forces it would probably encourage them to join when they are older.
That‘s your corps officer‘s fault that you don‘t do any of that. I‘ve been on rides in Griffons, one ex the helicopter sqn came out in the bush with us along with our regiment and we got to use C-7‘s. In the CATOs it says you can fire blanks if you‘re on an approved ex with your affiliated unit. We go on ex.‘s with our reg‘t where we are issued w/ c7s and blanks (seniors 16+ years old only). One ex we also got smoke grenades. I‘d say the other things certain corps do but it would get them in trouble. As long as someone‘s willing to bend the rules you can do whatever you want.

If you‘re near a base you can book the range for c7‘s (we‘ve gone to the range a few times this year), the SAT computer range, obstacle course, mock tower, and rappel tower. You just have to ask.
You guys are lucky! Our affiliated unit is a medical unit so I dont know if we will get to do that sort of stuff. I will ask next year. Also whats the name of yur Corp Spacemarine?
You‘d probably have to go out with an infantry regiment to do the stuff we do. I know the armoured corps here gets to do similar stuff like fire the c-6‘s on the vehicles, .50‘s, etc. The only advantage I can see to having a medical unit as your affiliated unit would be all of the hotties!
Oh Ya! Go down and see some of those newly recruited young nurses :cool: ! Hopefully my corp will get to train with them.
its a sad shame i get to miss out on all those things because my CO‘s a flabbery old fool.

Have you passed some good (and realistic) ideas up the Chain of Command? Perhaps all your Corp needs is some good ideas to act on.
I would want Army Cadets to become actually ARMY. Cadets would learn tactics from their affiliated unit and use them on joint FTXs.

By the way, my affiliated unit is the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise‘s).
myself an a few other cadets(mostly my sergeant buddies) have been "requesting" a garrison excercise for over 4 months.
the chain hears our pleas but have had no luck (or whatnot) in getting something together.
a garrison is when 3 or 4 differant corps get together for a weekend and train.

:tank: :tank: :cdn: :tank: :tank:
i think we should put the ranks back to normal, its better to get rank if you deserve it
OK -

I realize this was started by a Mod (back in 2001)...but do we have to really dig up old threads just so cadets can post their gripes with the system?

My .02 cents
MCpl Jackson said:
i think we should put the ranks back to normal, its better to get rank if you deserve it

Care to clarify?  If you are referring to the Pte and Cpl auto promotions...It is the same military...after you become trained you become a Private and after 2 years with the regiment I believe it is you become a Cpl..the rest are based upon qualification and merit.
Take it up with your officers not CPL Burrows your Moderator and an internet forum...and I can guarantee that if you say "well Corporal Burrows Moderator on Army.ca said this...they will laugh at you"