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Houthi Red Sea Blockade

I would have KSA push South along the coast, building a 4 lane paved road as they go. This will change the flow of goods and make logistics easier. It also moves the road further from the mountains making it harder for the Houthis to cut. There is a southern road but it is less than 17km from the mountains. Employ a lot of Yemenis to do the road work.
As long as they have coastal access and control of the ports, they will be a problem. Remove those two and they will not have the resources to be a international problem. Also pour more money into the legitimate government coffers and force them to spend a lot of it on mass labour projects that improve infrastructure, so the people under government control get more money and services, while the Houthi are running out of money and arms.
I wonder at what point the Egyptians are going to use the two Mistral to launch amphibious attacks onto the Houthi's?

Wouldn't be the first time Egypt got involved in Yemen:

I would have KSA push South along the coast, building a 4 lane paved road as they go. This will change the flow of goods and make logistics easier. It also moves the road further from the mountains making it harder for the Houthis to cut. There is a southern road but it is less than 17km from the mountains. Employ a lot of Yemenis to do the road work.
The last time KSA went in to Yemen, they did not have a great time.
Quite aware of the history. KSA, along with Egyptian and US support can take the coastal areas down to Port of Hodiaeh. Trying to go after the Houthi into the mountains is a bad idea. But if the Houthis lose the coast and Ports, they will eventually have to come to the table and if KSA offers protection to them (They are Shiite), things might settle down to a Yemenis norm of tribal raids and blood feuds.
... which they purchased from us ;)

And the anti war or pro Houthi brigades had a field day with IIRC - big bad Saudis picking on poor Houthis....
I wonder at what point the Egyptians are going to use the two Mistral to launch amphibious attacks onto the Houthi's?

honestly surprised that this has continued. 60% drop is big i wonder if it stabilizes at that. Not a big deal for us perhaps other than tying up ships and containers. But for Europe/Gulf/Asia they have to be seeing the costs

cut a deal with the Houthis, split the country again, recognizing the reality on the ground and the power of asabiyyah, read/watch Dune and call it a day

KSA tried that post war with no success. The Houthis leadership seem convinced of their physical and moral superiority over everyone. Despite being entirely dependent on Foreign Aid.
I was looking at a news report and Taylor Swift tour generated around 2.2 billons, that's likely far more than the GDP of Houthi Yemen before the attacks.
The challenge fighting the Houthi, is that the only real important infrastructure is the port and fuel farms, which have a civil/military use. The Israelis have taken most of that out already, with only two tugs left to help dock aid ships. Also I suspect the HUMINT is far more sparse, making it hard to target weapon storage and leadership.

Eventually the west will need to aid the government forces in securing the ports and coastline. Followed quickly with aid and rebuilding using local labour to secure the population. the government will need money to buy off the various tribes and keep them bought, slowly isolating the Houthi back into their mountains.