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Jim Prentice killed in plane crash

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Army.ca Veteran
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CTV News Montreal just announced that former Alberta premier Jim Prentice was just killed in an airplane crash in B.C.

He was not nicknamed Gentleman Jim for nothing, having refused to do dirty politics his whole life.

He will be missed.

Condolences to the family and friends.
Effing hell. The Cessna Citation that went down in Alberta had Jim Prentice onboard. We have lost a good one.

Holy crap - usual "initial reports" caveats apply ...
Former Alberta premier and Canadian federal cabinet minister Jim Prentice has died in a plane crash in British Columbia, local media reported on Friday.

Authorities could not immediately confirm the news. But Canada's Transportation Safety Board and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said they were investigating the wreckage of a downed aircraft that was traveling to Calgary, Alberta, which crashed shortly after its takeoff from Kelowna, British Columbia, on Thursday night.

Local media reported the plane was a corporate jet and four people on board had died.

"Several resources were immediately dispatched to the jet’s last known location," said RCMP spokesman Corporal Dan Moskaluk, "RCMP investigators located the crash site approximately 4 km into a heavily wooded area north of Beaver Lake Road east of Lake Country." ...
More via Google News here.
Brihard said:
Effing hell. The Cessna Citation that went down in Alberta had Jim Prentice onboard. We have lost a good one.

RIP. Condolences to his family.

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This from the PM:
“I was deeply saddened to learn that former Alberta Premier Jim Prentice was killed in a plane crash last night in British Columbia.

“Jim Prentice brought his deep convictions to everything he turned his hand to, whether it was law, business, or politics. At each step of his career, he worked tirelessly for the people of Canada and Alberta – both as a federal minister in several different portfolios, and later, as Premier of the province.

“He was broadly respected in the House of Commons – across all party lines – for his intelligence, commitment, and honest straightforward approach on tough issues. I greatly enjoyed the time I spent working closely beside Jim in the House, and know that he will be missed by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

“Today, we mourn the passing of a great Canadian. His legacy will live on in the work he did for Albertans and for all Canadians – particularly in the important role he played in finalizing the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement – and through his daughters, who he loved dearly and was incredibly proud of. 

“On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to his family and friends and to the loved ones of all those who perished in this tragic accident.”
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